5 Fashion Hacks for Handbags

Oasis Bag Image

Handbags are my favourite accessories. I see them as an easy way to add some ‘wow’ into any outfit, so I take my time buying them. I have quite a few handbags and I am in the pursuit of adding a few more to my bag collection, which inspired this post. When you go for quality over quantity, your handbags serve you longer, and you can even make some money off them if you plan to sell them off at some point. I have sold a few designers bags on eBay and I made some cool cash off them so I know.

Here are some fashion hacks for you to have in mind when it comes to buying and using your handbags:


A Classic Bag

If you can afford to, have at least 1 classic designer bag, preferably in black. It is smarter to go for a classic style that will stand the test of time, and still be in vogue 10 years later.


On-the-go Bags

Since becoming  mum, I have fallen in love with on-the-go bags, also known as satchel or messenger bags. They are the best fashion inventions ever! I can have my bag and have my hands free. They are great for busy mums, students and travellers. You should have at least 1 of these. I have quite a few and I am in the pursuit of others.


Clutch Chic

Clutch bags are ideal for dinners, wedding and formal events. They have the power to add instant glamour to your outfit so they are definitely worth having. I was slow on the clutch chic collection, but I am happy to have a few clutches now. I will probably be adding some more at some point, bank balance permitting.


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Go for Light Bags

It amazes me the amount of cheap heavy bags designers churn out every season. I always check the weight of a bag before carrying. Bags that come naturally heavy will be a lot heavier once you have your junk in it. This added weight can cause strains, damage posture, and trigger back and shoulder pain.


Care for your Bags

Handle your handbags with tender, love and care. Make sure you do not squash them while storing. Opt to store your bags in drawstring cotton bags when not in use.


Do you have any fashion hacks for handbags to share? Sound off in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading.












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