Interior Decorating Best Kept Secrets

*Collaborative post.

Decorating and re-decorating your home can be really fun. It’s amazing how little adjustments can make a huge difference to the room.

However, not many people have an eye for design. That’s why it’s good to have some handy tips that will help you make the best interior design choices.

Over the years interior designers have formulated some interior décor hacks that they kept secret. I came across some which will help make a difference to your interior decorating.


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  1. Base your colour scheme on a focal item

Deciding on the right set of colours to decorate your room can be a bit tricky. And sometimes when you do come up with your “ideal” set of colours, you find out that your furniture doesn’t match your colour scheme by the time you bring it in.

A clever insider secret to interior décor is to base your colour scheme on a focal item in your room. For example, if the most prominent item in your room is a turquoise and gold mural, then the colour scheme of your room should include turquoise and gold.


  1. Create height

Not many homes were constructed with high ceilings. High ceilings give the illusion of more space. But when you’re faced with a room with low ceilings, then furnishing it with low furniture will help give your room some balance. Low furniture like chairs, couches and coffee tables should have shorter legs to make the ceiling of the room look a lot higher than what it really is.


  1. Bring the investment pieces up front

When you walk into the room there should be a statement piece that will draw you into the room. A statement piece usually defines the mood of a room. Invest in a large beautiful painting on the wall or smart antique furniture as they make excellent statement pieces. Once you have them in your room don’t keep them hidden in the background. Bring them up front and let the room light up with their presence. living room furniture collections


  1. Invest in a quality sofa

Don’t skimp on your sofa. That’s where you and your guests will spend most of their time when they come to visit. So, you must invest in a quality sofa to give your room or living area a comfy feel. Make sure that the sofa you choose is comfortable and made of quality materials that will last long and not wear out quick. Best to shop for great living room furniture collections when furnishing the home.


  1. Strategically hang your mirrors

Mirrors, especially the decorative type, can make a room look really charming and sophisticated. However, interior designers see mirrors as more than just a decorative item. A mirror can be used as a tool to help in your interior decoration. When placed in strategic locations, a mirror can make a room look a lot larger than it really is. If the room you want to decorate doesn’t let in much natural light, you can place a mirror directly opposite the window to reflect the light to the whole room. This makes your room naturally brighter.


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