What my autumn wardrobe would look like

Autumn is around the corner and I can’t wait to embrace it. I love the beautiful autumn leaves and cooler weather. It has been painfully warm here in Cheshire in the last few days. The crazy warm weather is making me want the autumn season even more. So what will my autumn wardrobe look like? I work from home as normal and with the current situation we are all in, I am not socialising much. That means my autumn wardrobe will look pretty much like my spring and summer wardrobe but a bit thicker.

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Here are 5 items I am looking forward to wearing this autumn season –


I love turbans and scarves. They keep my head warm and they are great for when I don’t have the time to style my hair properly. I also love wearing turbans/scarves because the extra warmth keeps my scalp moisturised which helps the hair grow. I have found some amazing turbans online and I will be grabbing some of them in the next few weeks. Do you love wearing turbans/scarves?


Trainers are great for the school run, which will be starting in the next few weeks. I can’t believe I am saying this but I have actually missed the school runs and the kiddies have missed school so much. I am looking forward to that starting again.

I love wearing my trainers. They are stylish and comfy. I will be getting a lot of wear out of my trainers this autumn season.


I love that I can still wear my sunglasses on sunny autumn days. That is one fashion accessory that is more of a necessity than an accessory for me.

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Light Jackets

One of the beauties of autumn fashion is that I can still wear light jackets. I cherish the last few months where I can get away with wearing a light jacket outdoors. I have a couple of light jackets I am already looking forward to wearing this autumn.


I am a huge fan of leggings. They are super stylish and they look great with almost anything. Whenever I can’t think of what to wear, I throw on a pair of leggings and everything else just fits into place. In the last few days, it has been way too warm to throw on a pair of leggings. I am looking forward to the cooler months to make up for the lost time.

What is your autumn wardrobe going to look like this year? Please share your fashion tips in the comments section. Thanks for reading, commenting, and share. Have a great weekend.



Autumn Fashion Season is Here

Autumn is here! The season of layering is here and it feels good to start wearing my knitwear and coats again. We always grumble about how cold and miserable the weather is but autumn fashion season is something to look forward to and enjoy. I love wearing layers. They are super comfy and stylish, and the season allows me play dress up even more. Apart from the layers and knitwear autumn allows me wear, I am also happy to be able to unleash my boots again. These are just some of the fashion and style reasons why I love autumn so much.


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Autumn is so beautiful and stylish

This season is great for people of all styles. If your fashion sense is more minimalist, that would work excellently and so would those with a more maximalist sense of fashion. I am looking forward to taking more and more outfit photos this season. I have not don that in a while for many reasons. My camera roll is filled up with product and travel images, with the kiddies featuring in most. This autumn/winter season, I am planning to take some more outfit hoots outdoors as the autumn leaves are always so beautiful. The photo above was taken years ago in autumn and the background always catches my attention.


Apart from the beauty and style of autumn, I am also looking forward to spending time just being and enjoying the season. The darkness that comes with this time of the year can be really SAD and depressing sometimes. I always miss the sunshine and long summery days. However, this year, I am not going to dwell on how dark it is and how much I miss the sunshine. I am just going to enjoy autumn and all it brings.


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Are you a fan of autumn fashion? Which autumn fashion trend do you like the most?


How to be fashionable this autumn

Autumn(or fall like my American friends call it)  is here and the weather has been wet and cold in the north of England where I live. Autumn fashion is one of my favourite fashion seasons. The pieces and accessories in the stores make me want to be play dress up all season long. I love the light layers and ankle booties in vogue this season. Autumn is a season to be fashionable. However, the question for many remains – how to be fashionable this autumn? Here are some fashion and style tips you may find very handy this season –



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Invest in an oversized bag

I am a huge bag lover and I like my bags oversized so they can fit in all I need for the day. Especially when I am out of the house for hours. I have not shopped for a bag in ages but I plan to invest in 1 this autumn and it is definitely going to be an oversized bag as they are trendy and handy to have on the arm.


Cinch the waist with a belt

The easiest way to draw attention to your waist is to cinch it with a waist belt. You can put a waist belt over a top, shirt, coat, sweater and pretty much anything else. It is a timeless accessory and it will definitely add some style to an autumn look.


Add some shimmer and shine

I love adding some sparkle to my look especially for important events. Sequin is on trend this autumn so you can happily add some shimmer and shine to your outfit this season. I am looking forward to making this most of this autumn trend. It is one of the easiest way to look fashionable if you know how to mix and match the right pieces with accessories.



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Pointed shoes

This autumn season footwear is all about the pointed toe heels. It is a great way to look fashionable instantly. Thankfully, I have a few in my wardrobe already, and I am looking forward to wearing them this season.


Light Layering

The best part of autumn fashion for me is the fact that I can layer lightly. I love being able to wear a top and a blazer or cardigan. It is easy to look fashionable when you have the right layers on. The light layering trend is for comfort as well as style.


What do you think of these fashion tips? How do you look fashionable in autumn?

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