Exfoliating: Why you need to do it

In today’s busy world, one has to be on ones toes in order to survive. Most of us have a hard time trying to organize our day in a way which involves both being productive and healthy. For example, on average, people have less than an hour to prepare for their day. One has to cram enough healthcare to last a whole day’s worth of work and stress. So exfoliating seems to be hard work for many.


yellow bathing salt in the wooden spoon, spa concept



It’s only natural, then, that we would fail to do so very well. It’s completely fine to let yourself slack off on hygiene once in a while. However, it can be very dangerous for your body if done on a regular basis. For example, your skin does not need constant attention since it has numerous features of its own specifically designed to keep it in good shape. Our oil pores, for example, keep the skin sufficiently moisturized so that the cells on our epidermis do not die, leaving behind a layer of corpse cells that stick to our face.

However, it does happen over time even when our oil pores are functioning properly. It can sometimes happen when dust particles shut off your sweat pores and oil glands, causing your skin to dry up. The solution to this problem is also very simple: exfoliating. Exfoliating is not a very complex method in itself. Originating in ancient Egypt, exfoliating is used to get rid of the dead skin cells on one’s outermost skin. An agent is often used to get rid of the dead skin cells on the the skin without damaging any nerve endings or causing permanent damage to the living cells in the skin.



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Other forms of exfoliating include waxing, which, as a byproduct of getting rid of your hair, also gets rid of the dead skin cells clustered on the surface of your skin. Although waxing is not a conventional form of exfoliation, it is very much so. This can be used for most of your body, but as many readers might be wondering, is it good for your face? The answer to that question depends solely on the type of wax you are using, as that can make a major difference. Some acids in the wax could make the skin on your face redder than it is supposed to be. Hot wax could cause more damage to your face than good, as it would damage a lot of cells on your face before it cools down enough to be peeled off.

Shaving is also classified as a means of exfoliating your skin. When we shave, the strokes of our shaving brush alone remove a lot of the dead skin cells on the surface. Later, the double-edged razor blades strip off the thin layer of dead skins as they strip off hair. This is why shaving often makes us look fresher and makes our skin glow.


Exfoliating and Acne Treatment

Exfoliating, as many people know, is a very good way to ward off acne. Although it is generally believed that acne is something only preteens and young adults suffer from, it can persist for a long time in certain types of skins. Which in turn would keep the cells relaxed and the skin healthy. This can play a major role in acne treatment for there are a lot of regimens that one could follow in order to keep ones skin in good shape and to keep oneself away from acne, but the usage of those and how helpful each of those would be to you depends totally on the type of skin you have, as there are a varying amount of skin types across the globe and sometimes the differences can be startling but to get the best results, it is important that one refers to a dermatologist.

Do you exfoliate regularly?


*Collaborative post.

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