5 steps to becoming a successful freelancer

Freelance is fast becoming a new work model that is gaining traction worldwide. As of 2023, freelancers account for 1.57 billion people out of a global workforce of 3.38 billion. While these numbers signal profitability, one must recognise the severe competitiveness in the freelancing space.

Unsurprisingly, the perks of flexible work hours, global work opportunities and higher earning prospects make it worth a try. But how can you be successful at freelancing? 

Thankfully, there are proven strategies to make your journey to becoming a successful freelancer much more doable.

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Picture source: here

Find your Niche 

If you are considering getting into the freelancing game long-term, you must start by settling on your niche. Leveraging your existing skillsets would be a great way to break in if you work full-time. Some popular niches include writing, web design, social media management and data analysis. 

After that, research your competition to guide you in understanding the profitability of the niche and help you position yourself. For instance, by searching for “freelance web designer” on Linkedin or Instagram, you could see existing freelancers in that space and take it up from there.

Build your Portfolio

Do you want prospective clients to perceive you as an expert? Your portfolio must reflect this at all times. Ideally, your portfolio should showcase your best work to prospective clients since it determines the basis of their decision to either work with you or not.

While there are many portfolio platforms, you must choose one that works best for your niche. For instance, if you are a web designer, Behance is your best bet, and for content writers, you can consider using Journo, Authority or Contently. 

Choose your Platform

Once you’ve chosen your niche and have your portfolio ready, you can focus on finding the right channel to advertise your availability to take on freelance projects. From researching existing freelancers in your desired niche, you would have seen where they hang out. 

While some prefer freelancing platforms like Upwork and Fiverr, others prefer to build their brand around their niche on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter and even Facebook to attract customers. 

Stay Organised 

Freelancing allows you to work on your terms. However, since you would be working at your own pace, it is easier to get trapped in the web of procrastination. Therefore, time management and project management skills are essential for excellent and timely delivery. 

Intentionally create a schedule you can stick by and use project management tools like Trello to help you stay organised and track your progress.

Keep Learning

Technology is rapidly transforming the way we do things. Freelancers who stand out from the competition are up-to-date and can leverage learning to adapt to trends.

Avoid the temptation of complacency at all costs and be dedicated to consistent learning. 

Freelancing is no doubt a rewarding career opportunity. But if you aim to be successful at it, you should be ready to go above and beyond in improving your craft and building your brand around your chosen niche. 


How to make extra money working from home

It is August 2020 and life as we know it has changed dramatically. Many of us are now permanently working from home, and many are others in search of new job opportunities. This is the best time to find ways to make extra money working from home since the majority of us are working from home now. I have been working from home since 2013 and I started making a steady income after a few years later. It has been a rollercoaster but a good one. I have learned a lot and I am still a work in progress. There is a lot to learn when you are your own boss with no one to guide you on how you should proceed.

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If you are wondering how to make an extra income working from home, here are some ideas for you –

Set up a Blog/Youtube channel

It is not easy making money from a blog or on YouTube. It takes a lot of hard work, persistence, time and a bit of luck. Plus you have to bring something new to the industry. Originality is everything when it comes to standing out online and if you plan to make money online, you have to be original. Blogs and YouTube are easy and cheap to set up nowadays. If you have a passion for writing and creating content, you should give it a go.

Get paid to write

If you love writing, you can get paid to write for others. I am a content writer and I have a couple of clients now which help me earn extra income. Most of my clients come to me through referrals and social media. You can also find clients from job boards online.

Offer virtual assistance

I know many people who hire virtual assistants to help them online with their business. You can earn as much as £10 an hour, so it is quite lucrative.  Here are some responsibilities of a virtual assistant –

  • Managing social media
  • Handing the emails.
Set up an online store

You can set up an online store on eBay or Etsy and sell your products. Facebook marketplace is another great platform to sell your items. Etsy is a great platform for homemade and vintage items, while eBay is great for preloved, new, and vintage items. It is best to play around with different platforms, depending on what you are selling before deciding on the best platform for your online store.

Here are some tips for selling online –

  • Make sure your descriptions are clear and include keywords so your item appears on search engines
  • Offer great customer service

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Offer a service

You can offer a service/course to make extra money from home. If you have knowledge in a niche, you could help others by offering this service. For example, I teach new bloggers how to grow their blog so they can start to earn a living from it.


Another way to work and make money from home is by being a proofreader. Proofreaders are responsible for reviewing written documents, checking, and correcting errors found. It is a flexible way to earn some extra income if you have the skills required to be a proofreader.

These are a few examples of how to make money working from home. Do you like any of the ideas? Have you tried any? Please share your experiences in the comments section. Thanks for stopping by.





Why you should hire a social media manager

If you have a business with an online presence, you should hire a social media manager. Every business should have an online presence. This is 2020 and one thing this year has taught us is the importance of being able to carry on your business outside your regular office. Having an online presence allows you to do just that and this is where a social media manager comes in. Social media management is one of the many freelance jobs I do. I am a dedicated social media manager to a couple of clients and I really enjoy my job. Social media is like my playground and I enjoy managing various clients’ platforms even more than my own.

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Here are three reasons why you should hire a social media manager now if you haven’t done so already –

It gives you time to work on your business

Hiring a social media manager allows you to have extra time to work on your business. Social media is a lot of fun but it can be time-consuming, especially when you are not sure of how best to come about it. Outsourcing your social media management takes the hassle of dealing with your platforms on a day-to-day basis, and allows you to focus on running your business.

A good social media manager understands social media

Social media is forever changing. The algorithm rules vary from platform to platform, it is a job in itself to keep up. For instance, the hashtag rule on Instagram changes regularly, it is tricky to know how to go about it if you are not comfortable managing business pages on social media.  A good social media manager understands the platforms and keeps up to date with the rules and regulations for each platform.

Social media management comes with a strategy

The first thing I do with a new client is to discuss a social media strategy. That way we are sure of the goals and objectives of each platform and I can work towards them. It is always good to have a clear strategy to work with, that way you are able to set weekly/monthly goals for each platform and track progress.

If you are after a social media manager for your business, you can get in touch with me via email – fashionandstylepolice@gmail.com, to discuss further. I have some availability this month and I am eager to take on new clients. Thanks for reading. Have a great week ahead.



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