What you need to know about freelance work

Freelance work allows me to work and study from home. It also allowed me to homeschool the kiddies these last few months. A few years ago, I was stuck in a job I hated and dreamt of being able to work for myself from home. Freelancing has allowed me to break out of that job and pursue my dreams. It has completely changed my life and I am forever grateful to be able to do what I do, how I do it.

What is freelance work?

Freelance work is a flexible sort of self-employment job that allows you to provide a service to a variety of clients. I get to work with all sorts of businesses all over the world and I have met some incredible people along the way. My freelance work allows me to work on small and big projects, both short term and long term, depending on the project.

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What jobs can I do freelance?

You can do almost any job freelance. I handle copywriting, blogger outreach, blog coaching, and social media management for many businesses. Other jobs you could carry out on a freelance basis are –

  • Proofreading
  • Public Relations
  • Graphic Design
  • Videography
  • Data Entry
  • Book Keeping

These are just a few examples of jobs you could do for clients on a freelance basis. There are many more freelance jobs you could do. Quick research in your chosen field will shed more light.

What are the benefits of working freelance?

Here are some of the most amazing benefits of working freelance –

  • It is flexible. You can set your own working hours
  • You can work from anywhere you choose
  • Freelance work is usually varied and variety is the spice of life.
  • You are your own boss.

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Where can I find freelance work?

You can find freelance work anywhere depending on your niche. I started off getting jobs on LinkedIn and other social media networks. These days the majority of my jobs find me thanks to my blog and existing connections. However, if you are just starting out, Upwork, Freelancer, and Peopleperhour are great sites to check out.

How much do freelancers get paid?

The beauty of being a freelancer is you get to set your own rates. You can decide to be paid hourly or set up a fixed rate. The choice is yours. It is best to do some research and find out what other freelancers in your niche charge. That way you make sure you set realistic rates.

What do I need to become a freelancer?

For you to be a successful freelancer, you need to have the skills required for your niche. So to be a successful copywiter, you need to be a great writer. You also need to be self-motivated and organised to succeed as a freelancer. The beauty of freelancing is you are your own boss, and that means there is no one to remind you to get your work done. You need to be able to motivate yourself and stay on top of your workload to succeed.


Ways To Make Your Clients Feel Valued

*Collaborative post.

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Image credit.

Your clients are the most important commodity for you. It is time you treat them with a little more love and care. It will be a win-win situation. Great customer service breeds more customers. Plus it will make your end of the day will feel like you truly impacted someone’s life. Every person loves to feel valued and appreciated. If they feel that, they will keep coming back for more. Your business will keep thriving because you consistently show your clients how much you appreciate them giving you their business. If you are unsure on how to make your clients feel valued, here are some tips.

Give Your Clients Personal Attention

Roll out the red carpet for them and pull out all the stops without being annoying. Let them know that you acknowledge they are here and you are happy to see them. Avoid being pushy, but make yourself visible and available so if they need help, advice, or have a question they know where to find you. This not only works for those with storefronts, but this can also translate to those who operate solely online. Make yourself available via email, or if you have that kind of relationship with your clients, let them know they can text you if they need anything or have any issues.

Thank Them

Saying thank you is the best way to let someone know how much you appreciate them and everything they do for you. The same can be said about your customers. Let them know how much you appreciate doing business with them. As a cheap but effective marketing idea, give out a promotional product that not only lets them know how much you appreciate them, but it could also be a way to further promote your services.

Listen To Feedback

When your clients tell you what they enjoy, like or dislike about your business, listen to them. Take their feedback into account. Doing so can make sure you are appealing to their tastes, making them more comfortable to keep giving you business. Entrepreneur explains that knowing what your customers like and dislike allows you to better service them. If something new is coming in the shop and you know it might be something your client will like, you can let them know ahead of time, further building a great rapport with them.

Create A VIP List

For the clients that are loyal and do tons of business with you, put them on a VIP list. This list can come in handy when you are planning special events, sales, or talks. Since these people are always giving you good business, this is a good way to let them know how much you value their business.

Return The Favor

Some of your clients are more than just your clients. They may have businesses, side hustles and passion projects just like you. Return the favor and give them your business. If you need services or products that your clients can provide, keep them in mind.


A beginner’s guide to working from home

With all that we have going on, many people will find themselves working from home now. If you are one of those people and working from home is new to you, this beginner’s guide to working from home may help you make the most of it. Working from home can be a blessing and it can be a curse. It depends on your personality and the work you do. I have been working from home for about 6 years now and have tried various techniques to help me stay productive and actually work from home amidst all the distractions. My working from home is going well, and I have recently started studying from home too!

Having reliable WIFI helps me stay productive and I am glad I have a stable internet provider. If you are thinking of working from home, the first thing to do is to run an internet speed test to see if your connection is good enough. Then check out the tips to help you start working from home efficiently.

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Work when you are most productive

You need to figure out when you are most productive and aim to complete the main tasks then. This will allow you to work on other tasks that are not as important or demanding when your concentration levels are low. Being a freelancer means you can set the times you want to work. You may not have to work the traditional 9-5 if those hours don’t favour you. I love the flexibility of setting my hours around when I am most productive. Once you figure this out, you can work from home and get work done.

Have a routine

I love routines. They keep me focused and productive. I would be lost without a clear schedule of how my day needs to go. One of the first things you need to do when you start working from home is to have a routine and stick to it. That way you know what needs doing and when it needs to be done. For every working hour, you have a clear schedule. There should always be room for flexibility when needed. After all that is the beauty of being self-employed. Once you have a routine and you stick to it, you will find working from home easy and productive.

Take regular breaks

Don’t get tempted to keep working without taking regular breaks in between. Remember sitting is the new smoking. It is good to move around for a few minutes after every hour of sitting down. Regular breaks are good for the body and the mind. You could go for a short walk to clear your head or just walk around the house doing chores.

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Days off are important

Back in my early days of working from home, I worked every free time I got and I did this pretty much every day. This is no longer the case for me. I now take a day or 2 off every week and that helps me recharge. It can be difficult to not work every single day, especially if you have just started freelancing. The anxiety or the fear of missing out keeps you grinding, but this is dangerous for your health and productivity. Days off are important so factor these days in when planning your schedule.

Avoid the distractions

I am not easily distracted. The bed, TV, and chores don’t distract me when I need to get work done. If that is the same for you then you will find it easy to work from home. If you are easily distracted, you will need to find ways to deal with your distractions. Working on a chair/table will help so you don’t get too comfy on the bed. Switching the TV off or working in a room without a TV helps too!

Do you work from home? How are you finding it?


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