The Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil for Hair

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I love my Lavender essential oil. It is one of the oils I use everyday. I use it in a variety of ways. It is a one of those oils you need around the house. You can use it for your hair, skin and in many other ways. I am now creating lots of products at home and this essential oil is featuring heavily in many of them. If you missed my post on the benefits of lavender oil for skin, you should go have a read. This post is all about the amazing benefits of lavender essential oil for hair.

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The Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil for Hair

It promotes hair growth

Lavender Oil promotes hair growth. I add a few drops of this essential oil into my spray bottle along with other oils and this has helped my hair growth. My hair is a lot longer and healthier since I introduced this oil into my haircare routine. This oil definitely stimulates hair growth so if you are trying to grow your hair, you should try looking into this essential oil.

Great for getting rid of dandruff and itching scalp

My hair can be very itchy sometimes even when it is clean. This oil has gotten rid of the itchy scalp and dandruff, thanks to the antimicrobial properties.

Combats head lice

A recent study shows that lavender essential oil could help prevent head lice. The study carried out in 2011 also shows that it may even kill head lice. If you or your little ones are dealing with head lice, lavender essential oil may be all you need to combat them.

It has a lovely fragrance

Lavender essential oil has a lovely fragrance that lingers on for hours. It leaves the hair smelling great, which is another reason why I love including it in my hair spray bottle. A few sprays and my hair is left moisturised and smelling divine.

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How to Use Lavender Essential Oil for Hair

You can use lavender oil on your hair in a number of ways –

  1. Add a few drops in a spray bottle along with other oils and water. Spray your hair as often as needed.
  2. Massage the diluted essential oil directly into the scalp. You can dilute the oil with carrier oils – coconut oil, almond sweet oil and so on.
  3. Add the oil into your hair products – shampoo, conditioner, and so on.

The benefits of this great essential oil are too numerous to mention in 1 post. You need to try it to believe it.




Product Review: Lavender Essential Oil

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I have been using this Lavender Essential Oil by Naissance for many months now. I am a huge fan of the brand and I have used many of their oils. Naissance has various oils and they are all vegan friendly. The brand also does not test on animals, so it is definitely a brand worth trying if you are into oils in general. This Lavender Essential Oil is a great oil to have around the house. It can be used in many different ways and I love how versatile this essential oil is.

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Product Description

Lavender Essential Oil is one of the most popular among the essential oils and it is extremely versatile oil with a plethora of uses. In aromatherapy, it is thought to have a calming and soothing effect on the senses. Add a few drops to your diffuser or burner and immerse yourself in the relaxing and balancing nature of Lavender Oil.
Lavender is such a versatile oil, it blends well with almost all oils, especially floral and citrus oils. Experiment with your blends, the possibilities are endless.


Lavandula Angustifolia(Lavender) Oil

  1. This Lavender Essential Oil is 100% natural.
  2. I love the fact that I can use this oil in many different ways. I add some drops of this oil into my hair moisturiser and shampoo. This oil is also sprinkled on my pillow to aid a good night sleep.
  3. The brand does not test on animals and this oil is vegan friendly.
  4. It is super easy to blend this Lavender Essential Oil with other oils. I blended mine with Coconut Oil, Almond Sweet Oil and many more oils, and they always blend so well.
  5. I love the aroma of this essential oil. It smells amazing.
  6. The packaging is simple and practical.


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I can’t fault this Lavender Essential Oil. It is an amazing oil and can be used in a variety of ways. Lavender Essential Oil is one of my favourite essential oils because it is so versatile, easy to blend in and smells divine. You can shop yours on Amazon via the link below –

Please read the instructions on the pack before using any essential oil. You should follow all directions of use properly to avoid any problems. I will be writing about the amazing benefits of Lavender Oil for the hair soon so look out for that post.

Thanks for reading. Have a great day.




The Benefits of Lavender Oil for Skin

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Hey beauty and skincare lovers! Hope you are having a great start to the week. I am a huge fan of Lavender Oil. It is one of my favourite essential oils. I use it pretty much everyday and the benefits of this amazing oil are too numerous to list here but I will try my best to mention a couple. For those who have never used Lavender Oil, it is an essential oil derived from the lavender plant. This essential oil can be used on the hair and skin, and it can also be taken orally and breathed in through aromatherapy. For this post, I will be focusing on the benefits of lavender oil for skin only.

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Combats skin issues

Lavender oil can prevent and heal acne by unclogging pores and reducing inflammation. Like all other essential oils, this lavender oil has to be diluted with a carrier oil. My preferred carrier oil is coconut oil. Diluting lavender oil and coconut oil creates the perfect facial oil to help you combat acne, pimples, spots and other skin issues. You ca also dilute lavender oil with a carrier oil to create a facial toner.

Skin lightening oil

If you are dealing with hyperpigmentation, lavender oil may be all you need to help you lighten the dark areas on your skin. As always, dilute a few drops of lavender oil with a carrier oil of your choice and apply it daily to your area.

Anti-ageing oil

Lavender oil is great for combating wrinkles and fine lines on the face. It contains antioxidants which are great for shielding the face from free radicals. To get rid of fine lines and wrinkles, dilute a few drops of lavender oil with coconut oil, and apply the mixture to your face twice a day.

Sunburn treatment

Lavender oil has anti-inflammatory abilities which are great for the treatment of sun burn. To do this, combine 3 drops of lavender oil with 3 drops of coconut oil, and apply the mixture three times a day to the affected area. You can also put the mixture in a spray bottle and apply on the affected area three times a day until the burn heals.

What do you think of these amazing benefits of lavender oil for the skin? Have you used this oil before? Are you a fan of the oil? You can shop the oil via the Amazon link below. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week ahead.

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