Happy Birthday Vivienne Westwood

Happy Birthday to the Queen of British fashion. The talented Vivienne Westwood is 74 today and I am are celebrating her today by lusting after some of her stylish designs. These pieces are just amazing. Happy viewing.

Leopard Tartan Bag 6789 Yellow


Open Toe Bootie_Side

Vivienne Westwood Sunglasses VW849S-5SDR_0

Lets’s Keep In Touch

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The Style Icon – Carrie Bradshaw

The style icon for this week is the famous Carrie Bradshaw from the Sex and the City series. I must confess, I was always so excited to watch any episode of Sex and the City just to see what Carrie Bradshaw had on, she was a style legend. Her savvy style was simply out of this world. She rocks.





Carrie Bradshaw wore pieces and accessories that I won’t even dream of wearing but she looked amazing in them. She had the carriage to pull it off and that matters a lot.



What do you think of her style?


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