Emma Willis Covers Cosmopolitan Magazine February 2017 Issue

The Celebrity Big Brother presenter – Emma Willis, is the cover girl for Cosmopolitan Magazine UK February 2017 issue and she looks good on it.



I am a huge fan of Emma Willis. I love her hair, she is one of the few women I know that looks amazingly good rocking a short hair. She also has great style and carriage. I enjoy watching her hosting the Celebrity Big Brother show. She is one of the reasons why I watch the show.

I am yet to read this issue but I am definitely going to grab a copy once I spot one. Emma’s interview and other features sound very juicy.




I would love to know more about Emma. She is one of those women I admire and like but don’t much about. I see her as a very private person, so this issue is a good way to get to know a bit more about the biggest female presenter in the UK.

In her interview with Cosmopolitan, Willis opened up about her career – the initial struggles and her current presenting gigs, her relationship with her husband – Matt, and everything else in between.


On the secret to her 12 years relationship with Matt:

“We like each other,” says Emma. “We have a lot of fun and neither of us thinks of ourselves as grown-ups. We’re also both working class people who are like, ‘Sh*t, this is good, we’ve done alright.’ He keeps me young and I keep him sensible.”

Awww, love the sound of their relationship.


On landing the Big Brother presenting gig:

“I didn’t audition,” she says. “When my agent called to tell me I’d been offered it, I was like, ‘What? Are you sure they’ve got the right Emma? Did they mean Emma Forbes because I’ve never even met them?'”


I find this so inspiring. Hard work does pay off eventually.


What do you think of Emma Willis on the cover of Cosmo?


How to Avoid Burnout as a Blogger

There’s a lot more that goes into blogging than what the world actually sees. Your readers see a blog post published once or twice a day (like in my case), receive timely notifications on social media about the posts you shared on your blog, and get emails reminding them to check out your latest posts. Little do they know that one blog post can take hours of research, writing and promotion to make sure your readers enjoy and derive great value from your blog post.




This may sound overwhelming to those who are not in the blogging industry, but blogging IS a full-time job. Blogging IS a lot of work. Sometimes it will even require you to sacrifice your sleep just to make sure that all your blog posts have been scheduled for the week with some additional blog posts hidden in reserve in case of emergencies.

For some this may be too much to take. All those hours of writing blog posts, getting the right photos, editing the photos, replying comments and sending emails can be so overwhelming that you experience blogger burnout. Here are 3 ways you can avoid it:


Repurpose your content

If you’ve been blogging for some time now, your blog must be filled with a good amount of content. To save up time spent on creating new content, go through your old ones and ‘recycle’ them.

You can do this by creating something new but closely related to your old post. You can also rewrite the post with a different perspective. Add new information, pictures or relate a fun incident. This will help make creating content for your blog easier as you will use your previous content as your main inspiration.


Schedule your posts

Imagine if you had to do everything manually. That’s a lot of work. To help beat the overwhelm, try scheduling all your posts. Have a day when you sit down and schedule all your posts for the week, 2 weeks or even a month. This will help save you a lot of time and give you time to relax and do other things you love most.

Don’t stop at just scheduling your blog posts. Schedule your social media posts to help promote that blog post. I use Buffer for scheduling my social media posts, and it is an amazing tool.

To efficiently schedule your posts make sure that you have an editorial calendar that you can refer to. This will guide you on which days you should schedule your posts.


Delegate as much as you can

If you find yourself doing more than you can handle, it’s time to delegate. Let a graphic designer be in charge if your graphics for your blog. Let a video editor be in charge of your editing. Focus on what you can do and what you love doing. When you do everything by yourself, you find yourself having little time and energy for anything else.


How do you combat blogger burnout? Please share your tips in the comments section below.


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