Top 5 cities you must visit in your life as a fashionista

*Collaborative post.

Embarking on a fashion adventure is an exhilarating experience for any style-savvy individual. To guide your journey as a fashionista, we present a concise list of the top five fashion cities around the world that should be on every fashion lover’s travel itinerary. I have visited all these cities myself except for one, and they are definitely cool fashion cities to visit if you are into all things fashion and style.

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Picture source: Pexels

5 Fashion Cities
Paris, France

We have visited Paris a few times and it is such a beautiful city. If you are into fashion, you would love Paris. There are so many stylish stores to shop in the city. I remember us visiting some cool brands like Chanel, LV, Prada, and more! The local hight street stores would also interest a true fashionista. There is definitely a lot to explore and shop in Paris. The city should be on the travel list for every fashionista.

Milan, Italy

Milan is another dream destination for the fashionistas. I totally love the city. We visited a few years ago for a short weekend getaway and we had such an amazing time. Milan is a city of fashion and we made the most of it shopping in the likes of Gucci and Versace. I can clearly see myself visiting Milan again. Everything about our trip was simply wonderful. Milan is definitely a city to visit if you are into designer brands and high-end fashion.

New York City, USA

New York City is one top travel destination that should be on the radar of every style-savvy person. There is so much to see, shop and explore in New York, you can sure that there won’t be any dull moment. The stylish fashion stores are enough to keep the fashion and style people very busy. Shopping in New York City is one of the coolest things to do. This destination should be at the top of every fashionista’s travel list.

Tokyo, Japan

I have heard lots of fantastic facts about the lovely city of Tokyo in Japan and it is one city still on my travel wish list. Tokyo fashion fascinates me. I love the look and sound of the culture and the vibe of the city and I can see why it is such a popular tourist destination especially for fashion lovers.

London, United Kingdom

London city is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world and when it comes to fashion, there is almost no other city like London. I enjoy shopping in London on the high street. It can get really busy because there are so many amazing brands to explore, and this is why it is a dream destination for fashionistas all over the world. Some of my favourite brands to shop in London are Stella McCartney, Vivienne Westwood, Marc Jacobs, and Burberry.

The travel season is here, so if you want to visit any of these fashion cities you should book your accommodation in advance with Cozycozy, the accommodation search engine, which compares all accommodation options available.

What do you think of these fashion cities? Which is your favourite city to explore as a fashionista?

Spring/Summer 2021 Fashion Trends

The weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and spring is around the corner. I am looking forward to the spring season. There is something about the nice spring weather that puts me in a fantastic mood. I am also very excited about Spring/Summer 2021 Fashion Trends. The unexpected fashion trend at the moment is all about loungewear. Many of us are working and schooling at home, so loungewear is really all we need but we can add a bit more glam to this trend with the weather getting warmer.

Here are a few ideas for you to have in mind for Spring/Summer 2021 Fashion Trends:

The Black Dress

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The black dress is always a good idea for spring and summer fashion. I love having a few stylish black dresses. They work great for video calls and they are super easy to style. The piece I am wearing here is from Miss Selfridge and it is still one of my favourite black dresses. It is very comfortable and easy to style for a casual day out. I love it.

Printed Spring Jacket

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Prints are almost back in season and I am ready for it!  I am looking forward to wearing some more colourful pieces this spring. This stunning piece by Alala by Aken is one of my favourite print pieces. I love the colour and design. It is a fabulous light jacket to have around this spring/summer. I am looking forward to wearing more of it now that the warmer weather is around the corner.

Head scarf

This is one fashion trend I am really excited about. I have a couple of scarves in my wardrobe. They come in so handy for lazy hair days (which is really everyday now). I currently have eye on a few stylish scarves I am looking to get this season.  It is wonderful to know this fashion trend from the 50s and 60s is coming back in a big way this year.

When to Buy Vintage Sapphire Jewellery

*Collaborative post.

When is it time to buy vintage sapphire jewellery? It’s hard to say, for some people. If you’re one of these people, please read on – you’re about to learn everything you need to know about when to buy vintage sapphire jewellery.

Why Buy Vintage Sapphire Jewellery?

Before we get on to the when let’s briefly cover the why. The simplest answer is that vintage sapphire jewellery is the best. I know, for some that’s not enough, so here’s some more detail. Buying vintage or antique when it comes to jewellery is not only cost-efficient, but also an eco-friendly move. It’s a common misconception that living an environment-friendly life means living without luxury.

Buying antique and vintage jewellery is a great way to reuse jewellery, rather than having it go to waste. It also doesn’t demand the gemstone trade, preventing further damage to the planet from gemstone mining, since every vintage and antique item already exists and doesn’t need to be ‘crafted’ from new materials. If you needed any more reasons to buy pre-loved jewellery, then consider that, carat-to-carat, you usually get more for your money with vintage and antique than you do with brand new. You can get stunning jewellery for a fraction of the cost if you were to go to a jeweller’s and buy something made new. An added plus is that most of the designs of antique and vintage jewellery are unique and unlike anything you’re likely to find in a chain jewellery store.

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Now that we’ve established that, let’s dive into the when.


It’s a no brainer that vintage sapphire rings make for beautiful engagement rings. Obviously, if you already know that a diamond engagement ring is what you want, then perhaps it’s not the choice for you, but you should definitely consider it. Even an engagement ring that features both diamonds and sapphires is a beautiful way to incorporate some colour and life into your engagement ring.

If you want an engagement ring that really looks like an engagement ring, then sapphire and diamonds paired together are almost a more perfect match than you and your fiancé/fiancée. Not only are they fit for royalty – literally the engagement ring Kate Middleton wears – but they’re every bit as versatile and classically beautiful as their diamond counterparts. So, if you or your loved one are fans of the colour blue, or maybe you’re just interested in something different for your proposal, then consider buying a vintage sapphire ring.

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In case you didn’t know, sapphire is the birthstone for people born in September. Just as the summer dies off and the cold months start coming in, sapphires are there to remind you that cold doesn’t have to mean dim and glum, it can mean classy and elegant. If September is a birth month to someone you love (like you!), perhaps getting some vintage sapphire jewellery as a birthday present is a right way to go.

It can be anything, from a vintage sapphire ring to a necklace, earrings, or a bracelet. At the moment, brooches are having a big revival, so maybe something in that direction would be nice. What matters is that you get something that suits the giftee well. To establish what would work, have a look at jewellery they already own. Something with the same coloured metal, or gemstones cut to the same shape might be an indicator of their preferences. If they don’t yet own any jewellery, stick with something simple and small, as they might not be used to wearing jewellery.


For everyone who has already tied the knot, the 45th wedding anniversary is the sapphire anniversary. That’s a looong time to wait. Thankfully, there are no wedding anniversary police to stop you from celebrating the sapphire anniversary 40 years early. Of course, if you’d rather remain traditional, then it’s a lovely idea to wait to celebrate the sapphire anniversary of your 45th year of marriage. If it is the 45th year you’re celebrating, sapphire jewellery could not be more appropriate. Anyone approaching their 45th wedding anniversary sometime in the next few decades is sure to find some vintage sapphire jewellery that’s the same age as their marriage – what could be more perfect?

You can also gift sapphire jewellery if you are not a member of the relationship. If your parents or grandparents are going to be celebrating their sapphire wedding anniversary any time soon, maybe you could get some people to pool together and treat them to something beautiful that shows how much you love them as a unit. A vintage sapphire signet ring or some sapphire earrings, for example, would be beautiful and simple.

We’ve uncovered the main reasons to buy vintage sapphire jewellery, but you must remember that these are just suggestions, and there are no real rules about how and when to buy your jewels. If you want to buy a vintage sapphire ring to celebrate a Tuesday, then you’d best believe that’s a great idea. Thinking outside the box for occasions to gift jewellery – to yourself or anyone else – is the key to maintaining good relationships and enjoying life. Have fun with it!


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