Alicia Keys Covers ELLE UK December 2016

Now this is one magazine cover I am completely in love with. It is definitely the best December 2016 cover.




I am a massive fan of Alicia Keys, and I am very delighted to see she is a cover girl for ELLE UK The Feminism Issue December 2016. I have not seen Alicia Keys on a UK magazine cover for a very long time. I honestly can’t remember the last time I saw her on one, so this issue is like a breath of fresh air.

Alicia Keys chats exclusively with ELLE UK about her family, being a feminist, and going makeup free.


On feminism:

‘Let’s look the definition up because I have in my mind what I feel it means.” Reading on her phone, she continues: ” ‘The advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of political, social and economic equality’ – so yes. Yes, I am a feminist, and whoever isn’t is crazy…It’s about owning your power, embracing your womanhood.’


I agree with the fact that any woman who isn’t a feminist based on the original definition here, is crazy. I even wrote about being a feminist some months ago. But the problem today is there are various definitions of a feminist, and various types too. I don’t agree with a bunch of them, I think they are just overly excited but I do agree with the original definition Keys read out here, and I wonder who wouldn’t!




On going make-up free:

It took me forever to get this skin. I mean, I know how it feels to have a face full of bumps and pimples. I lived through that in the public eye. But when I first got pregnant [six years ago with her son, Egypt] I started to eliminate dairy from my diet and drank a lot more water, which made a huge difference to my skin. Some have called this a crusade. Well, I died laughing at that. I use to feel the pressure to appear as the music industry expected, but I don’t now.’

I am so happy to know she is now very comfortable in her own skin. I am hoping I get to that level of comfort some day. It is a work-in-progress but I will get there eventually.


What do you think of this issue? I am yet to read it but I want to. It sounds like a fab read. I can see myself grabbing an issue this weekend before it leaves the newsstands.



Beyoncé on Elle Magazine UK May 2016



Queen Bey is on the cover of Elle UK Magazine May 2016 issue and I am loving it. It feels like I have not see Beyoncé on a magazine cover in ages, so this looks refreshing. I love this Elle cover, simple but striking. I love her messy hair and light makeup, she looks very beautiful in a natural way. The white background also looks really good, this cover will surely catch many eyes on the newsstands.

In her interview with Elle, Beyoncé chats about freedom, feminism, how her new fashion line, Ivy Park, helps women love their bodies, and a lot more. Ivy Park is an active wear & athleisure collection, designed by Beyoncé in collaboration with Topshop. The collection features, flip-over waistband leggings, sport bras, sultry, mesh-accented bodysuits, snapbacks, tracksuits, functional patterned jackets, caps and hair bands. I am sure the fitness and Beyonce lovers cannot wait to get their hands on this collection.

Have a look at some of the pieces from the collection modelled by the Queen herself below and tell me what you think –

Ivy Park Image

Ivy Park Collection Picture

Ivy Park Collection Image

Check out the promotional video featuring Beyoncé wearing Ivy Park, and telling us the inspiration behind the clothing line;

This collection will be available from April 14 on, Topshop, Net-A-Porter and Nordstorm. Prices will be ranging from $30- $200, so fitness lovers, get your bank cards ready.


I personally cannot wait to get my hands on this issue. I feel like I need to play catch up with one of my BFFs, lol.. I seriously admire this woman. I love majority of her songs, and music videos, and I hope this new clothing line does really well.

Beyoncé is also on the cover of the US edition, check out the cover below:



Which cover do you prefer? I am loving the UK version more, I love how simple it is.



Jourdan Dunn Covers ELLE UK April 2016


Jourdan Dunn is on the cover of ELLE UK April 2016 issue and she looks amazing on it.I am loving the old school vibes I am feeling from this cover. Jourdan is one woman I truly admire. She had a rough time growing up so quickly, being a mother at a young age but she didn’t let any of that stop from her aiming for the top.

She is one of the highest paid supermodels in the world today. She earned her spot on the Forbes list after earning a whooping £2.4 million in 2014, and she is not relaxing anytime soon. This 25-year-old beauty is one of the most recognisable faces in the UK, with her very lucrative Maybelline contract and campaigns for Burberry, Balmain and H&M under her belt, and that is not all. This smart young woman is launching a children’s wear range with Marks & Spencer and Fluid World called Lil Londunn,and the range will  consist of 22 adorably edgy boy’s and girl’s separates. I am looking forward to Lil Londunn’s launch so I can go shop for my twins. I am sure anything she touches will be top quality.



In this issue, Jourdan talks about Twitter regret, diversity on the runway, the pressures of being a young mother, and her huge plans for building a brand. I have not read anything about her in a bit, so I will be popping to the shops, to get a copy of this issue. At £4.40, my budget will be hit, but I will class this as a ‘business expense’, lol.

Here are some excerpts from her interview with ELLE Magazine UK:

Jourdan on diversity in fashion:

‘There are definitely a lot more girls of colour being represented. But I also feel like we’re 100% still not there. I want to see us get to a place where seeing a black girl, anywhere, is not such a big deal. Why can’t it just be the norm to see black models in campaigns and on covers and runways? It’s still too much of a big thing when this happens.’

I agree. There are definitely more girls of colour on the runaways, billboards and campaign ads, but there is still a lot more to be done. The diversity issue still needs addressing, from where I am sitting. I would like to see more black girls on the runaways, billboards and in campaign ads. There is still a lot of room for improvement as far as diversity in fashion is concerned. Do you agree?

What do you think of this magazine issue? Lets chat, drop me a comment.

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend.




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