Seven Small Ways You Can Be More Positive

*Collaborative post.

Every day will have something in it that is positive, whether it’s a smile from a loved one, a change in bad circumstances, or your luck changing. Somedays you need to look a little more to find it, especially with how pressured the world is at the moment. But, it is there. 

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Image by Avi Chomotovski from Pixabay 

Let’s have some of the ways you can keep yourself positive below: 

Keep A Gratitude Journal

Writing in a gratitude journal can make you feel miles better if you are struggling to see the positivity in your life. The more specific you can be the better. There has been a number of studies that show that gratitude is heavily linked to your positive emotions, life satisfaction, and overall well-being. People often find it difficult to see the gratitude in their life and used things like talking to family and friends or online psychic readings as a way to see what is good. 

Listen To Music And Sounds That You Enjoy 

Listen to the sounds and music that make you feel how you want to feel. Research suggests that music is powerful and is able to activate the part of our brain that releases a feel-good chemical called dopamine, it also relaxes the body. This means that happy music can, in fact, make you feel happy. 

Share Your Positivity 

With the way that the world is at the moment, the chances are that if you are feeling a little lower than normal, other people are too. Why not send a few thank you emails, or do one act of kindness each day. There are many studies that prove that acts of kindness can dramatically boost your happiness, make you live longers, and improve depression

Challenge Your Negative Thinking 

If you’re thinking negatively about something, someone, or a situation, try taking a minute and asking yourself if there could be a more positive way to view it. There is plenty of studies that have shown that thinking more optimistically is brilliant for your health and good for your well-being. 

Smile More 

It may sound too simple, however, simply smiling more can make you feel happier. The feedback that is sent to your brain when you smile, can have an impact on your emotions. So smile at people passing by, smile to yourself when listening to your favorite song, and remember to smile in those happy moments. 

Follow Your Passion

You should always try to do something that makes you excited. Sign up to volunteer for something you believe in, or start a class to learn something new. It can help you to find a sense of meaning in your life, live longer, have better life satisfaction, and make you live healthier. 


Even if you take a few minutes a day to mediate it can be brilliant for your mood, help to decrease stress, and improve your sleep. If you meditate regularly you will find that you have greater self-awareness, are calmer, and have better focus. 

These are seven small ways you can keep yourself positive. Is there anything that you do to keep yourself positive? Please share some of them in the comments below. 


Meditate some more to reduce the lockdown stress

This lockdown can be so stressful. Some days are better than others. It is hard keeping track of the days of the week when you are home in lockdown everyday. If you are into meditating, you are in luck. You should actually meditate some more to reduce the lockdown stress and stay on top of your mental health. I have been mediating loads and it has really helped me improve my wellbeing. Meditating is a free way to reduce stress and improve your overall mental health. Since many of us are stuck indoors, meditating some more will do wonders for both the physical and the mental health.

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If meditating is new to you and you have no clue how to go about meditating, I would advise you to dig up some YouTube videos on mediating. There are loads on there to help you. You can also read books on meditation and how to meditate if you prefer reading to watching videos or you can combine the two channels and get all the knowledge you need. There are many apps for meditation. My current favourite app is Abide. It is a Christian app and it has completely changed my life for the better. It is a premium app but really affordable. I have tried loads of Apps, and the Abide App is the best by far. The App has meditations for various topics including sleep and very interesting bedtime stories. It is so amazing. You need to try it for yourself to discover how great it is.

Meditating is one gift I am glad to have discovered. If you are struggling with negative emotions during this turbulent season, mediating regularly will help loads. I have quiet times multiple times throughout the day and meditating is a big part of it. It helps me tune in and tune out the noise and negativity going on at the moment.

Do you mediate regularly?


Working from home in quarantine

We have officially been in lockdown for about four weeks now and it looks like this is going to go on for at least three more weeks. I have been working from home for years, so that bit is not new. What is new is having to share my working space with the rest of the fam all day, everyday. That part is the tricky bit. I am used to having a good few hours to work, study and just chill, while the kiddies are in school. All that is out of the window now. I was really worried about how I would cope when this quarantine initially started.

Working from home in quarantine

I thought I would struggle a lot to get anything done. However, I have adjusted pretty well. I do what I can in the early hours of the morning before the rest of the house wakes and I slot in what needs doing throughout the day while the kiddies are engaged. Anything else that needs doing, I sort out later in the evening while the twins are in bed.


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Work is quiet anyways so I don’t really have much to do. Uni assignments have all been handed in so I am just waiting on the results. I will be rounding all uni work for the year next month, which is brillant. The break is well needed. I will be starting the second year in October, and by then, all this should be over hopefully.

Being able to work from home is a blessing

I am grateful to be able to work from home even though it is very quiet. Working from home has always been a privilege and a blessing. It is definitely not easy to get anything done but determination and passion is crucial when it comes to getting anything done. Working from home in quarantine?  How are you all coping in quarantine? Please sound off in the comments section below. Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy the rest of your week.

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