5 Biggest Fashion Mistakes to Avoid This Christmas

*Collaborative post.

Winter is here, and with Christmas just around the corner, it’s time to start getting festive with our attire. And while the season may call for certain things, there are certain things it certainly does not call for and we’re here to help. Make sure you stay stylish this winter, by getting familiar with the biggest fashion mistakes to steer clear of this Christmas season.

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A Huge Purse

While you may think that bringing everything you need everywhere you go is practical, the truth is that big bags are out. After all, who’s to say that you’re going to need everything in the kitchen sink when you’re out doing your Christmas shopping anyway? Instead of bringing oversized bags and weighing yourself down, opt for a small clutch or handbag. Minimal fashion is in, and your grandma’s huge carpet bag is out. 

Besides, large bags are especially out of place when you’re attending a formal event like a Christmas party or a New Year’s Eve event. Something small and dainty will be much more sophisticated.

Non-Weather Friendly Shoes

We get it, you love your high heels and your fuzzy (not waterproof) Uggs. While these may be perfectly cute winter shoes while you’re indoors, you’re forgetting about the moments you’ll still need to navigate outdoors to get where you’re going. The last thing you want is to arrive at your Christmas party with soggy Uggs or snow-covered stilettos. Do yourself a favor and wear weather-friendly shoes that are stylish, yet can still withstand the rain and snow.

Forgetting Comfort

During the holiday season, we’re often so focused on going with a theme, like sparkles or red and green, that we forget one of the most important aspects of fashion regardless of the season— comfort! Don’t forget that when you attend a Christmas party, you’re going to be standing around and talking to people quite a bit. If you’re uncomfortable, you’re not going to be able to put your best foot forward. Functionality and fashion should always be balanced when it comes to looking your best.

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Forgetting the Theme

On the other extreme are people who are so focused on comfort that they forget to embrace Christmas style. Christmas ensembles are all about pairing together the right colors and textures so that you look the part. Avoid the mistake of choosing outfits that could be mistaken for just another day. After all, Christmas is your time to shine and embrace the merry spirit of the holidays. Don’t blend in— stand out!

Forgetting Accessories

One of the best parts of winter is the accessories. From beanies, and scarves, to a cute Santa hat, don’t underestimate the power of a well-chosen Christmas accessory. Making a statement with your accessory can elevate your outfit and be fun on top of it!



Happy New Year! Hey 2021!

Happy new year everyone! I hope you all had a lovely new year’s day yesterday. It was a quiet one for us. We spent the day indoors as it was freezing cold and we were snowed in. Also with the current pandemic restrictions here socialising is completely out of the window. How did you spend the day?

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I am looking forward to the new year. Last year was a very different year and that was the case for most of us. I feel this year will be different in many new ways as well. Regardless of what the new year brings, I am excited to experience it all. Life is a gift and living is the gift. Once there is life, there is hope, and we should never forget that regardless of what we read online or watch on the news.

One thing I am really grateful for is that 2020 taught me to slow down. I am usually on the slow lane with many things, but I went even slower last year and I got to reunite with many aspects of myself. I am looking forward to slowing down some more this 2021. Life in the fast lane every time is no fun. What are you looking forward to this new year? Any plans for the year?

Now that the holidays are over, I will be posting on here regularly. My blogging schedule this year will be similar to last year; a few times a week. I think that works great for my blog’s SEO and my current lifestyle. I am juggling a family, studying for a new degree in psychology, freelance writing, and social media management jobs, plus Fashion and Style Police. So my hands are full literally but I will make every blog post here count.

Have a great 2021. Stay safe and enjoy the new year.



5 dating tips for older dating

Dating in your 40s is usually a lot more fun than in your 20s or 30s. You are older, braver, more experienced and you know what you want and don’t want. This means it is quicker to decide if who you are seeing is the one or not the one. Also, most people are settled in their lives with work, education, and childrearing, so they have more time to dedicate to their love lives. All these help older people be more successful with their dates than when they were younger and distracted. If you are over 40 and looking for love, fear not, these 5 tips for dating in your 40s according to relationship experts would help you make the most of the dates you go on.

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Choose well

Pay attention to the profile of the person you are interested in dating. You don’t want to waste hours of your life with someone you have no interest in.  Kelly Campbell, Ph.D., professor of psychology at California State University, San Bernardino, spoke with MyDomaine and warns. “Marrying in your 40s, especially if it’s for the first time, means you have fewer years till death do you part, so this really could be The One,” she continues. “As such, you’ll want to make the best possible choice.”

Trust your instincts

The good thing about older dating is that most people come with a lot of experience, which helps them get out or stay out of bad relationships. If you are dating someone and your instincts tell you something is off about them or the relationship, it is best to trust your instincts and keep off. Many relationships end up badly because they should have never happened in the first place. Trust your gut and stay away from anyone that makes you feel uneasy.

Don’t make assumptions

Prior to going into a new relationship, it is best to lay all your cards on the table. That way there is no room for confusion or assumptions. Try to stay open and non-judgemental regardless of your past experiences. You can stay alert without judgement and get to really know the other person before the relationship kicks off.

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Be honest

Honesty is always the best policy. There is no need to try to be someone else just to impress your date. That usually ends badly. Be unapologetically you and stay honest all the way. That way you don’t have to struggle to remember who you are and your date gets to meet the real you from the first date.

Have fun and try not to take yourself too seriously

When it comes to looking for love, many people get it all wrong and take it too seriously. While seeking the one, do remember to enjoy the dates and try not to take yourself too seriously. Go on dates, have fun, and enjoy every moment. Life is too short not to have fun.

What do you think of these tips? Please share any dating tips you may have. Thanks for stopping by.



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