5 Fashion Pieces I Hate

So these 5 fashion pieces I hate post has been a long time coming. I can eat and drink fashion and style. Dressing up makes me feel alive, confident and empowered. I enjoy playing dress up and my daughter does too! I guess the apple does not fall too far from the tree eh?



Fashion pieces image



There are a few fashion pieces I don’t like, and there are some that I do have a love/hate relationship with. Here are a few of the fashion pieces I hate.


Harem pants

There was a time in the 80’s when harem pants were very popular. Years later they found their way back and are now in vogue kind of. Many women love them. They are comfortable and give a different perspective to style. I can’t stand them. They remind me of Aladdin! I don’t like the style of them at all, and I think it looks weird.


High-waist jeans

Apart from being really fashionable, high-waist jeans are a lifesaver for many women, especially those who don’t have really long legs. They help to elongate their legs and give people the impression that their proportions were well-distributed. Having said that, I am not a fan of high-waist jeans at all, and that is why I have none in my wardrobe. They remind me of mom jeans and I do not like those either. Plus I don’t think this fashion piece would do anything for my body shape.


Strapless tops and dresses

On those very hot summer days, strapless tops and dresses help us stay cool and look trendy at the same time. Now, I have a love and hate relationship with strapless tops and dresses. I admire them on others. I think they look good, depending on the design. But I rather go for pieces with straps. I just feel more comfortable and secure having the straps on.


Crop Tops

Even when I had a very flat belly, I was never a fan of crop tops. I found them very childish and not befitting. I do admire crop tops on others sometimes, but it is not a fashion piece I can ever see myself wearing.


Shapeless long dresses

Maxi dresses are lovely and very comfortable fashion pieces. They can make us look taller and feel really elegant in them, but I find them unflattering and shapeless. I feel them swallow me up!


What do you think of these fashion pieces I hate? Is there any piece you hate here? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.


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