A Fashion/Lifestyle Accessory – Dandi Patch



You all know I am a fashion lover, I live and dream fashion, and I am always on the lookout for handy fashion and lifestyle accessories to grab. I like to go for products that change my life for the better; life is too short for anything else.

I recently came across this new innovative fashion and lifestyle accessory – Dandi Patch, and I was blown away at how smart a product it is. For those who have not heard of Dandi Patch, it is a product that combats underarm sweat marks and odour. It is the perfect fashion accessory for those who would like to wear bright colours but can’t as they are worried about sweat marks, It is also great for protecting those expensive tops and shirts from unsightly yellow stains. And the best part about is that it is available for both men and women.



This product is close to my heart because I feel it will help many women (myself included) and men dealing with underarms issue. We all sweat, and we can’t do anything about it. Many of us sweat a lot more than othrs, and that is where the use antiperspirants come in, which many believe is unsafe, but that is another blog post altogether. Many of these antiperspirants promise hours of dryness and no marks but they hardly perform as they should. I have battled with a few antiperspirants I have tried these last couple of months, as I have been sweating a lot lately (don’t ask why because I don’t know), and I have been extremely disappointed with the end results. So this Dandi Patch is like a light at the end of the tunnel for me and for anyone else struggling with the numerous antiperspirants that just don’t do the work.




The Dandi Patch solves the embarrasing underarms problem you can see in the picture above. Here are some of the amazing features and benefits of the Dandi Patch –

  • Absorbs all perspiration.
  • Traps Odour.
  • Adheres to the skin on underarm area. It is super thin and very comfortable. And not visible even through the sheerest clothing!
  • Acts as a barrier between the armpit sweat and clothing.
  • There is nothing so discreet and effective on the market.
  • It can be worn for up to 8 hours!
  • Price starts from £6.99 for 1 box with 10 patches. You can get 4 boxes at £20.97, you get a box free with this launch offer.


Do you struggle to combat underarm sweat marks or odour> Are you blown away by how handy Dandi Patch is? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading and have a fantastic week.

*This is a collaborative post.


Happy 4th Anniversary Fashion & Style Police



Today makes it exactly 4 years since my first blog post went live on Fashion and Style Police. And I can’t believe I am still here doing what I know how to do best. It has been 4 long years, full of ups and downs, opportunities, regrets, meeting great people, dealing with trolls and everything else in between. It has been a hell of a ride but I don’t see myself ever giving it up. I see myself evolving as a blogger (and I have evolved, still evolving) but quitting my blog has never ever crossed my mind. I am obsessed with the adrenalin rush I get every time I get a lovely comment, every time I hit publish on a new blog post, every time my post gets shared on social media and every time a fab opportunity lands in my inbox.

Me setting up a blog was a style course requirement for my fashion styling course at London of College Style (LCS), but it became my escape spot long after my course ended, and I lost interest in pursuing my style career. I was spending so many hours on social media and on other blogs, so putting that time towards Fashion and Style Police was easy. I am happy with how far my blog has come and I am looking forward to what the future holds for us.

To celebrate this 4th anniversary, I have a few giveaways running, so have a look and make sure you enter anyone that interests you. I am also sharing a few facts and funny stories that have happened to me, in these last 4 years, since I became a blogger.




Publishing Outfit Photos Everyday

In the beginning, I used to take outfit photos and publish them everyday. I would get up extra early to make sure I could get some outfit shots before heading to work. I did that for the first year or so, and now when I think back, I wonder what I was thinking. I don’t know of any fashion blogger who takes outfit photos everyday. Some fashion bloggers publish daily outfit posts, but majority of them take many different outfit shots in a day, to achieve this. And many of them can afford to have full-time professional photographers at their beck and call (aka boyfriend/husband = photographer).


Missing My Train

Still on the daily outfit photos, I was so obsessed with publishing daily outfit photos, that I once missed my train to work because I was taking outfit photos outside the train station. Can you imagine the craziness? I live in Cheshire, and my job was in Manchester. I use to have a daily commute to and fro work of over 2 hours and it was killing. Missing a train meant I had to wait an extra 45 minutes for the next train but in my head then, all I cared about was getting the outfit photos taken, lol.


32 Days Radio Silence

I gave birth to my twins in November 2013, and for the first time I didn’t  blog for a very long time – 30 days. I was blogging for just over a year then, so I didn’t have the readership I now have, so it was easy to stay away. Plus I really couldn’t be bothered to talk about fashion and style, I was barely sleeping.


A Second Blog

I was feeling quite adventurous in 2014, and decided to set up a another blog solely for reviews. That didn’t work out and it has now been deleted. The only reminder I have of what a bad decision it was is the Facebook page of the blog I still have. If you have any ideas of what to do with it, please let me know. And yes it was a bad decision then because I had no time for the blog, no direction and no passion for the niche. It was a bore.


No Pregnancy Outfit Photos

I stopped taking outfit photos once my belly bump began to show because I didn’t want to share that part of my life with the whole world. I doubt I can get away with doing that now but I did then. I did post some pregnancy photos after my delivery though, if that counts.




So here is to many more blogging years. I hope Fashion and Style Police continues to entertain, inspire and educate.

Thanks for flying with me.



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