Lifestyle tips for Glowing Skin

Finding the right skincare can feel like a game in a way. As we age, our skin changes, and skincare products that used to work so well may no longer be the right fit. To find the  right skincare products, you may have to test a good few. I have played around with a few skincare brands in the last few years. Some have been a better fit than others but what I noticed with my skin was, at first the new skincare products would work amazingly well, at least for the first couple of weeks, and then they would stop being as effective.

Skincare blog image

When it comes to lifestyle changes to make for glowing skin, I have had to learn when it comes to skincare, and I am still learning, but I have been able to pick up some up great lifestyle tips for glowing skin in my quest. Here are three of my favourite skincare tips –

Use a gentle facial cleanser twice a day

Washing your face twice a day with a gentle facial cleanser is the first step in any skincare routine. You want to pick the right facial cleanser for your skin type so it doesn’t dry out your face or cause any breakouts. I have used a few cleansers and I have found that the more gentle the facial cleanser, the better it is for my skin. Vegan formulas are the only skincare products I use, so the gentle facial cleanser has to be Vegan friendly for me to try it.

Exfoliate at least once a week

When it comes to exfoliating, I usually aim for once a week. I know many beauty pros recommend exfoliating three times or more a week, but that sounds like a lot. My skin is quite sensitive and can be prone to breakouts sometimes, so I am always really careful with skincare treatments. Exfoliating more than once may be right for your skin but just be careful not to over exfoliate so as not to damage your natural skin barrier.

Use a toner twice a day

Using a toner every time you cleanse is important. Toners keep the skin hydrated and also aid the absorption of facial creams, moisturisers and serums. As always, I opt for toners with Vegan formula. I have recently discovered some amazing Vegan skncare products, and I will be sharing my thoughts on them soon.

Do you have any Vegan skincare brands you are into?

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