How to make extra money working from home

It is August 2020 and life as we know it has changed dramatically. Many of us are now permanently working from home, and many are others in search of new job opportunities. This is the best time to find ways to make extra money working from home since the majority of us are working from home now. I have been working from home since 2013 and I started making a steady income after a few years later. It has been a rollercoaster but a good one. I have learned a lot and I am still a work in progress. There is a lot to learn when you are your own boss with no one to guide you on how you should proceed.

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If you are wondering how to make an extra income working from home, here are some ideas for you –

Set up a Blog/Youtube channel

It is not easy making money from a blog or on YouTube. It takes a lot of hard work, persistence, time and a bit of luck. Plus you have to bring something new to the industry. Originality is everything when it comes to standing out online and if you plan to make money online, you have to be original. Blogs and YouTube are easy and cheap to set up nowadays. If you have a passion for writing and creating content, you should give it a go.

Get paid to write

If you love writing, you can get paid to write for others. I am a content writer and I have a couple of clients now which help me earn extra income. Most of my clients come to me through referrals and social media. You can also find clients from job boards online.

Offer virtual assistance

I know many people who hire virtual assistants to help them online with their business. You can earn as much as £10 an hour, so it is quite lucrative.  Here are some responsibilities of a virtual assistant –

  • Managing social media
  • Handing the emails.
Set up an online store

You can set up an online store on eBay or Etsy and sell your products. Facebook marketplace is another great platform to sell your items. Etsy is a great platform for homemade and vintage items, while eBay is great for preloved, new, and vintage items. It is best to play around with different platforms, depending on what you are selling before deciding on the best platform for your online store.

Here are some tips for selling online –

  • Make sure your descriptions are clear and include keywords so your item appears on search engines
  • Offer great customer service

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Offer a service

You can offer a service/course to make extra money from home. If you have knowledge in a niche, you could help others by offering this service. For example, I teach new bloggers how to grow their blog so they can start to earn a living from it.


Another way to work and make money from home is by being a proofreader. Proofreaders are responsible for reviewing written documents, checking, and correcting errors found. It is a flexible way to earn some extra income if you have the skills required to be a proofreader.

These are a few examples of how to make money working from home. Do you like any of the ideas? Have you tried any? Please share your experiences in the comments section. Thanks for stopping by.





How to make money from your blog

Many people wonder how bloggers make money. New bloggers also struggle with finding creative ways to make money on their blogs. There are so many ways of making money online and having a blog is one way of doing it. Before you can start to earn money from your blog, you need to ensure your blog is being read by at least thousands of people every month. To achieve this, there are many steps you need to take, especially if you are a new blogger. This is something I can help you with; I have a blog coaching service I offer to bloggers looking to grow their blogs. Get in touch for more information regarding that.

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Making money from your blog is pretty simple and straightforward once your blog is getting traffic. Here are some ways to make money from your blog –


Sponsored posts

Here, brands pay you to write a post about their products and services. You do that in return for a fee. This is the main source of income for Fashion and Style Police. Most of the income I earn from the blog comes from sponsored posts.


Guest Posts

This is similar to sponsored posts, the difference is that the brands write the post. This is another way I earn money from Fashion and Style Police. A good chunk of my income comes from guest posts.


Affiliate Marketing

This is another way to make money from your blog. You can paid a small commission every time an reader clicks through an affiliate link and makes a purchase. I currently use Amazon Affiliates and the pennies are growing. I plan to paying more attention to this source of income this year. It is one way to start making money from your blog.


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Selling products and services is another way to make money. This is another main source of income for me. I offer a blogger outreach service, where I handle online marketing campaigns for brands. I have been doing this for almost 5 years now and it is a steady for making money for me because I have the knowledge and skills required. Many years, I use to offer copywriting services but I no longer do that. It wasn’t profitable and I wasn’t enjoying it, so I stopped. I recently started offering a blog coaching service and I have had many clients already, so this source of income is growing too!

If you have a product or service to offer, you could be making lots of money via your blog.


Banner Ads

This is another way I make money on the blog. It is quite popular with bloggers and easy to set up. I have a few banner ads and the money is good when it comes in.


These are some ways you could make money from your blog but the first thing to do is to get people on your blog. If no one is reading your blog, you won’t be able to make money from it. Once the right amount of eyeballs are reading, then you can start to play around with these ways of making money.

How do you earn money from your blog?

Blog Coaching Service – I will teach you how to grow your blog

Many people have no idea how bloggers make money, and I know many bloggers struggle with growing their blogs. Blogging is the present and the future. It is here to stay, so if you are creative and have a passion for writing, photography and social media (because you will need it to succeed), then running a blog is the way to go. Which is why I offer a blog coaching service to help you grow your blog and start to make money from it through sponsored posts, sponsored social media promotion and many other ways.


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I am a full-time blogger, copywriter, blog coach, social media manager, blogger outreach consultant. However, my main I come comes from this blog right here. My jobs allow me make money working from home and caring for my family. It took me years to get to this point and it has been a learning experience. I wish I had someone to literally hold my hand and take me on this blogging journey. It would have been a lot easier and quicker for me if I had a mentor to tell what I needed to do and how to do it. Which is why I had to set up this blog coaching service. I want to be able to help as many new bloggers as possible. The only way I can successfully do this is by offering a blog coaching service for a fee.


Blog Coaching Service

This service is not like anything else you see online. The first stage is usually a review plan. This will be tailored to your blog and the improvements you need to make to start seeing results. The review plan involves me taking a good look at your blog and then I provide detailed recommendations for your blog and a step by step plan to action these recommendations. You will also get ongoing support for 2 weeks after  receiving the review report via email.

I have had many clients for the blog coaching service even before I decided to officially set it all up, so it is quite popular. I will be sharing the blogging secrets I have discovered and 7 years of my blogging knowledge with you.

If you are interested in growing your blog and making money from it, do send me an email – with the subject – Blog Coaching Service, and I will get back in touch as soon as I can.


Thanks for reading. Have a lovely week!


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