Preserving Memories Through Photography

When I was younger, I hated having my pictures taken. It just felt weird. I was like this until I got into university for my first degree. Anyone that knew me well enough then knew I hated taking photographs with me in it. I gradually grew out of this and started loving photography. Now that I think of it, I think it’s all down to confidence. I didn’t feel confident enough to pose and take a photo. I felt I never looked good in them, so I avoided photography completely. Which is so weird to think of now as I am a blogger and take photographs almost everyday.

I love that my kids like taking pictures. They have loved the camera right from when they were babies. They are always camera ready. And they never get tired of taking selfies on any phone they can lay their little hands on. That could be because they are forever watching me taking photos, so they are mirroring that act right back. Which is why we have to be cautious of how we live our lives around our children because they are paying attention.


Photography image



I recently came across CanvasChamp online and I got this canvas done. For those who have never heard of CanvasChamp, they offer premium quality Canvas Prints at the lowest price in the UK. It is a great brand with the most amazing service. I found their website very easy to navigate. Placing this order was very straightforward.

I have been dying to get some my pictures printed and some framed. So I was very happy to get my hands on some CanvasChamp Canvas Prints to decorate the house and preserve some memories. I got this Canvas Print some days ago, and it will be going into the kids room. Preserving memories through photography is definitely the way to go. Which is why I plan to get some more Canvas Prints.


Lifestyle Blog Image


The twins were few days old in this photo. We took it at the hospital during one of their many snoozes. I love the shot a lot. They look like they are having a proper conversation. It is such a cute photograph.

One thing I love about being a blogger is the fact that I get to take lots of pictures. Discovering CanvasChamp has been a blessing because their prints are super affordable. And they deliver them very quickly too, which is great customer service. I know I will be using their service again and again.

Do you get to preserve your memories through photography? How often do you get your photos printed and framed? Please sound off in the comments section.


*Collaborative post.


39 responses

  1. I’m obsessed with taking pics, especially on holidays and momentous occasions. I don’t really have a set time scale of when I print them, just when I get around to it! We have a picture gallery going up our staircase with all of our fave memories. I love adding new memories and being able to look back on old ones 🙂

  2. How gorgeous they look, such a beautiful reminder. We take so many photos but don’t seem to print them all out. My daughter recently took it upon herself to start a photo album with all her best memories in, it will be good for her to look back on in future years x

  3. That is such a precious photo of your little ones 🙂 Wish it were easy for me to take photos of my daughter. She’s at that difficult stage where she pulls the craziest face everytime I try to photograph her 🙁

    • Thanks a lot. My daughter is at that stage too. I am forever telling her to not stick her tongue out 😐

  4. I have gone the opposite way to my parents and get around 300 printed every 6 months or so!! It helps it is easier to take them and cheaper to print them without wasting so much film etc, and we put them in albums so they are accessible to the children

  5. Our photograph box pre digital age and my digital dropbox holding all our treasured photos are very important to me too. I have a small gallery of photos of us, the adult children and there families in the lounge

  6. I love taking pictures but rarely print them out. I always think I must do it more because I used to love looking through my mums photo albums when I was younger and I’m sure my son will love it too.

  7. I loved taking pictures as a child but we rarely had a camera but would have loved to take more. I have recently started printing pictures for my parents

  8. Pingback: Preserving Memories Through Photography – fashionandstylepolice – SEO

  9. I handed both of my daughters my Nikon when they were about two. It was film then, a lot of bad shots developed but were they? To this day the photography bug is still with them! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  10. Pingback: 7 Tips for Choosing Your Perfect Wedding Photographer - fashionandstylepolice fashionandstylepolice

  11. Pingback: Get your blog ready for the new year - fashionandstylepolice fashionandstylepolice

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