Product Review: Facetox Mask



I wrote about the benefits of using a face mask some days, and how I look forward to treating my face to a good mask every week. So I was super excited when this Facetox Facemasks Box landed on my doorstep. I am very wary of what I put on my skin these days; my skin is quite sensitive and it usually reacts badly to many skin products I try. That was one of the reasons why I didn’t want to take on products to review on Fashion and Style Police in the early days, because I thought I would upset my skin a little too much. But in the end, I decided to go ahead with reviewing products on the blog, and I am glad I did because I have fallen in love with most of the products I have reviewed, and I have introduced them to hundreds of thousands of people, so it is a win-win.

This Facetox mask is an organic mask and it is meant to extract, pull and detoxify the skin, and it does all that and more.




I found the instructions straight forward and easy to follow. All I had to was mix the Mixed Facetox Blend (Step 01) and Organic Rose Water (Step 02) together in the plastic bowl, and apply the mixture on my cleansed face. I left it for 30 minutes, and wiped off with warm water and face towel.





  1. I love the packaging.
  2. It was very easy to apply.
  3. It didn’t sting or burn like other masks.
  4. I like the fact that the instructions were spelt out.
  5. It left my skin looking brighter, and feeling soft and smooth.
  6. My skin also felt very clean after wiping the mask off.
  7. It is great for all skin types, including sensitive skin.
  8. It is 100% Cruelty Free, 100% Organic, contains NO Parabens, Vegan Friendly and 100% Natural.







I can’t fault this Facetox mask at all. It ticks all the boxes for me, and I definitely recommend it any one in need of some skin care TLC or. This mask is one of the products you will be needing for a pamper session. A box of 7 facemasks, like the 1 above, goes for £24.99, while 14 facemasks box goes for £43.99 (link above).


Have you tried this Facetox face mask before? What are your thoughts?

Sound off in the comment section below, let’s chat.

Thanks for reading and have a lovely weekend.

*Collaborative post.


The Shocking Beauty Benefits of Caffeine



Most of us rely heavily on caffeine to stay awake and keep going through the day.  But very few know that the coffee you drink actually contains a lot of beauty benefits!
Ironically, it is advised not to drink so much caffeinated beverages because of the adverse effects it can have on your health. Since it’s great for the outer parts of your body, you have another reason to keep coffee stocked up in your kitchen (and as part of your beauty kit). Here’s a rundown of the beauty benefits of caffeine.
Reduces puffiness
You know those puffy under eyes that are such a pain to conceal with makeup? Applying leftover ground from your coffee under your eyes and on your eyelids for about 20 minutes is all you need to do the trick (make sure you rinse off with cool water when the 20 minutes are up).
The powerful antioxidants found in caffeine help to reduce the inflammation. When you apply coffee under your eyes, the coffee penetrates deep into the skin and down to the cells to slow down cell damage. That is what helps to reduce the puffiness.
Effective for exfoliation
Exfoliation is an important part of your beauty routine. If you’re thinking of going all natural, then coffee grounds make an effective scrub. Apply the coffee grounds on your face and gently rub to remove the dead skin cells. This will make your skin feel soft and smooth. Apart from giving a nice smooth finish, it will help boost the collagen production in your skin. This is because coffee contains Caffeic acid which is the collagen producing property in coffee.
Promotes hair growth
You all know how much attention I pay to my hair since I went natural, well I have researched and one of the main causes of hair loss is the inflammation of the hair follicles. Thanks to the rich dose of antioxidants found in coffee, it helps reduce inflammation and restore hair growth. Even if you’re not suffering from hair loss, applying coffee on your hair will help prevent any occurrence of premature hair loss.
 Enhances the color of your hair
Want to tint your hair without using harsh chemicals? Coffee will do the trick. Prepare some strong brewed coffee or mix 1-2 teaspoons of coffee grounds to your conditioner and apply it to your hair. Let it sit for about 5 minutes, and then wash it off. You will see the colour of your hair deepen and you will notice your hair has a nice luxurious scent of coffee too.
Reduces the presence of cellulite
Who would have thought coffee grounds could reduce the presence of cellulite, right? Well it does. Apply the coffee grounds on wherever you have cellulite and massage it in for a while and then wash it off. Do this regularly and you will start to notice the presence of cellulite will be minimized.
This is because caffeine helps in dehydrating the fat cells and increases the blood circulation which will tighten, brighten and make your skin smooth. So brilliant!
Protects you from the damaging effects of the sun
When you apply coffee topically your skin gets protected from UV (ultra violate) damage which reduces the risk of skin cancer. The antioxidants found in caffeine help to repair sun damage on your skin. This is done by blocking the protein called ataxia telangiectasia (ATR).

Are you as shocked as I am with these beauty benefits of Caffeine? I bet the caffeine junkies (me me me) will be excited. I know I am.

Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading.


Product Review: DECLÉOR Prolagene Lift – Intense Youth Concentrate

DECLÉOR Prolagene Lift - Intense Youth Concentrate Review Image

I have heard a lot of good things about DECLÉOR products but I never had the opportunity to try the products until some weeks ago. For my first DECLÉOR product, I decided to try a serum as my last serum just ran out. I choose the DECLÉOR Prolagene Lift – Intense Youth Concentrate to review, and it has been an amazing product. My first thoughts when I received the product was, how pretty and ‘clean’ the bottle was, and how I couldn’t wait to try this serum out for myself.

DECLÉOR Prolagene Lift – Intense Youth Concentrate Description –

A powerful, intensive firming treatment providing an instant and long-term lift

Especially formulated for mature skin that lacks firmness, this light, delicately scented concentrate delivers an immediate and noticeable lift. Containing the highest concentration of L-Proline Complex, it re-activates and boosts collagen production and tightens and strengthens the structure of the skin to act like a “cell lift”. Other key active ingredients include Iris Essential Oil to boost and protect the skin’s elasticity and suppleness, Hyaluronic Acids to fill in wrinkles both on the surface of the skin and deeper down, and a botanical tensing agent and micro-algae to tighten and smooth the epidermis. With no colouring agents or mineral oils, this gentle yet effective formulation is ideal to use on all skin types, including those with sensitive skin.

How to use

  1. Use as a 3 week intensive duo treatment in the morning and evening.  After cleansing, apply 2 drops to a cleansed face.


DECLÉOR Prolagene Lift - Intense Youth Concentrate Image


My thoughts are below:


  1. I love the packaging like I mentioned already.
  2. I love the light fragrance of this product. It smells so good.
  3. I have used it every morning and every night, on a cleansed face. I apply this serum just before I apply my moisturiser, and my skin looks a lot brighter and smoother now. I can see a massive difference in my skin.
  4. My face and neck feel well moisturised after applying this product.
  5. This serum helps to improve my skin elasticity and fullness.
  6. This serum is specially formulated for mature skin, but all skin types and tones can use it as well, which is fab.
  7. It is gentle enough to use on the sensitive skin. I know that because I have a sensitive skin and this product is gentle.
  8. It is a 30ml bottle, but you only need to use 2 drops morning, and 2 drops at night, so it goes a long way.
  9. This serum wakes up your face, and gives you a face lift!


DECLÉOR Prolagene Lift - Intense Youth Concentrate Picture



  1. Some may find this DECLÉOR Prolagene Lift – Intense Youth Concentrate pricey at £62 for a 30ml bottle, but I believe it is worth every penny. You get what you pay for when it comes to skin care products. And I have realised that as far as skin care products are concerned, the more money you spend, the better the skin care product. However, you can grab this product at Beautifully Gorgeous (link above) for £51, saving you £11.

Have you tried this DECLÉOR Prolagene Lift – Intense Youth Concentrate before? What are your thoughts on this serum?

Drop me a comment, lets chat.

Thanks for reading and have a fantastic day!


*PR sample.

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