How to Prevent Sleep Lines

*Collaborative post.

Put your hands up in the air if every time you wake up in the morning to look in the mirror, you see sleep lines and wonder how those got there!

Although sleep is meant to be refreshing and really good for the skin it is possible to see sleep lines on your face. This is due to a couple of factors. Sleep lines happen when you rest your head on a pillow or patterned surface and the imprint of the lines remains on your face when you wake up. I know that’s the case with me when I wake up from sleep in my Super King TV Bed. The reason is simple: the weight of you head is pressed on that surface for a very long time.



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The good news is that there is a remedy. Here are some ways you can prevent sleep lines.


Silk or satin pillows cases

Since pillows are the main reasons we get sleep lines then it’s a good idea to start tackling it from there. The fabric of the pillow when creased can cause sleep lines. Switch from cotton pillow cases to silk or satin pillow cases. This is because the silk or satin fabric doesn’t crunch up like the cotton pillow cases do.


Sleep on your back

If you’re not within reach of a silk or satin pillow case, then sleeping on your back is the next best option. When you sleep on your side you face touches the pillow case with all the creases on it and you get sleep lines. Sleeping on your back helps you prevent your face from touching the pillows. It may take a little practice especially if you are the type who likes sleeping on your side but it is worth a try. Sleeping on my back is dead easy with TV Beds as I usually doze off while watching a movie on Netflix or Amazon Prime.


Get the circulation going

When you have sleep lines, one of the best ways to get rid of them is to give the affected areas a good massage. The massage will help increase the circulation of blood going to the affected area and as you massage, the sleep lines disappear. It may take a little while but when you will surely see a change in the appearance of the sleep lines on your face.

Exercise is also another way to get the circulation going. A good cardio workout can help to increase the circulation which will reduce the appearance of sleep lines and it also gives you a good excuse to get started on having a morning workout routine.




How to prevent sleep lines image



Moisturize before going to sleep

Every skin care routine requires that you moisturize. Aside from keeping your skin well hydrated and supple, it helps minimize the presence of sleep lines as well. Night creams work great for sleep lines but if you’re more of a fan of natural products then I recommend you go with coconut oil. A pea size drop of coconut oil will be just right.

To increase the efficacy, massage the coconut oil in your skin in circular motions. Coconut oil contains a lot of beneficial properties for your skin and it will make you skin look healthy and give it a lovely glow when you wake up in the morning.


Do you have any other tips to share?

26 responses

  1. It was so amazing to read your post hon..if it was not for you I would never know how to get rid of those sleep lines.Thank you so much love..Happy Thanks giving to you..please visit my page and leave me your beautiful suggestion. I would love to hear from you.

  2. Interesting and educative. I love this topic cos I always suffer from sleep lines. Now I know how to deal with them . I love your blog. Thanks for sharing.

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