Must Have Accessories Every Woman Should Own

*Collaborative post.

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No matter the season there are some core accessories every woman should own that are staples to your collection, designed to complete all outfits. These can be updated to keep on trend but are core items to have in your wardrobe. 

A Good Everyday Handbag

A good quality sturdy handbag is a priority accessory for every wardrobe. It’s the one item that you never leave the house without. It holds and carries all the essentials for the day head. From being able to transport essentials such as purse, keys, laptop, book to the bare necessities such as your mobile phone and lipstick, it is a must own item. Where possible it is recommenededf to have three different sized and styled bags in total to not only offer the perfect completement to your outfit but by the perfect size for whatever you need to take. With a handbag it is always choosing one of good quality and paying a little more for this. As such a everyday staple you want to ensure that it will last the season. 

Jewlery To Match Your Style

No outfit is complete with that special piece of jewelry. By investing in a few versatile items you can enhance any outfit effortlessly. You could opt for a few necklaces and lay them up in the day time but tone them done for evening sheek or show off your personality and join the popularity of luxury brooches to show your personality off more with this statement item. Of course, you also need those perfect earrings. When opting for statement earrings, keep the rest of your jewlery low keey and let the earrings work their magic by framing your face. Personalized stackable rings look great as well and are another great option to make a statement.

A Belt

A belt is such an underrated item but a core staple need for every woman. Not only can they be used with jeans to keep them in place or add definition to your waist, but they can be worn with oversized t-shirts or blazers to clinch you waist in and create shape to your outfit. 

A Watch

Not only is a fashion nowadays seen as a fashion accessory but they are also practical as well to keeping you on track for your busy schedule. Smart watches are a great options for those of you with busy lifes to not only keep track of the time, but also to monitor to focus on your health as well. Although if you don’t want all the extra’s a classic watch is a must have. With clean lines and an uncomplicated face, they add the perfect amount of femininity along with practical use. 

Designer Sunglasses

Whether you are looking to hide the evidence of last night or just elevate your outfit, designer sunglasses are the perfect answer. Investing in a classic style will ensure your glasses will go on last you for years and not fade with changing fashion and with a piece that can be dressed with jeans and tshirt or a dress it is worth paying for the best and ones that suit your face the best. 


Which Dress Styles Best Suit Dancing?

So, you love to dance. When the music comes on, you feel the beat instantly and you know you are going to be spending a good portion of your time at any party on the dance floor.
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Image Source: Freepik

If you are a solid dancer and someone who likes to learn and pull the moves, then it’s important you wear the right things that give you adequate room and comfort to move as your body desires.

In this article, we will suggest some of the most popular dress styles so you can choose the most practical and gorgeous prom dress style that suits a dancing queen. To get you started, there is a huge selection of the latest red prom dresses for 2020. Checking out Peaches Boutique will give you a great idea of what is out there no matter what kind of budget you have or style you love.

Which Dress Styles Best Suit Dancing?
Dresses With A Shorter Hemline

Shorter hem lines are perfect for those who love to dance. You have less to work with compared to longer gowns and you instantly feel more freedom to move around.

Flared Prom Gowns

Flared prom gowns that tend to be more fitted at the top half and feature a looser, fuller skirt at the bottom will give you the ultimate freedom. Then you can move your legs any way they want without restriction or having to think of what your dress is doing.

Choose Something Less Restrictive

Fitted prom gowns look stunning but if they are longer, they can make things a little trickier on the dance floor.

Sleeveless/Strapless Prom Dresses

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Image Source: Pexels

Strapless prom dresses will give your arms the chance to move around as you wave your hands in the air like you just don’t care. So think about staying away from longer sleeves unless they are lose fitting. Basically, you don’t want anything that is too restrictive to limit your movement on the dancefloor as soon as the music hits.

Don’t Forget About Footwear

What shoes you wear are essentially the most important part of your outfit, if you are looking at it from a dancing perspective. You want shoes that are comfortable enough for you to dance in for hours so if you are planning to wear heels, then you should be used to wearing them. If not, and you want to make an entrance, then it’s a great idea to bring a spare pair of shoes so you can make the switch.

Secured Straps

Sturdy straps are great for vigorous dancing without having to constantly be readjusting and supporting the bust. Halter necks and off the shoulder are also suitable for great coverage if you are dancing the night away.

These are all great things to look out for when you’re searching for dancing outfits for prom that help you feel comfortable and look your best.




5 Business Ideas for Fashion Lovers

*Collaborative post.

If you are a fashion lover and wondering what sort of business you could start this new year, you may find this 5 Business Ideas for Fashion Lovers post very handy. Turning your love for fashion into a business can be hard when you first begin to think about it but it can be easily done. As long as you are ready to put in the work and you are passionate about your fashion business idea, you will most likely succeed. My love for fashion led me to setting up Fashion and Style Police and my passion has kept me going all these years. When the ups and downs come (trust me, they do), your love for your business will keep you working on it.

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Here are 5 business ideas for fashion lovers –

Have a fashion boutique

If you have the capital, setting up a fashion boutique can be a lucrative business. You need to bring something else to the table to stand out in this field. Having a regular fashion boutique like everyone else won’t cut it. You have to stay ahead of your competition by being different. One way you could do this is by having a stunning looking boutique with stylish clothes sourced from suppliers consumers won’t find anywhere on the high street. You can also stand out from the saturated fashion boutique industry by being innovative with your interior decor. If you are after some interior design inspiration, you may find this Object Space Place Japanese interior design tips very useful.


Set up a fashion blog

That’s what I did. I set up a fashion blog that has now evolved to a fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog. It helps pay the bills and it keeps me very creative. I can’t imagine not having a blog now. This online space has completely changed my life. If you enjoy writing about fashion, you should consider setting up a fashion blog.


Have a YouTube fashion channel

If vlogging is more your thing, you should think of setting up a Youtube fashion channel. Many fashion Youtubers are really doing well these days, so it is worth considering if you are into video editing and all. You never know how successful you will be until you take that leap.



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Write a fashion book

Writing a fashion book is great business idea for the fashionistas. If you enjoy writing and love fashion, you could combine both passions and write a book about fashion. It is easy to self publish thanks to Amazon. I did it a few years ago and I plan on doing it again soon.


Sell clothes and accessories on eBay

Selling clothes and accessories on eBay is another lucrative business venture. You could sell brand new pieces or go for preloved items. High value preloved items like shoes and handbags tend to be very popular on eBay. If you have a good eye for fashion, this would be a great business idea for you.


What do you think of these fashion business ideas? Did any catch your eye? Do sound off in the comments section, let’s chat.

Thanks for stopping by.

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