Life Is Expensive Enough, Don’t Let Your Car Add To It!

Buying a car is always going to be a pretty serious expense that most people will have to deal with. Of course, when people think about the cost of a car they usually only think about it in terms of what you pay when you actually buy it. But the cost of owning any vehicle actually extends beyond that. In fact, your vehicle can end up costing you a lot more than you thought in a lot of surprising ways. Here are just a few ways that a car will end up costing you money and how you can reduce it.


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Insurance is probably the largest and most obvious expense that comes with owning a car for a lot of people. The insurance that you pay will depend on a lot of different factors. It’s a really good idea to shop around to try to find the best deals on insurance if you can. Places like Sainsbury’s car insurance are a great starting point since they often offer some great deals.

It’s also worth considering whether to pay it yearly or monthly. Paying a large sum of money in one go might not be possible for a lot of people but paying your car insurance all at once actually works out cheaper than paying it monthly since you will usually end up paying interest on it if you split the payments up. Of course, your insurance will always depend on you as well. The kind of driver that you are, as well as your age, gender, and location, will all have an impact on how much your insurance costs. This is a great incentive to drive carefully and avoid any speeding tickets or traffic offenses since those can drive the price of your insurance way up.


Payment plans

A lot of people assume that a payment plan is automatically the best option when it comes to buying a car. After all, if you’re avoiding the major issue of having to pay for the car upfront, then you’re in a much better position right? Well, that is definitely true, as long as you find the plan. The wrong finance plan can leave you paying far more in the long run than you ever intended. Check the interest rates on any plan before agreeing to it. The last thing you want is to end up paying twice as much as you planned on.


Car Fuel

Fuel prices go up and down all the time but filling up your car is always going to be a pretty hefty, regular expense. Again, this depends on the car that you own; smaller cars will obviously cost less to fill up. Then again, if you’re doing a lot of motorway driving, then a smaller car will actually burn through fuel a lot less efficiently. Don’t just assume that because each fill-up costs less than your fuel costs are automatically going to be lower. Figure out what you’ll be using your car for and factor that into calculating your fuel costs.


Of course, for a lot of us, there really isn’t much that you can do in order to avoid paying for a car. It’s a pretty essential part of most of our lives after all. However, at least with things like this, you can try to at least reduce it the costs and make life a little easier for yourself.


*Collaborative post.

Work From Home Would Not Work For You

Many people love the idea of being able to work from home or from anywhere. The fact that you can work in bed with your pyjamas on if you like, and not have to commute sounds appealing to many. It is also amazing when you have kids as you don’t have to deal with the expensive childcare fees and all. It also allows me bring up my kids which is a blessing.

Working from home is the dream. I have been working from anywhere for a few years now and I won’t have it any other way. But this way of life would not work for many.


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So why won’t working from home work for you? Here are some of the main reasons why –


You get easily distracted

Now this is a major issue. If you are the type of person that gets easily distracted, working from home would not work for you. With no boss to micromanage you, you could easily find yourself spending hours doing nothing. With the many social media platforms and entertainment everywhere you turn, you have to be serious-minded enough to ignore distractions to work from home effectively.


Addicted to the TV

Being addicted to the TV is a major issue for many, which is why working from home will not work for them. I am not a huge TV fan. I watch few selected programmes on replay. So you will never catch me watching TV all day. Which is why I can get many things done. If you know you will be tempted to pop the TV on while working, then maybe getting a job outside your home would work better for you.


You get easily bored or down when by yourself

I like the company of others and I also like just being by myself. I don’t get bored or down easily because I truly enjoy the company of myself. Being an introvert makes working from home very easy. It does get lonely sometimes, and some days are harder than normal but it works great for me overall. If you prefer to be in the company of others or you get easily get bored, then working from home may not be right for you personality.


Poor money management skills

Working from home usually means you are self-employed. For you to run your own business from home or from anywhere successfully, you must have great money management skills. You must be on top of your finances to make it work. Every penny must be accounted for. If you struggle with managing your money, then a job with a steady salary may be the best bet for you.


No passion

In other for you to be successful, you have to be passionate. No passion means no determination. For you to carry on, especially in the early days when work is few and far between, your passion and determination will carry along.


Working from home is a blessing. It is a dream come true for me and I always count my blessings. But it is not the best for many, which is why I decided to write this post so people don’t struggle with what they are not good at.


Do you work from home? Please share your thoughts on this.

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