Is Fashion Blogging Still Profitable?

Fashion blogging was a big deal back in the day. I remember scrolling multiple fashion blogs many years ago, soaking in all the stylish content.  I enjoyed reading blogs, especially those with fashion and style content. Some of my favs were Fashion Bomb Daily, She Wears Fashion, The Blonde Salad, and the likes. It was always interesting to see what these style bloggers, and which style pieces and accessories were trending. My interests have changed in the last few years. I have not visited any of these fashion sites in more than 5 years. To be honest, I am not even sure if some of these blogs still exist.

Having said that, I still love fashion but I am not as into it as I was before. I still love reading, but I now only read non-fiction books. Times have changed and so has my taste, and I am sure the same can be said for many. Life would be so dull if we all stayed the same….

Style Bloggers Cheshire UK Image

Is Fashion Blogging Still Profitable?

Many wonder if fashion blogging is still profitable and my I think it is. It all depends on how passionate you are about creating regular stylish content, and what you perceive as profitable. What Fashion Blogger A may call good income, may be peanuts to Fashion Blogger B. What may be considered profitable for one may not work for another. I know many fashion bloggers have tweaked their own blogs so they can share other types of content, and I also know many who have stopped blogging altogether.

When I started Fashion and Style Police in 2012, it was meant to be a creative outlet for my stylish ideas. I was on a very different path then and I truly enjoyed fashion blogging. Over the years, the blog name stayed but the blog evolved to be more of a lifestyle blog, and it started to generate regular income and I have discovered that the evergreen content keep generating income.

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Show me the money

Fashion blogging is still profitable. Many fashion bloggers are full-time bloggers with steady income coming in, so it is doable but it’s a lot. You have to be passionate about your blog and be creative enough to create regular blog posts to attract sponsorship from brands. Also, you have to utilise social media to spread the word and create income. Many bloggers make more money from social media ads than from their own blogs, so having a strong social media presence is crucial if you are looking to make money as a blogger.

Having said, full-time blogging is not for everyone. I was a full-time blogger for many years and I can say I am in a much better place. My blog is now a side gig and I have a full-time j0b, which provides the much needed stability. I won’t change my full-time blogging years for anything though. I learnt a lot about being self-employed and being my own boss. It gave me a lot of freedom for when I needed it the most and I picked up a lot of life lessons on the way. Fashion blogging is profitable and highly recommend for those who have it in them.

Do you enjoy reading fashion blogs?


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