How to Get Your Life Back on Track

If you feel that, for whatever reason, your life has veered off course and you’re now not heading in the direction that you envisaged you would be, then it’s time you got it back on track. Doing so isn’t simply a case of waking up one day and hoping everything will fall into place for you, however. To get back on the straight and narrow,you have to do a number of things and put in an abundance of hard work. With that in mind, here’s what you should be doing, as well as what it takes, to get your life back on track:


First: The first thing that you need to do in your quest to get your life back on track is to open yourself up to the acceptance of help. You need to do so because you’re going to want support, especially when it comes to facing certain challenges that require a specific skill set to overcome. For instance, if you feel like you’ve come to a point where you are overly reliant or addicted to a substance, then you’re going to need help from experts in the field of drug treatment and rehabilitation therapy. You’re not going to kick the habit alone or without the knowledge that such professionals bring to the table, which is why you should accept the help that they offer.



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Second: If you’ve gone through a particularly tough time and you feel like that is the reason for your life veering off track, then you need to stop trying to force your healing process. You need to give yourself time to think about the things that you’ve gone through and mourn anything that you may have lost, be that a person or just a piece of yourself. You need to be patient with the pace at which you recover, and you should never jump into doing anything you do not feel wholly comfortable with doing. In the future, yes, you will have to start pushing yourself if you want to find success in your life. For now, however, be patient with yourself.


Third: Once you feel like you are in a position to truly make strides forward into your future, you need to start acting in a way that accommodates your new way of living. This involves setting your own values, and sticking to them no matter what happens. It also involves you finding a way to deal with your life today, teaching yourself to neither think too much about yesterday or tomorrow. Plus, you need to always think positively, focus on what can go right rather than what could go wrong. Life is all about mindset, and if you get into the habit of thinking optimistically, more opportunities will find their way to you.


You deserve for your life to be heading in the direction that you wish for it to take. To get it on this route, you’re going to have to take the above advice and put it all into practice.


*Collaborative post.  

40 responses

  1. I am a long term member of a 12 step program (A.A) I am coming up for 16 years sober. There is a world of misinformation out there of what construed addiction. I got off the downward spiral of the elevator relatively early. I say today I am a sober alcoholic. I can never drink safely again and not am I about to test that theory. I don’t want to anyway nor do I need too.

    A.A is free like all 12 step programs such as those like Al-Anon (support network for those who are affected/concerned by someone drinking)

    Narcotics, shopping, gambling, sex addiction, workaolism and so on. There are 26 types of 12 step programs in The U.K

    The government advocate these now as we are free and are implemented by treatment and rehab too. We are classed as free aftercare.

    We are an upside down organisation that are run opposite to the average organisation. The members run the groups and feed back down the chain of admin and employed special workers at H.Q are for us to be able to do 12 step work. We have a special dispensation through government as though we are a charity we are not a charity in the normal sense. We are self supporting.

    Members stay around (not all do) which is how the message is carried on.
    A.A is full as all 12 step programs of average people who seemingly look normal and have seemingly normal lives. Addiction can effect anyone. Our fellowships include 1000s of famous people (anonymous so no names) from footballers, musicians, actors/actresses, teachers, medical profession, Drs, consultants nurses and so on. Also armed forces, vets ad infinitum as well as average you and I. The scariest to me is knowing pilots are in the fellowship, which is worldwide.

    Not saying it’s for everyone. However it works. I live a normal life. I just don’t drink. It is classed as a medical disease and a family illness as it’s effects all those around the drinker. The fellowship was set up 83 years ago in The U.S by 2 active alcoholics who found a way to get sober and stay sober and so they went on to build thus fellowship. A.A is now in over 180 countries. There are over 4500 meetings per week in The U.K alone.

    I drank for 3 years on a night. To all intents and purposes I functioned. It was why I drunk that was the problem. I drank on pain, stress and to fix the way I felt. That is part of a grossly misunderstood umbrella of addiction as I was emotionally and mentally addicted.

    There is more to stopping drinking than stopping drinking as there is stopping any dysfunctional behaviour.

    Alcoholism and dysfunctional/binge drinking costs 21 billion a year to the U.K. 2.5 billion of that is to the NHS. The rest is the emergency services, courts, prisons (95% of prisoners are in because of addiction) social services at all levels of children, adults, disabled etc. Also all the other services on top that become involved. Then there is housing/homelessness and benefits too.

    It’s a long post however a subject close to my heart I could talk on all day. Anyone wants to know more on this use a search engine will take you to the websites of.

    Brilliant post Stella. I am really pleased to see you highlighting this subject

    • Well done you! Glad you like the post. Thanks for all the information here. I am sure it would save many lives.

  2. Excellent advice! I like your statement that says, “Life is all about mindset.” I believe this as well. We can create our opportunities if we’re positive and work towards them.

  3. I believe that we all have struggles in life and when we get side tracked by different problems, it’s harder to go back when you started. Thank you for this enlightening post!

  4. I am a person who will never accept help from people and just keep saying that I am ok. I should really try some of these tips as I have been in this situation a couple of times.

  5. I can so relate to this and this came just in time when I feel everything is just slipping from my hand and just falling off with no idea when all this will get sorted.

  6. I think getting your life back on track after a traumatic time can be one of the hardest things and it takes an immense amount of strength. I applaud anyone who does this.

  7. I’ve been feeling bogged down with all the little things lately. Most of them have to be done, like taking out the trash. But seems like there’s so many of them that it takes time away from bigger goals.

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