Reasons to have or not to have cosmetic surgery

I have never had cosmetic surgery before and I don’t plan to but I have played with the idea a few times. Many people have had some form of cosmetic surgery done. It is very common with celebrities and Instagram stars these days. So many people are obsessed with the perfect look. They want all their features looking their best and if any is not looking as good, they fix it. Do I blame them? Not at all. I am not one to judge especially when it comes to personal things like cosmetic surgery. However, it is always good to be honest when you get some work done though. My issue with many of these “stars” is that they try to pass the new features off as natural, which sends the wrong message out to their fans.

For me, if you have cosmetic surgery done, own up to it especially to those who look up to you. If you are an everyday woman, you don’t need to tell anyone you are not comfortable telling, but celebs don’t have that same privilege and anyone with any sort of huge following does not as well. I see many social media stars going on about privacy after they have undergone some sort of cosmetic surgery, usually full lips or a new pair of boobs. These new features will be impossible to miss and it is unfair and even misleading to try to make them appear natural when it is clear they are not.

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I have nothing against cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic surgery is useful to have around. It is good to know there are cosmetic treatments available if we ever need it. I have had a couple of cosmetic treatments like microdermabrasion and I blogged about it on Fashion and Style Police. Those mini beauty treatments are my favourite kind of skincare treats and I love having them.

I just don’t want cosmetic surgery

Like I said, I played around with the idea of having some work done ages ago. That thought quickly vanished. The thought of going under the knife for a cosmetic reason will never make sense to me, but maybe that is because I am very happy with my body and I love the skin I am in, along with all the features, both perfect and imperfect.

Reasons to have cosmetic surgery

The fact that I don’t want them anymore doesn’t stop me from understanding why others would like to have some work done on them. As I said, I am not one to judge. Besides, many people may have real physical disfigurement through birth, illness or accident, and want to improve their appearance. There is nothing wrong with wanting to improve your features, just ensure you are doing it for the right reasons and that the surgery is worth the reasons. Going under the knife is no joke. I had a Caesarean section with the twins, so I have a good idea of what it means to go under the knife. Think long and hard before you make up your mind.

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Reasons to not have cosmetic surgery

It might go wrong. This is the major reason and risk you have to be prepared to take. You will be signing your life away before you go under. Cosmetic surgeries are also very expensive. Many people are unable to afford it even if they want it. Many people also have to deal with the aftermath of having the surgery done. It is a Catch-22 kind of thing. You are dammed if you admit to having the surgery done (you look so vain) and dammed if you don’t admit (you look vain and stupid for thinking people won’t notice).

At the end of the day, the choice is yours and there is no right or wrong way of looking at it. It all depends on what matters to you and what you want.


4 responses

  1. I agree with you Stella. Invasive surgery is not for me. I once thought about it for my stomach having had four children. Then I thought no. It’s real.

    The only form of cosmetic surgery I would consider if I could afford it is dentistry. Having health issues it has affected my teeth. I would rather have implants than the small dental plate I have to wear.

    Like you I have microdebrasion which is usually quarterly. I also have my eyebrows tattooed and that is topped up once a year. Having fair eyebrows which were very thin (I was a teen of the 70s when the look was shaven) so needed that.

    I also do facial exercises (no recovery, natural and cost zero) and use a chin up stretch wrap for keeping the neck/under chin firm. Natural no issue with as I like to look my best. Surgery no.

    Talking of looking my best I have my hair appointment booked for 7th July in 2 weeks time finally. I can’t wait. I have had to colour it myself twice and hated doing it. I punched the air with delight when my hairdresser text me with a date and time last week

    It certainly needs a good trim too, as it was Christmas when it was last done. I was due in the week of lockdown. I am over the moon. I’ll probably cry when I see my hairdresser. I’m a total Leo over my hair

    • I am happy to hear you have your hair appointment sorted. I can imagine your joy. I loved my microdermabrasion treatment xx

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