Home & Garden Update July 2016



So sometime last year I moaned quite a bit about how our garden was yet to be done up. I am happy to say we are finally moving in the right direction in 2016, as far as doing up the garden is concerned. We finally have our very own SHED! And the home office is being done up in my head already, so I am hoping to get that sorted later this summer.

I am a very homely. I spend majority of my time at home with the kids so of course I would want it to look the best. I have been browsing some online interior sites, I am seriously crushing on some garden and kitchen gadgets for the home. Here are a few of them that have caught my eye:

Super Solar Security Wall Light with PIR, Warm White LEDs

I really like this security wall light, and I am so happy we now have this to include i a garden. I like the fact that it uses modern solar technology, and PIR motion sensor. It is so handy. I wonder how we have coped this long without it. It brightens up our garden beautifully, and it was easy to fix up as well.


Brita Elemaris Jug

Brita Jug Image


This jug is a life saver this summer. We drink a lot of water in our house, and I am not a fan of drinking straight from the tap, so we were previously buying bottles of still water from the shops but all that has ended since I got my hands on this Brita Elemaris Jug. I got 2 in different colours and they are the best gadgets ever! I just pop a filter cartridge in, and I fill up the jug with a water. The cartridge does all the work and I am left with nice tasting water in minutes. I love this jug. It is currently on sale for £24, previous price was £40, so you have 40% off if you buy now.


Tefal Actifry Fryer

I first heard about this Tefal Actifry Fryer some months ago, and it has been on my mind ever since. It uses just a little spoon of oil to fry 1kg of food. Can you imagine that? The healthiest way to fry. It is great for chips, chicken, fish, curries, casseroles, stir-frys, risottos, and desserts. I love this kitchen gadget so much.

Have you done any home improvements recently? Which kitchen gadget are you loving at the moment?


*PR sample included.


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