Product Review: Goloka Immunity Booster Essential Oil Blend

Some weeks ago, I wrote about this fantastic Goloka Immunity Booster Essential Oil Blend. I had a few in stock but they are all sold out now because this blend is that good. I will be restocking in the next few days, so do let me know if you want one.

This Goloka Immunity Booster Essential Oil is a blend of Rosemary, Cinnamon, Tea Tree, and Clove essential oils. It is a great blend to help boost your immune system especially in the current times we are in.  Rosemary Essential Oil is a circulatory stimulant, Tea Tree Essential Oil is antibacterial and Cinnamon and Clove Essential Oils finish up this blend with their divine scent and amazing benefits.

Goloka Immunity Booster Essential Oil Blend image

This Goloka Immunity Booster Essential Oil Blend can be used in a diffuser, vaporiser, and bath. A few drops (usually 2 or 3) will be all you need to tap into the amazing benefits. You can also use this essential oil blend as a massage. All you need to do is add a few drops in a carrier oil (coconut oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, and the likes) and it is ready to use as a moisturiser or massage oil.

I am currently diffusing this essential oil blend as I type; it is definitely one of my favourite essential oil blends.

  1. The blend is 100% natural and undiluted.
  2. Goloka does not test on animals.
  3. It has a very soothing fragrance. I love using it in my diffuser. The scent is refreshing and relaxing.
  4. I love the fact that it comes with a dropper, it makes the oil really easy to use. You can’t get the drops wrong with this dropper.
  5. It is super affordable.
  6. I feel energised every time I use this oil blend.


Goloka Oils imageGoloka Review image

You can read more about Goloka Immunity Booster Essential Blend here.

Thanks for reading, sharing, liking, and commenting. Have a great week ahead.

The Uses and Benefits of Essential Oils

Essential Oils have been used for so many years, in various countries, for medicinal and health purposes. They are very popular at the moment for various reasons. I know many people online who swear by them. They advise everyone to try a few essential oils in their home, before they decide on the ones that work best for their lifestyle. There are a few essential oils from New Directions Aromatics I have seen around and they look good.



Here are a few of the uses and benefits of some essential oils according to my research –


Keeps the home smelling amazing

Essential oils are useful for keeping the home smelling great. Diffusing lovely smelling oils, like clove, rosemary and orange essential oils will leave the home smelling amazing. Diffusing cinnamon essential oil also cleans the air which is brilliant!


Reduces anxiety

Some essential oils also help reduce anxiety. Diffusing lavender essential oil around your home or putting a few drops in your bath helps reduce feelings of depression, stress and tension. Diffusing lavender essential oil is the best way to end a stressful day.


Get rid of shoe smell

Essential oils are great for removing the funky smell from shoes. Just add a few drops of tea tree oil and lemon oil to your shoes to leave them smelling nice. This is one tip everyone should try.


Improves sleep 

Lavender oil helps improve sleep. So if you are battling with insomnia, you might want to try this tip. All you need to do is to sprinkle a few drops on your pillow to help you drift away.



Essential oils are also great as a moisturizer. Mixing coconut oil, shea butter, magnesium oil and essential oils would create a great moisturizing body lotion.


I am yet to try essential oils but will write about my experience one I do.  Are you a fan of essential oils? Which is your favourite?

Please sound off in the comments section below. Thanks for reading.

*Collaborative Post.



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