Best foods for increasing moisture in the skin

When it comes to skincare, the most important tip is to sleep, eat and drink healthy. Everything else is an add-on. If you are not sleeping, eating and drinking healthy, you may find that your skincare products are not working as they should. My advice is to start to rethink your lifestyle to help your skin. There’s no point in wasting more money on expensive skincare products, when your lifestyle is interfering with the products. If you feel your skin lacks moisture and you want your skin to look more plump, here are some foods you may want to eat more of.


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Avocado is an amazing fruit, rich in nutrients and goodness. It contains well over twenty vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B, C, E and K, riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, potassium, lutein, beta-carotene, omega-3 fatty acids and anti-ageing antioxidants. These nutrients increase the skin’s moisture, which makes it appear more youthful and vibrant. It also works wonders on the hair from within as well. If you prefer to apply topically, you could play around with making your own Avocado skincare products. There are loads of recipes available for face masques, facial scrubs, hair treatments, body moisturisers and more, made with avocados.


Raw Nuts and Seeds

If you are a nut lover, then you will be happy to hear nuts are great for adding moisture in the skin. Raw nuts and seeds support collagen production in the body, which leads to a plump skin, reduction in fine lines and wrinkles. So go stock up on Chia seeds, Sunflower seeds, Walnuts, Cheshnuts, Pumpkin seeds, and the likes. Your skin will thank you for it.


Oily fish

Oily fish like salmon and sardines are great for adding moisture in the skin. I was so happy to discover this as I am not a fish lover but the only fish I do eat sometimes is salmon and sardines. They are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which is what our skin needs to look supply and plump.



Berries like strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are amazing sources of vitamin C. This vitamin is important for the formation of collagen, which the skin needs for structure and elasticity.


Do you eat any of these regularly? Which is your favourite? Also, please share any skincare tips that is tried and tested by you in the comments section below. Thanks for stopping by.


How to Get Rid of Sleep Lines

Who doesn’t like a nice long sleep? It has been scientifically proven that a good night’s rest is beneficial for our overall well-being, so we all need it. A good night sleep helps us feel alert, refreshed and puts us in a good mood. Adequate sleep also makes your skin look really healthy too, which is a great beauty plus.



But as good as sleep can be, it leaves behind sleep lines. This comes about as a result of sleeping on side with the side of your face on the pillow for several hours.

Sleep lines look a lot like wrinkles. If they are not attended to immediately they can be on the face for a long time, which can be annoying. Here are some tips you can try out straightaway, to leave the skin looking nice and smooth free from sleep lines.

  1. Slap the sleep lines from your face

This may sound funny, but slapping yourself actually gets rid of sleep lines. This is because as you slap yourself the blood starts flowing to the area where the sleep line is and starts to make your face looking nice and plump. This drastically reduces the sleep lines on your face.

  1. Fold your sleep lines outwards

When a sleep line appears it looks like a crevasse. There’s a depression in your skin and your skin doesn’t look smooth.

To get rid of the sleep lines, another effective method is to fold your skin where the sleep line is outwards. So instead of the crevasse from going deep in your skin it is pushed out. Make sure you don’t press so hard. All you are looking for is for your skin to even out.

Once you have folded your skin outwards, hold it there for a couple of minutes, then go to the next set of sleep lines.



  1. Pinch your sleep lines out

This tip is closely related to the folding your skin outwards, but the idea behind it is quite different. Pinching the area where the sleep lines are helps to activate the blood vessels. This will help blood to circulate around the area, which will help bring back the elasticity of your skin.

It may hurt a bit but you need to be extra careful not to pinch so hard. The last thing you want is a nasty bruise from all the pinching.

  1. Moisturize the sleep lines out of your face

Moisturizing is a great way to remove the sleep lines. When your skin has moisture, its elasticity is restored. Your skin looks rejuvenated. The water in the moisturizer hydrates the skin and your skin responds perfectly to this.

To increase the effectiveness of moisturizer for your sleep lines, try massaging the moisturizer into your skin. Gently massage your skin in circular motions. This will help awaken the blood vessels and promote proper circulation of blood to your face. This will also help create youthful glow in the process.

Do you suffer from sleep lines regularly? Please share any other tips that has worked for you.





Avoid these 5 beauty mistakes

Now that we are in a New Year, we need to give ourselves the opportunity to start off our skincare routine on the right foot. Yes, we may be 2 months into the New Year, but it’s not too late to get started. To help you get started, here are some common beauty mistakes that ladies make day-in and day-out. It will take some time to adjust but it’ll be worth it.




Mistake #1: You neglect your under-eyes when it comes to applying sunscreen

This is not something that we hear of often. Sunscreen is great for our skin. It keeps off the harsh effects of the ultraviolet rays of the sun on our skin. But most times when we apply sunscreen on our face, we tend to skip the skin under our eyes.

The skin on our under-eye is very thin and thus, susceptible to being damaged easily. Although it may hurt the eyes when the cream find its way there, the skin under your eyes will thank you so long as you are extra careful.


Mistake #2: You sleep with your makeup on

Although I know that there are days when you can be extremely tired, leaving your makeup on your face is one thing you should never allow yourself to do. Makeup contains chemicals that can be extremely harmful on your skin when it stays on your skin for too long. That’s one on the causes of skin conditions like blocked pores and acne.

So, make it a duty to remove every trace of makeup on the face. This is because any trace of makeup residue on your skin could be harmful to your skin.


Mistake #3: You’re applying a bronzer that’s a bit too red for your skin

Don’t get caught making this mistake! Us ladies want to achieve that rosy-cheeks look, but you need to make sure that every time you apply your bronzer, the colour should be as natural as possible. You can do this by selecting shades that are closer to the colour of your skin. The more natural it looks the better it suits your skin.

Make sure that as you apply your bronzer, you blend it in with the rest of your face. This will help even out the colour instead of it being so dark and concentrated at your cheek area.


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Mistake #4: You’re not treating your skin according to your skin type

Everyone has a different skin type and so each skin type needs to be shown a special kind of love. What most people don’t understand is that they believe that just because one skin care routine worked for one of their friends, it will work perfectly well for them too.

The truth is that the most effective skin care routine is the one that pays special attention to your skin type. So if you have dry skin, you would need to moisturize more and use more oil-based products than someone who has oily or combination skin type.


Mistake #5: You neglect your neck

From applying makeup to skin care routines, the neck is one of the most neglected parts of your face. Some ladies forget to blend in the makeup all the way to the neck. Some don’t apply any makeup on the neck region making the makeup on their face look more like a mask.

Although the neck is not as exposed as your face, the skin on your neck is thin and would require a lot of care. So make sure that you exfoliate, cleanse and moisturize just as often as you do your face.


What beauty mistakes will you be avoiding this year?


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