Jessica Alba Covers Cosmopolitan UK April 2016


I have spotted the first British magazine cover for the month of April, and it is amazing. The beautiful and very successful Jessica Alba is the cover girl for Cosmopolitan UK April 2016 and I am super excited. I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of this issue. I have admired Jessica Alba since her Honey days, and I have always been interested in anything that concerns her. Her company – The Honest Company, set up in 2011, is now worth £1.2 million, and last year, her personal value was estimated at £240million making her worth more than Beyonce (she’s  worth £176million). I like to know what makes successful people tick, and to read about Jessica’s success secrets and exactly how she made $1 billion sounds ace. I am also interested in the ‘Homeless to Hollywood’, ‘How is your Selfie Esteem’ feature, the fashion feature also sounds like a great read.

The cover is very catchy and girly with the pink background. Alba looks sexy in a playful way, with the white short dress, which works with the overall theme of the cover. I like it, I like it a lot.



This issue is sure to catch the eye of many on the newstands, and the price is also budget friendly. This issue with the enticing headlines, all for the price of £1. Sounds too good to be true but it is. I must confess, I hate paying anything more than a pound for a magazine. Anything over that price tag is just too pricey in my eyes.Most times, I wait to read any expensive magazine when next I am in a waiting room, or anywhere I am lucky to scan through it quickly.

What are your thoughts? Will you be buying this issue? Drop me a comment, lets chat.

Thanks for reading and have a great day xoxo



Beauty Muse – Jessica Alba

I enjoy writing the Beauty Muse series because it makes me appreciate the beautiful women we have all around us. This week, the stunning Jessica Alba is the Beauty Muse of the week. Her lovely face reminds me of a new-born baby’s bum; smooth, spotless and fresh. This woman is all versions of Beautiful.


Jessica Alba has a natural beauty, her skin is so spotless and her eyes are so beautiful. This woman Glows in the dark. I love everything about her face.


She recently shared some of her beauty tips with Cosmo, here is what she had to say:

“Looking good is feeling good. Beauty reflects your inner strength and your best self, whether you have makeup and hair done or not. I take the ten minutes (true story!) of my morning makeup routine to check in and remind myself that I’ve got this—whatever “this” is. I’d also say remembering your skin is the canvas for everything, so taking care of it is important. Staying hydrated is where it starts, from drinking water to using a humidifier, and wearing moisturiser and sunscreen is definitely part of my daily ritual. Every morning and every night I do my thing. Cleanse, moisturize, and eye cream. The whole shebang. I cleanse. I use face oil. And a cream in the day. And at night, I use a night cream.”



I agree with Jessica, beauty does reflect from within. Taking care of your skin, drinking enough water and getting enough sleep does wonders. There is little you can do from the outside but a lot to be done from the inside. Do you agree?


I think I need to step up my skin care routine. When I read about routines like Jessica Alba’s, I feel like there is something I am doing wrong.

What do you think of the Beauty Muse? Sound off in the comment section? Thanks for reading.







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