How to Accelerate Your Blogging Career in 2019

Many people go into blogging for different reasons. Some do it as a hobby, some do it to show their expertise, while others use it as a means to monetize their skills.

But what if you want to take blogging to a whole new level? What if you want to accelerate your blogging skills to get devoted readers and higher income?

There are millions of bloggers who are using blogging as a medium to make their dreams come true. These are bloggers who have decided to take blogging as a serious profession. If you have been thinking of taking your blogging career to the next level in 2019, here is exactly how you can do it.


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  1. Plan your content

Blogging is not about writing anything that comes to your mind. Serious bloggers plan their content to the last before they even think of publishing. This because every blog post they publish is done with a specific purpose in mind.

Create an outline for every blog idea that comes to mind. Do detailed research into the topic to help give your readers great value when they’re reading your blog post. Have an editorial calendar where you can plan out which blog post should be published and when. And most importantly, stay consistent.


  1. Have a compelling call to action

Blogging should be like having a one-on-one communication with your readers. But such conversation must not be one-sided. The best blogs are those that engage the audience. And the best way to engage your audience is to cleverly use your call to action.

A call to action is a line that tells your reader what you would like them to do now that they have finished reading your blog post, for example like, share, comment or subscribe to your email list.

Some bloggers forget to add a call to action in their blog posts. But serious bloggers don’t dare skip it.


  1. Build your email list

No matter what stage you are as a blogger, building your email list a must. The email list is a powerful way to constantly keep in touch with your readers and inform them of your offers or when a new blog post is published.

Those subscribed to your email list get to read your newsletters where you can build a closer and deeper relationship with your subscribers.


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  1. Promote promote promote

Writing your blog post is just half the battle when trying to accelerate your blogging career. You need to put in 2 times more effort into promoting your blog posts than you do writing the content of your blog post.

Promoting your blog post increases the visibility of your blog posts thereby bringing fresh readers to see your blog post every time.

Share your blog post on social media, forums and groups where your target audience hang out.  But remember that you have to make sure that you don’t spam the platforms where you share your blog posts.


  1. Be you….always

This is the most important part in accelerating your blogging career: be yourself. Your readers will love you for who you are. So be 100 percent authentic. Copying someone else’s style will never take you far. Don’t be afraid to show off your awesomeness.


How do you plan to accelerate your blogging career in 2019?

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