5 Biggest Fashion Mistakes to Avoid This Christmas

*Collaborative post.

Winter is here, and with Christmas just around the corner, it’s time to start getting festive with our attire. And while the season may call for certain things, there are certain things it certainly does not call for and we’re here to help. Make sure you stay stylish this winter, by getting familiar with the biggest fashion mistakes to steer clear of this Christmas season.

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A Huge Purse

While you may think that bringing everything you need everywhere you go is practical, the truth is that big bags are out. After all, who’s to say that you’re going to need everything in the kitchen sink when you’re out doing your Christmas shopping anyway? Instead of bringing oversized bags and weighing yourself down, opt for a small clutch or handbag. Minimal fashion is in, and your grandma’s huge carpet bag is out. 

Besides, large bags are especially out of place when you’re attending a formal event like a Christmas party or a New Year’s Eve event. Something small and dainty will be much more sophisticated.

Non-Weather Friendly Shoes

We get it, you love your high heels and your fuzzy (not waterproof) Uggs. While these may be perfectly cute winter shoes while you’re indoors, you’re forgetting about the moments you’ll still need to navigate outdoors to get where you’re going. The last thing you want is to arrive at your Christmas party with soggy Uggs or snow-covered stilettos. Do yourself a favor and wear weather-friendly shoes that are stylish, yet can still withstand the rain and snow.

Forgetting Comfort

During the holiday season, we’re often so focused on going with a theme, like sparkles or red and green, that we forget one of the most important aspects of fashion regardless of the season— comfort! Don’t forget that when you attend a Christmas party, you’re going to be standing around and talking to people quite a bit. If you’re uncomfortable, you’re not going to be able to put your best foot forward. Functionality and fashion should always be balanced when it comes to looking your best.

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Forgetting the Theme

On the other extreme are people who are so focused on comfort that they forget to embrace Christmas style. Christmas ensembles are all about pairing together the right colors and textures so that you look the part. Avoid the mistake of choosing outfits that could be mistaken for just another day. After all, Christmas is your time to shine and embrace the merry spirit of the holidays. Don’t blend in— stand out!

Forgetting Accessories

One of the best parts of winter is the accessories. From beanies, and scarves, to a cute Santa hat, don’t underestimate the power of a well-chosen Christmas accessory. Making a statement with your accessory can elevate your outfit and be fun on top of it!



Are you Making These Fashion Mistakes? Find Out Here

*Collaborative post.

Do you worry that you are making some serious fashion mistakes? If so, then you have to remember that you are not alone. So many people are in the same situation as you are right now, but it is more than possible for you to make a change if you can pinpoint your errors first.

Are you Making These Fashion Mistakes? Find Out Here picture

Source: Pexels (CC0 License)

Buying Something for One Occasion

You have to make sure that you do not buy something for a single occasion. If you are going out for an occasion, then you may feel as though you need to buy something special. This will usually end up in you going out and buying something unique, and there is nothing wrong with this. The main problem stems from the fact that if you do not love the piece that you buy, you may find that you end up wearing it once and that’s it. This is the last thing that you want, so you have to make sure that you keep this in mind if possible.

Buying Something that Doesn’t Suit You

A lot of people try and hold onto things that don’t fit. A lot of people also keep pieces that they just don’t suit as well. If you have bought something that’s trendy or because you spotted someone else wearing it, then this is a major mistake. If you don’t love it, and if it doesn’t make you feel confident or comfortable then it does not belong in your wardrobe. It also has no place in your life, so keep that in mind.

Buying Something in the Sale

Sure, sales are a great way for you to save money but at the end of the day, you should not buy something just because it is a bargain. If you do, then you may find that you end up missing out more than you realise. You may find that the outfit you have bought never gets worn or that you simply don’t have a use for it. There is one exception to this rule and that is jewellery. If you see jewellery in the sale and you like the look of it, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t go for it. It is very easy for you to make your jewellery work with any outfit that you have, and you can also mix it with other accessories too. If you want to invest in some jewellery or some gems, then check out these princess cut diamonds at Whiteflash.

Not Throwing Things Away

A great way for you to keep your closet at a good size would be for you to adopt the one-in, one-out rule. Every time you add something new, you need to take something from your closet, and you need to donate it to charity. If you can do this, then it will help to stop your shelves from overflowing and it will also make it easier for you to manage everything. Why not try this rule for yourself today? It could work wonders for your wardrobe.


5 Fashion Mistakes you must avoid in 2017

Hey fashion lovers! Since we are still fresh in the new year, I thought we should chat about fashion mistakes to avoid this 2017. Because even the best and the most stylish fashionistas can make poor style choices sometimes.




Wrong Sizing

So many реорlе get their sizing so wrоng. You need to ensure you buy the right size of сlоthing. If thе сlоthing doesn’t fit, don’t buy it. And if you have bought it already, don’t wear it.

If уоu аrе losing weight, make ѕurе you buу сlоthеѕ thаt fit your new size or hold off shopping until you are done with the weight loss. When I am in between sizes, or trying to lose weight, I like to shop for dresses online, simply because I get better bargains and options, and dresses are easier to rock when I am in between sizes. Whеn buуing clothes, mаkе ѕurе you сhесk the ѕizing and ensure you get your right size for the store. Sizes mean different things in different stores and countries.


Wrinkled Clothes

You should never step out of your house lооking wrinkled! I hate ironing but I hate looking wrinkled a lot more, so I make sure my clothes are well ironed.

Hеrе iѕ a ԛuiсk tiр: if уоu want to dесrеаѕе the timе it tаkеѕ to irоn уоur сlоthеѕ, hang thеm uр оnсе уоu hаvе worn them, so they are not wrinkled when next you need to wear them.


Tоo Many Cоlоurѕ

Wеаring toо mаnу different colours will ruin your overall look. When I say too many, I mean more than 3 colours. Kеер уоur colouring ѕimрle by sticking to at least 1 bright colour, and 2 minimal colours at the most, except you are going for a colour blocking look.


Fashion & Style Police


Viѕiblе Pаntу and Brа Linе

Contrary to рорulаr bеliеf, it iѕ not ѕеxу оr attractive tо hаvе a viѕiblе panty or bra linе. Always wear lingеriе thаt ѕuits what you have on.


Choosing Wrong Designs

Each уеаr, fashion designers bombard us with new pieces and accessories in various designs. However many оf the high fаѕhiоn designs do not ѕuit thе regular wоmеn. Always opt for designs that suit your body shape and personality.

We all know that Mаxi drеѕѕеѕ wеrе оnсе a trend, but they аrе also now a wаrdrоbе ѕtарlе, and they аrе hеrе tо ѕtау. Every wardrobe should have a few maxi dresses. They are effortless, vеrѕаtilе аnd suits аll ѕhареѕ and ѕizеѕ, with no effort rеԛuirеd at all! It is also very easy to shop for dresses online, which is an added plus for me, you all know how much I love my online shopping, I would be lost without it.


Can you relate with any of these fashion mistakes? Which fashion mistake will you be avoiding this 2017?

Please sound off in the comments section below.

Thanks for reading and have a beautiful day.


*Collaborative post.

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