Read 52 books a year challenge

*Affiliate links and Collaborative post.

Last year, I read 52 books and I couldn’t believe I actually smashed my reading goals! The plan was to read a book a week, and share the title of the book on social media every week. I was ahead on some weeks, and some weeks I was so behind. The year ended with me not be able to share the names of the last 4 books I read last year, because it was a 6 in 1 book, and there was no time to share all of them during the festive period when I was pretty much offline. I enjoyed the reading challenge.


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The books I read are all non-fiction, and each book teaches me something new. I am glad I enjoy reading so much. It is one of the last things I do before I go to sleep. I enjoy reading a good book on my Amazon Kindle before dozing off on my king size bed. It is a super relaxing way to end the day. I sleep better when I read prior to dozing off!

I think having a comfy bed also helps and I recommend you check out King size beds from Bed Guru. Quality sleep is very important for your wellbeing, which is why you need to pay special attention to your bed, bedding and your night routine.


Read 52 books a year challenge

I am starting off the year with this amazing book – Dodging Energy Vampires: An Empath’s Guide to Evading Relationships That Drain You and Restoring Your Health and Power by Christiane Northrup. It is a great book that teaches you how to protect yourself as an empath. I have learnt some new tips and I will be trying them in the next few days. The book is packed with so many wise words, it is definitely worth a read.


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Dodging Energy Vampires: An Empath’s Guide to Evading Relationships That Drain You

Here is a brief description of the book –

In Dodging Energy Vampires, Christiane Northrup, M.D., draws on the latest research in this exciting new field, along with stories from her global community and her own life, to explore the phenomenon of energy vampires and show us how we can spot them, dodge their tactics, and take back our own energy. You’ll delve into the dynamics of vampire-empath relationships and discover how vampires use others’ energy to fuel their own dysfunctional lives. Once you recognize the patterns of behavior that mark these relationships, you’ll be empowered to identify the vampires in your life too.



I finished reading this book and I am now reading another book from the best-selling author. This is my second book of the year and it is titled – Making Life Easy. It is a great read so far. I am seriously learning from Christiane Northrup, and I can’t wait to finish the book! It is filled up with wise words for healthy living on every page. A must read for every woman, if you ask me.


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Making Life Easy

Here is a brief description of the book –

Dr. Northrup explores the essential truth that has guided her ever since medical school: our bodies, minds, and souls are profoundly intertwined. Making life flow with ease, and truly feeling your best, is about far more than physical health; it’s also about having a healthy emotional life and a robust spiritual life. When you view your physical well-being in isolation, life can become a constant battle to make your body “behave.” When you acknowledge the deep connection between your beliefs and your biology and start to tune in to the Divine part of yourself, it’s a whole new ballgame —and the first step in truly making your life easy.



I am looking forward to the 50 other books I will be reading on my Amazon Kindle this year. What are you reading? Are you doing the read 52 books a year challenge?


6 Ways To Become A Better Person

*Collaborative post.

Let’s face it: we’ve all made mistakes in our lives. There isn’t a single person on the planet that can claim to be perfect. Still, one thing we can do is learn from our mistakes and hopefully avoid repeating them in the future. At some point in our lives, we’ll sit back and reflect on what we’ve done, and ponder the things we are yet to accomplish in life.

The thing about achieving goals in life is that we can only do so if we are true to ourselves, and we carry out our actions to the best of our abilities. Sometimes, though, we might need to re-evaluate what we do. You might not realize it, but there are some things you could change in your life to help you be a better person. By making a few small changes in your life, you’ll find empowered to achieve almost anything! Here’s what you can do:


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Be content with what you’ve got

While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to improve things in your life, some folks get carried away and aren’t happy with what they’ve got. They always want more, and when they get more, it’s still not good enough for them.

You should be more content with what you’ve got in life because there are many individuals that don’t have even a fraction of what you enjoy daily. Life isn’t about keeping up with your neighbors, being the trendiest person in town, or earning millions of dollars. Many of us are guilty of being very materialistic. We sometimes forget about the things we’ve got that we should be thankful for in life. It’s important to be thankful for what we’ve got and to not feel dissatisfied with all that we’ve achieved.


Do things that make you happy

The last thing you want to do is be a person that is always unhappy with their life. You may not know it, but many unhappy souls out there feel the way they do for one reason in particular. They only devote their time to making other people happy, and rarely do anything that makes themselves feel the same way!

It’s important to have a balanced work and personal life. But, it’s even more crucial to devote some time to yourself regularly and do the things that make you feel happy in life. We all have hobbies and pastimes that interest us in our spare time. Make sure you aren’t forgetting about yours, or rather devoting time to them each day or week.


Keep your health and appearance in check

Following on from the previous section about happiness, the only way you’ll have a chance to do so is if you’re feeling in good spirits. If you’re always feeling fatigued, ill, or have a lack of interest in doing anything, it’s time to get a medical check-up.

On a separate note, you’ll also feel good about yourself and more inclined to do things if you’ve got a lot of confidence. The thing is something that can often cause low self-esteem is when we aren’t taking pride in our appearance. So, if you want to give yourself a new you with a dental makeover or a change of hairstyle, go for it. You won’t just feel better about yourself, you’re also making yourself a better person!


Set aside time to cultivate your religious connections

It’s likely you are here on this website because you are religious and find strength in God. Of course, life has a habit of getting in the way of maintaining our spiritual and religious connections. With that in mind, another way you can become a better person is by cultivating your religious links with God.

There are many ways where you can strengthen your bond with God. For example, you can spend more time praying, reading Bible verses, and reflecting on how you can be a more kinder, caring person.

Also, one of the most common themes across all religious, irrespective of whether you are Christian or not, is love. It’s important to love both your friends and enemies alike. Hate is a negative theme and never brings the best out in people. As such, if you spend part of your life hating others, you can’t easily let the love inside of you shine through.


Listen to what others have to say

Something that many of us are guilty of is spending most of our time talking and very little of it listening to others! It’s no secret that the way we learn about anything in life is from listening to what other people have to say.


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When we wish to learn a new skill or more about a particular topic, we listen to a teacher or someone knowledgeable on the subject. And when we wish to understand and empathize other people, we listen to what’s troubling them.

Giving other people a voice in life is one of the best things you can do as a person. It’s also one of the foundations of being a good person. If you’re guilty of talking too much, give your voice box a rest and let someone else do the talking! You’ll discover and learn all kinds of interesting facts and stories, both about people you know and the world around you.


Help those less fortunate than yourself

Many people in the world end up in desperate situations for various reasons. It’s easy for us as humans to judge one another. But, it’s sometimes challenging to recognize when we should help those less fortunate than ourselves.

There are many ways that you can help other people in your daily life. For example, the simple act of giving up your seat on the bus for a frail and elderly person. Or you could volunteer in a local community center to help those in need by offering practical help. The more that you help other people, the better a person you will feel and become.


How to clean your wooden furniture

*Collaborative post.

Wooden furniture is easy and affordable to maintain. I love have wooden furniture in our home as they are so child friendly. When you have a growing family, the first thing you need to do is to make sure your house is child friendly and it is a lot easier to do when you have wooden furniture, unlike when your home is filled with glass furniture.

I recently came across Sheesham Furniture range and it is an excellent example of a beautiful wood furniture range. The lovely collection is made from highest quality Indian Sheesham and it is filled with a variety of great looking furniture, from bookcases to coffee tables. There is a piece of furniture for everyone in the range.


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If you have wooden furniture and you are wondering how best to clean your wooden furniture, here are some cleaning tips you may find very handy.


Start with a damp microfiber cloth

Microfibre cloth is so useful. I always make sure I have some of them in my kitchen cupboard for when I need to clean. Always start cleaning your wooden furniture by wiping with a damp microfibre cloth to get rid of dust and dirt. The cloth should just feel damp and not wet so you don’t damage your furniture. Once you wipe with a damp microfibre cloth, you need to quickly wipe the furniture again with a dry cloth to remove any wetness.


Use dish washing liquid

Dish washing liquid can be used in other ways in the home apart from washing dishes. I always add them to my cleaning cloth when I need to quickly clean a messy part in our house and it works great. To get rid of dirt and grime, add a few drops of dish washing soap with some water. That usually gets rid of any gummy or sticky residue. Once the area is clean, wipe again with a dry cloth to get rid of any wetness.


Avoid polish sprays on wooden furniture

Polish sprays smell great and may clean very well but they are not best when it comes to cleaning wooden furniture because they usually leave a residue. However, you can apply a good wood furniture polish sparingly to add some shine. Polishing your wood a few times a year is ideal. Always ensure you do your cleaning in a well ventilated room, especially when you are using cleaners or sprays.


Are you a fan of wooden furniture? What are your thoughts?








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