My Ladmiration



When last did you tell your man how good he looked? When last did you give your father, brother, son or boyfriend, or any male figure in your life a nice compliment? Some of us women think the fashion industry is all about us, and we sometimes tend to ignore the men in our lives as far as fashion is concerned. Wearing the right clothes and accessories could do wonders to anybody’s confidence. Clothes have the power to give us all an instant boost, improve our moods, and make us feel good. I guess that is why the fashion industry is doing so well, most of us spend a fortune in the shops instead of spending it at the doctors.

A research recently carried out by Jacamo, reveals that almost half of British men experience ‘Manxiety’, due to an increase in body confidence issues. 40% of men suffer from manxiety, with the top reason being teasing from friends. Almost half (48%) desperately want to lose weight, with 16% seeing unrealistically attractive men with good bodies in the media as the reasoning behind lack of body confidence. Almost half are not happy with the way they look, 61% of guys agreed that wearing the right clothes makes them feel more confident, while 35% of men say being complimented gives them a confidence boost.

Our men can go around looking so good, but without us telling them, and them continuously getting teased by friends, they may have no clue, how good they look. Check out the video below featuring Freddie Flintoff and Jack Whitehall, as they talk about male body confidence issues (Jack’s big nipples and heartburn during sex) and how guys can help each other deal with their ‘manxiety’.




This video has made me aware of how much the men folk need to receive more compliments. I mean, I am so guilty, I don’t tell my husband how good he looks half of the time, I pay more attention to myself and expect to receive compliments, but never actually give him compliments. So today, I dedicate this post to M, my Ladmiration, you looked really sharp in your suit today, and I think you have got great style and charisma.

What are your thoughts on this subject? Do you dish out compliments enough? You can read more about this issue and join in the conversation using the hashtag – #Ladmiration on Twitter, a lot of people are airing their views o this subject. You can also check the Jacamo website for examples of bloke approved compliments, and help fight manxiety.

Thanks for reading.


*This is a collaborative post.


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