Why you should hire a social media manager

If you have a business with an online presence, you should hire a social media manager. Every business should have an online presence. This is 2020 and one thing this year has taught us is the importance of being able to carry on your business outside your regular office. Having an online presence allows you to do just that and this is where a social media manager comes in. Social media management is one of the many freelance jobs I do. I am a dedicated social media manager to a couple of clients and I really enjoy my job. Social media is like my playground and I enjoy managing various clients’ platforms even more than my own.

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Here are three reasons why you should hire a social media manager now if you haven’t done so already –

It gives you time to work on your business

Hiring a social media manager allows you to have extra time to work on your business. Social media is a lot of fun but it can be time-consuming, especially when you are not sure of how best to come about it. Outsourcing your social media management takes the hassle of dealing with your platforms on a day-to-day basis, and allows you to focus on running your business.

A good social media manager understands social media

Social media is forever changing. The algorithm rules vary from platform to platform, it is a job in itself to keep up. For instance, the hashtag rule on Instagram changes regularly, it is tricky to know how to go about it if you are not comfortable managing business pages on social media.  A good social media manager understands the platforms and keeps up to date with the rules and regulations for each platform.

Social media management comes with a strategy

The first thing I do with a new client is to discuss a social media strategy. That way we are sure of the goals and objectives of each platform and I can work towards them. It is always good to have a clear strategy to work with, that way you are able to set weekly/monthly goals for each platform and track progress.

If you are after a social media manager for your business, you can get in touch with me via email – fashionandstylepolice@gmail.com, to discuss further. I have some availability this month and I am eager to take on new clients. Thanks for reading. Have a great week ahead.



Managing your money as a freelancer

I have been freelancing for almost 7 years now and I had to learn on the job. The many articles I read before and while on the freelancing journey did give me tips and tricks to help me as a freelancer, but none of them really prepared me for how to manage my money as a freelancer. When it comes to managing your money as a freelancer, you need to have your numbers head screwed on tight and quick or risk losing the plot. The life of a business owner can be a rollercoaster. You have to be prepared for the busy times as well as the not so busy times.

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Here are a few tips that should help in managing your money as a freelancer –

Set your prices

One of the first things I did was to set my prices. I have a fixed price for every service I offer. That way I don’t have to research or think about what price to give a client for a job. I know what I am worth and I do market research every now and again to make sure my prices are competitive.

Send out invoices

I know many freelancers don’t send out invoices to clients for various reasons but I always make sure my clients receive an invoice for every job. That way I have a trail of all my jobs, clients, and prices. It also makes submitting my tax returns easy since I have all the records in one place.

Take payment in advance

I like to take payment in advance where possible. That way I don’t have to chase payments (that is a job in itself). I appreciate clients that pay quickly and in advance. Going forward, I will be requesting to take more payment in advance. It saves time and effort.

Save for the rainy day

Most freelancers will know all about how busy work can be in some months and how quiet it can be in other months. I have been freelancing for a few years now and I know the pattern. My advice to not just the freelancers but every business owner is to save some money for the rainy day. Don’t spend all your earn, stash some away for when work is quiet.

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Don’t work for free

These days, I thankfully don’t have people asking me to work for free anymore. My work pays my bills and more, so working for free isn’t really an option. I know my worth and I am very quick to ignore anyone who questions it by asking me to work for free or for a ridiculous fee. I manage my money by not working for free.

At the end of the day, we are all different and we will manage our money in our own way. These are some of the ways I make it work for me. Being able to work for me for this long is a dream come true. It has completely changed my life for the better and I am grateful to be able to do all that I do. Apart from this blog which is my main source of income, I am also a Content Writer, Blogger Outreach Consultant, Social Media Manager, Blog Coach, Authour, and Vlogger.

How do you manage your money as a freelancer/business owner?

Why you should hire a copywriter

Running a business is very hard and can be time consuming. Which is why I see many abandoned blogs and websites with little or no content. Their owners are too busy running their business, and have forgotten to keep their websites updated. I know it can be hard juggling all the needs of your business, especially when you have no clue on how to go about writing engaging articles. This is why you need a copywriter.

A good copywriter will be able to easily create articles regularly in line with your business. I have been a copywriter for some years now, and many of my clients still wonder how quickly I can shoot a content idea over to them and get the article written a few hours later. The simple answer is because it is my job to do so.


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Here are some reasons why you should hire a copywriter –


It gives you time to run your business

This to me is the main reason why you should hire a copywriter. Once you hand over the content strategy to your copywriter, you can then focus on running your business. Creating constant quality content takes time and effort. So handing that bit over to a content writer will give you hours to do other jobs.


You can focus on what you CAN do

Many business owners are not copywriters. They have no idea on how to write engaging articles. Which is why they should hire a copywriter to do the job for them. This will allow them focus on jobs they can do properly.


A good copywriter can hep you rank on search engines

A good copywriter can write engaging SEO articles that will help you rank on search engines. This is good for business because your prospective customers will find your website a lot quicker. Generating organic traffic is very important and well written articles can do just that for your website.



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Your business gets a social media presence

Having a social media presence is vital for a successful business. A copywriter can help you have a social media presence. Many of them like myself are also social media managers, so you can get 2 services for the price of 1 if you are a good negotiator. A good copywriter/social media manager can help you create engaging content for your social media platforms.


Stand out from the rest

Hiring a copywriter will help your website and overall business stand out from the rest. It is one way of stepping ahead of your competitors because it means you are taking your business seriously. The best way to stand out from the many businesses online is to have amazing content. That already puts you ahead of millions. A well updated website/blog makes your business appear more present and trustworthy.


These are just a few reasons why you should hire a copywriter. You can always get in touch with me if you need copywriting services. My email address is – fashionandstylepolice@gmail.com, or you can drop me a line on Twitter – fashionstylepol


Thanks for stopping by.



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