5 Fashion Tips for New Mothers

As women our bodies go through a lot of changes. And after we give birth, it takes a while before we can go back to our former selves. That is why these fashion tips for new mothers are so useful.

Having kids is wonderful, but when it comes to keeping up with fashion, you need to make sure you take extra care in the choices you make. Yes, you may have added a little since then, but there some nifty fashion tricks that can help you keep your not-so-flattering side out of view. Here are a few fashion tips that I have tried out.


Embrace loose fitting dresses


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After giving birth, it is quite normal to have a little bulge in the tummy. While you are working on coming back to your slimmer figure, make loose fitting dresses your friends.

A loose fitting dress will hide all those extra pounds that come with being pregnant and give the illusion of being fit. A lovely loose flowing sleeveless dress makes a wonderful outfit during the summer, but if it’s a little cold outside, then wearing a sweater would help without damaging your style.


Opt for three-quarter sleeves


Make your clothes look expensive image


You know those flabby parts of our arms that we can’t help looking at? Well, when you become a mom, it is possible that while adding a couple of pounds, some of them ended up there. The good news is that three-quarter sleeves make a great way to disguise them from view.

A top or a lovely dress with three-quarters sleeves would be an excellent choice for new mothers as it may be a bit challenging to cover those arms. With three-quarters, you no longer have to be self-conscious about the size of your arms but rather relax and enjoy being stylish.


Elongate with high waist trousers or skirts

This is by far one of my favourite hacks. High waist trousers and skirts play a dual role in helping new moms stay trendy. First, the high waist helps to elongate your body making you look slimmer. The next thing high waist trousers or skirts do is to hide your tummy which is the place new mothers feel the most self-conscious.


Mind your necklines

This may be hard to believe but the neckline of your top or dress can make or break your style. As a new mom you need to choose clothes that help to flatter your assets but hide the few pounds that come with pregnancy.

That is why you need to make sure you avoid plunging necklines or turtlenecks as they will work against you by highlighting your weight. However, a nice V-neck can make a huge difference as it makes you look a lot slimmer.


Get comfy in a long knit cardigan

Cardigans are not only comfy and warm during the winter, they’re also great at keeping your stomach area out of view. But a long cardigan does a good job hiding them while making you look put together and stylish.

A long cardigan over a nice pair of jeans makes an excellent combination. You can make the look more laid back and casual by pushing the sleeves up to make them look like three-quarter sleeves.


What do you think of these fashion tips for new mothers? Have you tried any of them?

24 responses

  1. These are good tips- especially about the loose fitted dresses. With the right length and heels, its still possible to look lean and chic with this silhouette, also 3/4 sleeves are a clever way to cover insecurities ( ;

  2. Those dresses look amazing, wish I managed to find so nice clothes when I was pregnant with my 2 because I just ended up wear jogging bottoms all the time

  3. Really nice although I think you should have put more emphasis on how extremely flattering showing cleavage can now be and how post-pregnancy corsets are a gift from heaven.

  4. Love this post! Minding those necklines worked for me, such as tops with v-neck and dresses with princess neckline. Three-quarter sleeves also worked, but only during fall or spring. I wore dresses that have a waistline because of my pear-shaped figure.

  5. Pingback: 5 Fashion Tips for New Mothers – fashionandstylepolice – Ellustar Fashion

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