Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Still Banned for Men?

Are cosmetic and plastic surgery still banned for men? If you analyze information from various sources about the topic of cosmetic surgery, it’s almost always targeted toward women who want to enhance their appearance. In previous decades, plastic surgery for men has been somewhat of a taboo act. However, current statistics indicate that this trend may be changing rapidly. Men are still in the minority of patients who seek cosmetic procedures. However, more men than ever before are showing an active interest in these procedures. There are a wide variety of reasons that we seem to be experiencing a lifting of the male cosmetic surgery taboo .



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Below, we will discuss some of the reasons this is changing and what it might mean for male plastic surgery patients in the coming years. If you’re considering plastic surgery as a male, you’re not alone in your interest regarding these procedures.


Workplace Discrimination Affects Men Too

Men looking to fight age-related discrimination in the workplace are sometimes turning to cosmetic surgery. They are also turning to minimally invasive procedures such as Botox to turn back the hands of time. While we typically think of ageism and workplace discrimination based on appearance as primarily a female-centered issue, it affects men too.  As more men have high-profile careers where they remain in the public eye for extended periods of time, they too can be affected by derogatory remarks or even demotions related to showing signs of aging. Botox injections and other cosmetic enhancing procedures are being sought out by men who want to remain competitive in the workplace.


Men are Now Retiring at Later Ages

While plastic surgery icontinues to be a primarily female-centered arena, a growing portion of the male population are not ashamed to say they’re interested in these procedures too. Part of the reason for some men is that they plan to retire at a much older age than their past generations. By continuing to work much later in life, some men feel an increased need to counteract the signs of aging.


Men Display Growing Interest in Cosmetic Procedures

Since 2010, there’s been an almost 20% increase in the number of men who have shown an interest in Facelift Procedures . It appears that men view these procedures in much the same light as going to the gym or consuming a healthy diet. It’s all about men’s growing interest in taking care of themselves in a physical sense. Which leads to the desire of maintaining a youthful appearance for a longer period of time. Simply put, the aesthetic desires of men are really not that different from those of women. Men want to feel good in their own skin and be accepted based on their outward appearance. Both men and women alike appreciate feeling young and attractive in a strictly physical sense.



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Cosmetic Procedures are More Socially Acceptable Today

Whether we are referring to men or women, the fact of the matter is that cosmetic procedures simply aren’t frowned upon to the degree that they used to be in the recent past. Part of this is likely due to the influence of Hollywood stars. They have been open and honest about their own cosmetic procedures. And what these procedures have done to enhance their lives. In times past, a patient would undergo a cosmetic procedure and hide away until healing had taken place. Thanks to advancements, patients can now go in for their procedure in the morning and be out in the evening.

Statistics indicate that almost 10% of cosmetic procedures performed during 2011 were completed on men. While this may seem like a low number, this figure actually demonstrates an increase of over 120% over previous years. More men are working in high-profile careers where they place a great deal of importance on their physical appearance. Additionally, men are working longer before retiring than they have in the past. Which means that they have a growing interest in procedures that can keep them looking young and fresh.

Plastic surgery has been a primarily female dominated field of interest in Europe, Sydney and most parts of the world. However, we are seeing a steady change in terms of a lessening of the taboo. As we continue seeing this exciting shift in trends, we are sure to see more men reaping the benefits of cosmetic surgical procedures. If you’re a male considering Sydney plastic surgery, visit SydneyPlasticSurgery for more information.


What do you think of cosmetic and plastic surgery? Please share your views in the comments section.

Thanks for reading. Have a fabulous day.



*Collaborative post.

How to Get People to Read Your Blog

Growing my readership was perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of blogging. You create content to have it read by many people but when the readers are not forthcoming, it’s almost natural to be tempted to think that starting a blog was a waste of time. So how do you get people to read your blog?

Believe me, I’ve been there too. It took a lot of willpower to keep going especially when my analytics showed zero views. But over the years I got better and refined my process. Now I have thousands of readers stopping by every week.


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If your blog is at the early stages and you need some help to get the number of visitors up, here are some tips you can start with.


Share your blog posts on social media

I know that you’ve heard this before and even tried it. But the reason why this does not work for most people is that they passively share their posts on social media.

Whenever you want to share your blog post on social media leave a little description of what your ideal readers will take away from reading your blog post. Simply just sharing your blog post on social media is not enough to ignite curiosity in your ideal readers and motivate them to check the link. You need to leave a caption that would get them clicking. Also, remember to use the right hashtags. You can get more tips from my blogging book – How to Cash In as a Blogger, available exclusively on Amazon.


Join Facebook groups that help promote blog posts

Just like you there are thousands of bloggers looking for readers. These bloggers joined together to form a community with the aim of helping each other grow.

Run a quick search on Facebook for blogging groups that help promote blogs. Once you find some, join in and share your blog posts. But don’t be selfish. Make sure you also participate in promoting other members’ blog posts as well and stick to the group rules as you do so.


Collaborate with other bloggers to get people to read your blog

You’ve probably guessed by now that you can’t grow your readership on your own. You need the help of other people to help you get more readers. Look for bloggers who have better numbers than you in terms of views and engagement and ask if you could cross-promote each other.

Another alternative is to work on a joint blog post or interview the blogger who is doing better than you and ask them to share that post with their readers. This will help direct their readers to your blog.


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Ask people to read your blog post

Most times it can be really nerve-racking to ask your friends and family to read your blog post. Or to have them share it with their friends. But all that is coming from a wrong mindset. The truth is that once you ask someone to read your blog post it creates momentum to ask another.

Reach out to your friends: send them an email or message and ask them to read your blog post and encourage them to share their thoughts in the comments. Don’t forget to ask them to share your blog post with their friends. If you don’t ask, you don’t get!


I am currently offering social media promotion packages to bloggers and small businesses, so do send me an email for more information –


How do you get people to read your blog? Please share your tried and tested tips.

Thanks for reading. Have a lovely week ahead.

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