The Best Family Road Trip Begins With A Plan

*Collaborative post.

With road trips representing 39% of US vacations, it comes as no surprise that British families are beginning to adopt the trend. Known for being a great way to spend time with your kids and hitting up all of the sights to see, road tripping is a great choice for many, no matter where you are in the world. However, if you’re thinking about taking your family on a road trip, having a plan beforehand can not only help the trip go more smoothly, but can ensure everyone will have a great time.


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Planning ahead

When it comes to planning the best family road trip possible, it’s important to start early. Making lists, packing, and deciding what car you’ll take is imperative to have a smooth trip – and you’re going to need time to plan everything just so. Depending on where you want to go and what you want to do and see, it’s important to do your research as early on as possible to make sure you’re informed of possible entry fees, rules, regulations, and opening hours of the places you want to visit – after all, the last thing you want is to get a nasty surprise on the day of your trip.

Making sure you bring along everything you will need is a must, including clothes, blankets, and snacks. While a simple checklist can ensure that you don’t forget anything, it’s important that you begin packing at least four days to a week before you embark, depending on how long your trip is. And when it comes to packing for the children, allowing them to bring a small bag of toys can be a great idea for entertainment along the way – an in-car DVD player is also a good thing to think about, especially if your trip will be on the longer side. You can also book a party bus from Oildale rentals to get the perfect vehicle for your road trip.



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The best places to go

On any road trip, it’s important to know where you’re headed – or at least know where you want to stop along the way. While there are many great places to visit, there are a few that really stand out when it comes to captivating the family, and can help give you some ideas when you’re mapping out a route.

Over an hour away from London, West Sussex is a great destination choice for any family planning a road trip this summer. Filled with history, West Sussex has plenty for your family to explore – including Arundel Castle – a restored castle from the medieval times. This trip is perfect for inquisitive children who like to learn and is a great way for them to see a part of history in real life. However, if you’re looking for a more beachy road trip filled with swimming, fishing, and the like, then look no further than a route through Cornwall, located in the southwest of Great Britain. This route is truly one with amazing scenery, as there is plenty to see and explore, from beaches to coastal trails. The seaside villages are a great stopping point and allow for the perfect place to explore shops and restaurants.

Road trips can be a great vacation idea for any family – and planning one doesn’t have to be stressful. By planning and packing ahead of time and doing your research when mapping a route, you’ll be able to plan the perfect road trip that your family is sure to enjoy.

Great Car Features to Ease Family Travel

I recently got myself a new car and we are seriously loving it. I enjoy driving the car. It moves very well and it looks really nice. We have gone on many road trips with the new car already. And we have many more road trips planned before the end of the year, which is exciting. Road trips are so much fun. It is great to explore the country and beyond. And see what the rest of the world has to offer. Going on a road trip as a family is fun as we get to create memories and go on adventures. But the car we use always has to be in top shape before we can go on any trip. Going on a road trip with the kids can be stressful. But thanks to some great car features that help to ease family travel, we have managed to go on amazing trips.


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Great Car Features to Ease Family Travel

Here are some of the great car features that have helped us go on many road trips as a family.

CD Player

We love music in our house. Music is like food to my soul and that is the same for my husband and the kiddies. So our Car CD player is forever playing when we are on our road trips. We have all sorts of CDs, and the kids have a few favourites they like playing over and over again. I can’t imagine going on a road trip without any music.


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It would be so quiet and boring. And I am sure the kids would bug me a lot more. Apart from enjoying and singing aloud to good music, it also helps them drift off on long car journeys, which is so helpful.

A Good Size Boot

As a family of 4 with 2 toddlers, we never travel light. We pack all sorts and extras for unforeseen circumstances. So extra clothes, underwear, toiletries, shoes, toys, books, wipes, food, you name it, we most likely would pack it. This is why a good size boot is a great car feature to have, especially when going on road trips with the family. There is no way I would dream of buying a car with a small boot. We won’t be able to go anywhere. This is essential when seeking out a replacement car. It can be quite difficult to find the right sort of car, but a decent-sized boot is always top of the agenda. This is why vehicles such as the Vauxhall Mokka can make the list. A family vehicle with a great boot capacity. As a family, you never get to the point that you carry less stuff. Your brood may increase, and even as teenagers and beyond, you somehow still manage to pack everything including the kitchen sink. 


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My next car would have a bigger size boot. The size of your car boot is so important once you have a growing family.

Car Insurance

Once you have a car, you need a car insurance. That is the law. In addition to the car insurance, having a breakdown cover is also very important when you plan on going on long car trips with the family. I remember when we went on a trip many years ago before the kids, and we had a. bad accident on the motorway. It was a terrible experience I would never forget. But I am thankful we had a good car insurance cover that included a breakdown service. We were quickly rescued and taken to our destination.

Having a good insurance cover for the car is very important. Aviva has comprehensive car insurance covers that would protect you and your vehicle. For example, if f you had an accident that wasn’t your fault with an uninsured drive  (terms and conditions apply). Aviva Car Insurance also covers loss or damage to your vehicle, vehicle recovery, driving other cars, legal costs,  and many more add-on features.


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There is also the Aviva Drive App, which is super handy to have on the phone. The app monitors your driving skills and saves you money on your car insurance. It also comes with an integrated dashcam which is like an extra pair of eyes on the road. I think it is a great tool to have. You can never be too careful these days, so having a dashcam is a smart way to drive.


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With the Aviva Drive App, if you are ever involved in an accident, the tracking information on the app can provide valuable evidence, which can help when there are different explanations to how the accident happened. I wish we had this dash cam when we had our accident. It would have made our lives a lot easier as the accident was not our fault. It is an app you should download for sure.

Car Storage

Good car storage is very important. It helps keep bits that are needed in the car. We usually have our tablets and books in the pouch. They come in handy when the kids need other types of entertainment. Definitely a great storage to have in the car.


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What do you think of these features? Do you go on regular road trips with the family? What are your great car features to ease family travel? Please share them in the comments section below.


*Collaborative post.






Road Trip from New York to Maryland

After spending 48 hours in New York City, our next stop was Maryland. We decided we were going to drive down, so we rented a car from Enterprise. The process of renting the car was smooth and straight forward. The car was in a good shape, and car seats were provided for the kids as requested.

The road trip was fun overall. The kids didn’t bug as much, so it was a good journey. As soon as we got out of New York, and got into New Jersey, there was difference. The air felt different. The people looked a lot happier. It was like a breath of fresh air. We stopped over at a service centre in New Jersey, so I had the opportunity to take in the city and observe the people. People watching is one of my favourite things to do. I also got the chance to grab a New Jersey souvenir. It would be amazing to spend a few days in the city one day. I am sure there would be a lot to see.


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Driving in the US is always fun. The driving rules are different from the rules in the UK, so you have to pay attention. The roads are so wide in comparison to the tiny roads we have here. And there were quite a few toll gates on our way, but it was all good. We all enjoyed the road trip, and I can see us doing it again, from other cities.


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I know we are a bit adventurous when it comes to how we holiday. And I like that about our trips. When the kids get older, we plan to be even more adventurous. I would love to visit California one day. The distance is putting me off, but I am hoping we could make the trip when the kids are a bit older. There is a lot to see in the world and I plan to see as much as possible.


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You can see more of my trip on my 48 hours in New York and Madame Tussauds posts. I will be writing more on my stay in Maryland. I didn’t get to do much of exploring. Majority of my time was spent shopping. We planned to take the kids to see the White House and other parts of Washington DC, but we didn’t get the chance to do all that. It was my 3rd time in Maryland so I have done most of the tourist stuff already but maybe when next we are in the area, we will get to do more.


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Have you had a road trip from New York to Maryland? What do you think go both cities?


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