How we are surviving the heatwave

It has been very warm these last few weeks in the UK. Many wonder why we Brits go on and on about the heatwave and the reason is because this is not our usual weather. We usually have a few days of extreme warmth in the summer months. Nothing as warm as what we are currently experiencing, which is why we are not prepared for it.


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Many homes like ours do have fans to cool down but they don’t help much when it gets dead HOT! I was born in Africa, so extremely warm weather conditions are not new to me. Having said that we are better prepared for them with air conditioners, strong fans and weather appropriate furniture, unlike here in the UK.

So how are we surviving this heatwave?


Blackout Blinds and Curtains

Our blackout blinds are helping us stay sane. They shut out the sunlight and help keep the room cool. I have them down all day and it helps us say cool. We also have blackout curtains and they also help massively too. I wonder how we would have coped without them in this heatwave. It would have been unbearable.

If you are after great blackout blinds or curtains, then you should have a look on Direct Blinds website. They have stock amazing blinds, curtains and even shutters.


Plenty of Cold Drinks and Snacks

I am usually not a fan of ice creams but I must confess, I have been taking quite a lot of them in the last few weeks. Cold drinks and snacks help keep me sane. Our freezer is currently stocked with ice creams, ice lollies, ice creams and lots of drinks.


Lots of Sunscreen

We never leave the house without applying lots of sunscreen to protect our skin from the harsh weather. Our hats and sunglasses always go out with us too!


Stay Indoors and Cool Baths

We stay indoors pretty much and only go out if we have to. So no long walks at the moment. Just school runs and anywhere else that is important. Having regular cool baths also helps lower body temperature.


Wear Weather Appropriate Clothes

Wearing the right clothing helps massively. We dress as lightly as possible, avoiding dark colours as they absorb more heat. Wearing loose-fitting, lightweight, and lightly colored clothing to stay cool and stylish this heatwave.


Is it dead warm where you are? How are you surviving the heatwave?


*Collaborative post.


Spring Home Works

It is freezing in Cheshire. We even had some snow the other day, and it doesn’t look like this chill is leaving anytime soon. I am looking forward to spring now. It feels like this winter has gone on for ages; I am badly in need of some warmer weather and some sunshine.

I am always in the mood to do some spring cleaning during the spring season. Guess there is something about the weather that makes me want to move things around in the house.


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Here are some things I would love to get done around the house this spring.


Do some garden work

Our garden has been abandoned pretty much for the whole of winter. I have hardly stepped into it because of the extreme cold. So we plan to make up for that this spring. We have a few garden work to carry out, and I hope we get them all done this year. If we had an unlimited budget, I would love to get an extension with some quality aluminium roof lanterns to extend our ground space. An extension would open up our ground floor space and I can imagine what I would do with that sort of space right now.


Install some blackout blinds

I would love to get some blackout blinds installed in time for spring/summer, in addition to our curtains. They would beautify the rooms, adding a bit more character to them. I have a few designs in mind already, thanks to Pinterest, and I can’t wait to get started.



Decluttering our entire house is on my to-do list. We have so much junk I need to get rid of, and I have started listing preloved items on eBay already. I like to declutter every 3 months. With the kids growing so quickly, there always clothes to get rid of. Plus, our shed is bursting with items that are badly in need of a new home.


Update some decor

Updating our decor is high on my to-do list as well. I am looking to update some of our decor in some of the rooms. I know we need a clock and some cushions for sure. And I am looking to get some more character to the rooms, so will be on the lookout for some quirky decorations.


Bathroom upgrade

The bathtub needs some work done. A part needs replacing and we need to get some wall tiles done too. I am hoping we make a head start on this work sometime this spring and hopefully finish up before the end of summer.


Do you have any spring home works planned?


*Collaborative post.




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