Back to School with Tesco F&F Clothing

The kiddies start Reception aka Big School in September, and they are really looking forward to it. We have been busy shopping for back to school items in time for the school term. And I proud to say we now have all we need for school. I rounded up the school shopping some days ago, and I just need to find the time to label all the items with name tags in time for school. I did most of my back to school shopping online and only popped into shops for school uniforms and a few other school essentials.


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What we got from Tesco

We had the opportunity to try out Tesco F&F School Uniforms some weeks ago thanks to some Vouchers we got from Tesco. So we popped into our local Tesco store to pick some school uniforms. We got 2 packs of white polo shirts, 1 grey pinafore dress and a pack of grey trousers from Tesco F&F Back to School range. The first thing we did as soon as we got home was to try every item to make sure they were the right fit. The kiddies were really excited to try out their new uniforms (anything Big School related is a hit at the moment). And they were more excited when they realised I was going to be taking some photographs.


Thoughts on the girls school uniform range

I am really impressed with the overall quality of Tesco F&F uniforms. They look like they would last a very long time. I like the White Teflon Polos. The light price tag of £2.50 for a pack of 2 polo shirts got my attention. That is a great bargain. Plus the shirts look very durable and the Stain Repellent Teflon means the Polos would stay white for longer. Which is exactly what I want them to do. Kids are usually very active. And most times they come out of their classrooms looking like the rolled in sand. So having these white polo shirts with a stain repellent technology would make my laundry life a lot easier.

The Girls Polo White has a beautiful collar design which my daughter really likes. It is so cute and girly. We also like the grey pinafore dress. It is such a pretty design with the neat pleats and silver zip. My little lady is really looking forward to wearing it to primary school.


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Thoughts on the boys school uniform range

The 2 pack grey slim leg trousers is a great fit for my son. The trouser length is perfect. I like the adjustable waist and the slim leg design a lot. The re-enforced knees are also handy to have especially when you have active children like mine. Both my kids are really active, especially my son. So I am happy to know his new school trousers comes with  reinforced knees. The trousers look like quality pieces that would stand the test of time.

Having shopped the Tesco F&F School Clothing Range, I can now see why the range is so popular with many mothers all over the country. The Tesco F&F Uniform is Mumsnet Rated. 262 Mumsnet users tested the Tesco F&F school uniform range: 82% would buy again and 75% would recommend.  These stats don’t surprise me. I can clearly see why 82% would buy again, and why 75% would recommend the range. The great quality of the school uniforms speak for themselves. 


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Final thoughts

I really the Tesco 100 day guarantee. It shows Tesco is certain about the quality and durability of their school uniform range and that speaks is really amazing. This means parents can shop in confidence because they know they can exchange the uniform if it wears out within 100 days. The thought of that alone makes me really happy. And I can’t wait to see what these school uniforms look like after 100 days of wear.



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I will be updating this post once we have had 100 days of wear. And I will be informing you all on how the school uniform pieces look. So keep an eye out for that update on here and my Instagram page.

What are your thoughts on this Tesco F&F School Uniform Range? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Thanks for stopping by.


100 Days Later

The uniforms still look as good as new. The whites are still whites and the greys are still grey. There are no tears or stubborn stains on the pieces  They have survived 100 days of wear and they look as great as they looked the first day the twins wore them. I am very impressed with the quality of F&F informs and I will be shouting from the rooftops about them.


*Collaborative post.

6 Tips for Growing a Successful Freelance Career

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I’m living the laptop lifestyle and I’m loving it! Freelancing gives me the freedom to work whenever and wherever I want to. I make passive income, travel when I want to, take off work when I need to, and have time to spend with my friends and family. I think it’s great not to be tied down to a 9-5 job. I can do what I love, impact millions of people and earn a living from it.

As great as freelancing is, it is still a business and you have to take it seriously. You need to be consistent, committed and hard-working to make it successful.

Having a successful freelance career is a process. Believe me, it took almost 4 years to get to where I am today. I had my fair share of victories and failures. Every experience was a learning process for me, and I won’t change my freelance journey so far, for anything.

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I want to share with you some tips to help you grow a successful freelance career. I hope you find these tips useful.


1.    Have a plan of action
Planning is key to a successful freelance career. It helps you prioritize your goals, and it forms a blueprint for you to follow. This is great because it will help keep you focused on where exactly you want to take your freelance career. When you are drawing up your plan, make sure you include business goals, financial goals and personal goals. Break down into a set of actions you can take to achieve your goals within a week, a month, a quarter and a year.

2.    Keep an eye on the competition
Research into the activities of your competition. Stalk them if you have to. This will help you make sure you’re on the right track and in tune with the current trends.

The most important thing about observing your competition is finding out their weakness and shortcomings so that you can structure a way you can give better service than your competition. The aim is to strive to do better than what your competition is offering but be careful not to spend too much observing your competition than you forget to work on your career.

3.    Network
Your Network is your Net worth. Networking is a great way to meet new people, learn from them and get new clients. Join meetups in your area. Join in on Twitter Chats and Facebook Groups. Follow like minds on social media and do not forget LinkedIn.  Freelancing business is a people oriented business, so start putting yourself out there, and you will see your connections increase.




4. Have a Healthy Work/Life Balance

I struggle a lot with my work/life balance. I am a workaholic and a perfectionist, so I work every opportunity I get, which has its pros and cons. The good thing about my work life is I get every job done in time, but then I feel like my personal life suffers. I work from home as you all know, I do most of my work once my kids are in bed at 7pm. I work past midnight every day, including weekends. And I also work around my kids daytime naps. I am pretty sure I work more than 40 hours a week, and I won’t have it any other way but sometimes I feel drained, all I want to do is curl up on a sofa with a cup of tea and a cool movie on Netflix.

Having a healthy work/life balance is needed for a successful freelance career. You have to know when to stop working to avoid burning out. I recently took a work/life balance quiz, created by Calibre Office Furniture, and my results were I have a work/life expectancy of 75 years, meaning I have 46 years left to work. The quiz advised I seek medical attention because my work life is killing me, I agree, lol. It is a fun quiz, so try it for yourself and let me know what your results are in the comment section below.


5.    Establish a powerful online presence
As a freelancer, you need to make sure that you position yourself as an expert and an influencer. One of the best places to do this is on social media. Help people out, give value and share your knowledge. This will help you build an audience and earn their trust and confidence. You’ll be easily remembered and potential clients will reach out to you.

Another great way to establish a powerful online presence is to guest post on authority blogs like The Huffington Post, Mumsnet, and so on. Write a tutorial, a how-to post or share an experience your audience can relate with.


6.    Define your boundaries
Just because you’re a freelancer doesn’t mean you should accept every job that comes your way. You are in control of what projects you accept or reject. Never be afraid to turn down a project that will not suit you or your brand and that has unfavourable terms or low pay.

Be sure to have a sold contract that covers the important terms that you and your client must agree upon. This will help protect you and let your client know how you work and how far the project will go and at what cost.

Setting boundaries shows you’re not a pushover. It’s a sign of professionalism.


The freelance career is a continuous process, like a journey that never ends. The key to success is to be consistent. You have everything it takes to be successful.

Do you have any tried and tested tip to share? Do you take the work/life balance quiz? What was your result?


*This is a collaborative post.

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