Style Icon – Coleen Rooney

I have admired Coleen Rooney for as long as I have known her. She is a very pretty and elegant lady. Quite the opposite of a typical WAG, if am being honest. And I love that about her. Her fashion sense WOWS me every time, and I think our personal style is quite similar. I remember reading her book – Welcome to my World, in 2007 and being blown away by the story of her life. Herself and Wayne Rooney are definitely not overnight successes.

Coleen Rooney is not your typical footballer wife. She is like another Victoria Beckham in her own right, with her successful business. She is not living under the shadow of her successful footballer husband and I admire her for that. It would have been tempting to just relax and play WAG.


Coleen Rooney Style Icon Image


Rooney’s Style

Coleen Rooney loves the relaxed chic look, and I can see why. It looks amazing on her and suits her personality. As the wife of a footballer and a mother to 3 boys, her relaxed style is great for school football tours with her boys, or watching Wayne Rooney play a football match live. This stylish mother of 3 soon to be 4, looks real and fabulous at the same time.


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I came across an interview she had with Liverpool Echo, and I enjoyed reading it. Here are some excerpts from the interview –


Q: You’re now a style icon to lots of women, but whose style do you admire?

A: It is nice for me when people say ‘oh I like what you wore’ and now what I really love is when girls come up and tell me that they’ve just ordered something from my collection.

I haven’t seen anyone wearing it yet, but it’s still early so I think maybe I’ll start to see more and more and when I do I’ll just have a little smile to myself.

I don’t really have one style icon. I tend to take bits and bobs from looks and then try to put my own mark on them. I think if I had to choose one it would be Audrey Hepburn, because her style was just so elegant and classic, the simple black dress in Breakfast at Tiffany’s was really beautiful. I try to choose things that I know, when I look at them in a few years’ time, I’ll still think ‘oh I really like that.’ Someone now I like is Blake Lively from Gossip Girl, I like the fashion choices she makes.



What do you think of Coleen Rooney’s style? Are you a fan?


*Collaborative post






Inflate the Trend: Pool Floats to Purchase in 2018

Stunning Instagrammable, inflatable swimming pool toys are the must-have holiday accessory this 2018. They are beautiful and so very useful. If you don’t believe me, do some research. If you look around, you will find discover lovely in poolside shoots on social media are in about 111,405 posts, with the hashtag #poolfloat and up to 171,095 with the term #inflatable. But which swim toys will be on trend for summer, 2018? `


Inflate the Trend: Pool Floats to Purchase in 2018 image

Trend 1 – Magical Creature Inflatables

A wealth of magic can be found in the sea, inspiring the first trend in our cool pool floats countdown. Think ethereal mermaids, precious seashells and, dubbed the Unicorn of the Sea, the giant narwhal. Thought to possess supernatural healing powers, the Narwhal’s protruding horn came to be a symbol of true magic. So much so, it is rumoured ancient Kings and Queens would trade gold and jewels to acquire it. If it’s fit for a queen, it’s fit for you too!


Trend 2 – Edible Food Inflatables

Is there any better excuse to purchase your favourite foods in inflatable form? From donuts, to avocado and pizza – each treat provides a unique quality. Prefer an innertube decorated with sprinkles? Choose a doughnut! Do you (and seven other pals) have a pool party to attend? A slice of floating pizza each can provide you with the perfect photo opportunity! More of a dessert person? Why not opt for an ice lolly or chunk of pineapple!


Trend 3 – Classic Romance Inflatables

With a summer of love hot on everyone’s mind, inflatable hearts are an emblematic purchase. Available in the form of a raft or as a jumbo innertube, this romantic inflatable lounger will capture the holiday essence. Likewise, an exquisite diamond ring “floatie” is perhaps the perfect match for loving dreamers, adored fiancés and enamoured newlyweds! Full of sparkle and promise.


Trend 4 – Colourful Kitsch

Colour-lovers, this one is for you! A fashion trend since the 70’s, kitsch is everything that looks excessive, cheap and FABULOUS. Think rainbow, neon bright colours, inflatable martini glasses, gummy bears and glowing flamingos! The latter is the perfect addition to a late-night pool party, with LED flashing flamingo floats summing up everything kitsch is: fun, cute, comical and certain to shine a light on your personality!


Something to bear in mind during your summer holidays:


Advice from the Royal Life Saving Society (RLSS), UK:


On average, more than 400 people drown in the UK each year. Nearly 60 of these are children and young people. We believe that most drownings are preventable through good knowledge of water safety in swimming pools. Top tips:


  • Keep young children under constant supervision.
  • Follow the pool rules (don’t dive into the shallow end.)
  • Take time to check the depth, water flow and layout of the pool, especially at leisure pools and holiday resorts.
  • Never enter the water after drinking alcohol.


Do you have any summer holidays planned? Where are you off to?


*Collaborative post.

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