How to Silence your Blogging Critics

The best of us have critics. And no matter what job you do, whether it’s blogging or working in a regular job, you are bound to have critics around. It is a part of life fortunately and unfortunately. So how do you silence your blogging critics?


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Every blogger had to face critics at one time in their life. And many of us have to deal with critics every single day. The criticism could come from people in our real life, online friends or even complete strangers. As annoying as it sounds, the truth is criticism would never stop. The more successful you are, the more criticism you get from trolls and lovers alike.

Criticism is part of doing, so as long as you keep doing, you would keep getting criticised. As long as you keep blogging, you would keep attracting critics. It is just the way it goes.

There is no room for malicious criticism here at all. I like when my friends and loved ones give me good criticism. We are need good critics in our lives to push us out from our comfort zone. Having said that, I have a problem when the criticism is not coming from a good place with good intentions.  Don’t ask me how I know, I just do. So I know how to silence the critics I don’t need to hear from. Here is how I go about it.


Don’t lash back at your critics

Yes, this is the first tip to silencing your critics. I know that being criticized can be hurtful but lashing back at your critics is like adding fuel to the fire. The minute your critics know that you are upset or angry about what they are staying about you, the more they will criticize you and this time it’ll be worse.

Lashing back at your critics only gives them the signal that you are in denial and that there may be some element of truth in what they were saying about you.

The best way to deal with the situation is to be calm while answering them. Don’t be harsh or rude. Always be peaceable and friendly. This may be difficult to do, but trust me, it will make some if not all your critics reconsider their choice of words.



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Be determined to be the best and keep on doing

One of the best ways to silence your critics is to consistently deliver your best work. Critics will always find something negative to say about what you do and even how you do it. To prove them wrong you need to tell yourself every time you blog that the blog post you’ll publish will be the best post you have ever written.

There’s one thing you need to take note of when you’re trying to deliver your best. You need to remember why you do what you do. You didn’t set up your blog to please your critics. If you are like me, you started your blog to entertain, inform and share parts of your life with your readers. Let that be your primary focus. Keep up doing what you do and ignore the critics.


Cut them off

If your critics are people you know in your real life, do not be afraid to cut them off! This may sound very harsh but it is usually the best way to silence your critics if they won’t support you. I have cut off a few people in my real life, partly because of how they do not support my blog. If I had a friend or family member running a blog, I know I would be all over their blog all day every day, supporting them as much as I can.

I know not everyone is into social media like I am, and not everyone has the time to read blogs. I totally get that, I have friends and family, who hardly come online to read blogs. But I also know many people in my real life who do, but just refuse to support my blog openly. I know they read it but they never share my posts or comment. The only thing they ever do is criticise and I won’t have that, so I cut them off.


How do you silence your blogging critics?


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