Organizing your Wardrobe this Autumn

Autumn is here pretty much here. So that means it is time to get the warm clothing out in time for the chilly season. Organizing your wardrobe this autumn is a must for me. It is the only way I think straight, as far as style is concerned.

Here are a few tips you may find useful if you are planning on preparing your wardrobe for new chilly season.


Have a Clear Out

I like to have a good wardrobe clear out after every season. The clear out session is always very ruthless. I lay all I have on my bed and take decide on what stays and what goes. This allows me to take a good look at my wardrobe, so I have a good idea of what clothing and accessories I do have. It also allows me to see the pieces I don’t like or that no longer fit. Having a clear out allows me get rid of the items that need to go, which will in turn creates room for items I do need.

Apart from how much the clear out helps my personal style, I also find them very therapeutic. Living a clutter-free life is so good for the state of mind.




Organising the wardrobe for autumn image




Once the clear out is done, old season’s clothing and accessories go into storage in our mini attic. It is currently impossible to have all my clothing in my wardrobe, so storage makes my life a lot easier.


Fill up the Gaps

Once the clear out is done, and the excess is kept in storage, there are usually gaps in my wardrobe that need filling. So I usually get a few pieces and accessories here and there. I always ensure I shop smart in order for my clothes to work hard for me.



Autumn Fashion Image



Arrange the Clothes in Order

I like to arrange my clothes in order. So for autumn/winter, I would have jumpers and sweaters in a section, cardigans and shawls in another section, and it goes like that. Having my clothes in order allows me to see what I have and decide on what I want to wear quickly. Having a disorganised wardrobe gives me a migraine.


How are you organizing your wardrobe for autumn/winter season? Is your wardrobe in order? Please drop your comments in the comments section below.

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day.




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