Tips For Making Your Luggage Carrying A Little Easier

*Collaborative post.

Tips For Making Your Luggage Carrying A Little Easier picture

When it comes to getting up and heading off to a new land – albeit for only a week or two – there are a bunch of things that come into play. You need to have every formality handled, you need to be mentally prepared, and you need to make sure everything is packed. There are many other factors that come into play, but those three are pretty significant for holidaymakers and travellers alike. 

The point about packing is and will always be one of the most important issues for someone travelling to another part of the world. It can be quite a tedious affair, and you can be left annoyed if you don’t get everything right. Packing and making sure you’ve taken what you need is one thing, but the process of hauling it all around for miles and miles isn’t something everyone enjoys either. It’s all worth it when you reach the destination, but shifting the luggage around isn’t fun, right? 

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be as grueling as perhaps you might think. There are a few little tricks you can do to lower the strain on this particular workout. Here are a few ideas for you:


Plan Your Routes Out Beforehand  

If you know where you’re going, then you don’t have to worry about going the long way round when it comes to finding wherever it is you’re staying (or heading to next). Knowing a few shortcuts or being able to get to where you want to without hesitating is always going to be a bonus. Also, look at public transport routes as they’ll do you a huge favor – anything that means less carrying for you would be delightful. 


Don’t Pack Impulsively 

The more you have in your small or large cases will determine how difficult the journey will be, of course. If you have lots of essentials, then, by all means, pack them. If you’re feeling a little generous and want a few more luxury items on board, perhaps you should rethink and double-check what you’re doing. Sometimes a few things can stay at home!


Look For Something That’s Nice On The Hands 

When it comes to actually bringing in a suitcase to carry your items in, perhaps you should look at the ergonomic value of it. Something that costs very little or something that looks nice might work for you, but the novelty might wear off quickly when you realize that it’s not helping your poor fingers or spine. 


Find A Place To Store!

You don’t have to carry your luggage absolutely everywhere you go. Fortunately, there are places in big towns and cities alike that will take your stuff and store it for a reasonable fee. Places like stasher have properties scattered all over the place, and that will absolutely help you if ever you feel you need a rest!


Build Up A Little Strength! 

We’ll end on this small point. It’s something that will be able to help you with these particular issues, but it’s also something that can serve you well going forward, too. If you make yourself a little stronger than you are now, then you’re going to handle this kind of physical challenge a little easier. You’ll be mentally prepared for it a little better, too!


The 3 don’ts for a healthy body mindset

Many of us have added a bit a weight in this lockdown. It is tricky to stay active indoors, especially when you have no where to go. I am quite conscious of my weight. I know when I have added a few pounds and I don’t need to weigh myself to check this. Extra weight is something I can feel because I am so in tune with my body. I haven’t added any weight in this lockdown because I eat right, stay active and I usually don’t put on weight to be honest. If anything, I tend to lose more than I gain, which is something I am also working on.

the 3 don'ts for a healthy body mindset Image

The 3 don’ts for a healthy body mindset

It is super easy to get obsessed with your weight. I know many people who weight themselves regularly to make sure they have not added a few pounds. It is fine to keep track off your weight but you also need to ensure you don’t get obsessed with it all. Here are a few don’ts for a healthy body mindset.

Don’t count your calories

This is something I have never done but I know a few people who count the calories in everything they eat. I think that is taking the whole weight management thing overboard. It is not ok to count the calories in everything you eat especially when you are not overweight.

Don’t compare yourself with celebrities or influencers

This is easily done thanks to social media and blogs, but it is a big no-no because comparison is the thief of joy. Comparing yourself to those with the “perfect body” will do put body mindset no favours. Focus on yourself and stop comparing to achieve a healthy body mindset.

Don’t weight yourself 5 times a day

Worrying over how much weight you have put on will not help you in away. It is fine to weight yourself sometimes while trying to lose but weighing yourself everyday is a no-no, and so is weighing yourself 5 times a day.

At the end of the day, loving all parts of yourself is the most important thing. You should make sure you do what is best for your mental and physical health, and keeping an eye on your right is very important. However, there is a thin line between keeping tabs of your weight and being outright obsessive. It is best to not cross that line for a healthy body mindset.

Have a great week.


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