Emma Watson Covers ELLE UK Magazine March 2017

The stunning British Actress – Emma Watson is the cover girl for ELLE UK Magazine March 2017, and she slays the cover!




I love how simple this cover looks. And Emma Watson looks very beautiful in a natural way as always. I am happy to see she is back to acting after taking a year out to focus on her activism. It feels like I haven’t seen her in a movie in ages.

Speaking with Lorraine Candy, Watson talks about her new movie – Beauty and the Beast, taking time off acting for activism and everything else. Here are some quotes from her interview –


On taking a year off acting

‘It wasn’t about me necessarily proving anything… I was just thinking that I have this year to myself, so let’s see what we can do to ‘move the needle’ and make a difference.’

Good for her. We all should try to make a difference in our everyday life.


On her role in the new movie – Beauty and the Beast

‘For me, Beauty was the perfect, most joyful thing to do… There was something connected about Hermione and Belle, and it was good to be reminded that I am an actress; this is what I do. The film is pure escapism.’

It sounds like a great movie. I can’t wait to watch it.


On dealing with critics

‘It really toughened me up…There is a level of criticism that comes with being an actress and a public figure, which I expect, but once you take a stance on something like feminism, that’s a completely different ball game.’

One thing I know for a fact is that you can’t please everyone. So I live my life and do me unapologetically. And you should too.

This new issue of ELLE magazine sounds interesting. I will be looking out for it.

What do you think of this new issue? Are you a fan of Emma Watson?





Supermodels Cover British Vogue February 2017 Issue

Three stunning supermodels – Anna Ewers, Imaan Hamman and Taylor Hill are the cover girls for British Vogue February 2017, and they look amazing on the cover. I know how much Vogue loves having supermodels on their covers, so I wasn’t too surprised to see these beauties on the cover.




I have never heard of these lovely ladies before, so I would love to read this issue.

Here are some quotes from their interview with British Vogue:


On Imaan Hamman embracing her natural hair curls –

“For years, I was trying to please everyone, starting with the fact that I was constantly straightening my hair,” Hammam revealed in this month’s accompanying cover interview. “Well, that was super-damaging, and after a while, I was like, ‘Uccch, I’ve got to chill out with this.’ So I started going to castings with my hair natural – big and frizzy. And that was when my career blew up.”

I am happy to see she has embraced her beautiful natural hair. She is a stunner.


On how Taylor Hill found success –

“There’s always going to be that part of me that’s the girl who got scouted at 14. I was, like, the opposite of cool. Obsessed with Harry Potter. I had all this frizzy hair I didn’t know what to do with; I wore my sisters’ hand-me-downs, which I was too tall for, so nothing ever fitted. When this photographer saw me and told me I should model it wasn’t just me who was like, um, really? Even my parents thought – that guy’s insane.”




I find these quotes so inspiring. I am happy to see all 3 women doing well in the modelling industry.

This issue is now available on the newsstands? Will you be reading?

Sound off in the comments section below, let’s talk.

Thank you for stopping by, have a good one.





Jenna Coleman Covers Glamour UK October 2016

Glamour_Oct_2016_Cover_revised colour version_Jenna

Source: David Bailey for Glamour Magazine


It is a new month and you know what that means for Fashion and Style Police. Well if you don’t know, it means I get to read and discuss new issues of some of my favourite UK magazines. Glamour Magazine is at the top of my list so I like to discuss her monthly issue cover first. The beautiful Jenna Coleman covers Glamour Magazine UK October 2016, and it looks good. It is a very different magazine cover compared to the recent Glamour covers, but it looks nice.

I must confess I have never heard of Jenna Coleman until this cover, so I went digging. She is a 30-year-old English actress, born in Blackpool, famous for her roles in Doctor Who, and the British soap – Emmerdale.

I use to watch Emmerdale back in the day, but I no longer watch it. I got bored but I don’t remember her character at all.

In this issue, Coleman talks about her career and her role-playing Queen Victoria in the ITV series – Victoria, saying:  “She’s this young, vibrant girl who’s full of exuberance and energy and doesn’t really hide it. I find her fascinating. You couldn’t tame her. She’s passionate and temperamental. She was a revelation to me.”

Jenna Coleman Image

Source: David Bailey for Glamour Magazine

I am yet to watch the Victoria ITV, so I know nothing of what she is on about. Maybe I will give it a watch when next I stumble on it.

Apart from Jenna Coleman’s interview with Glamour Magazine, I am also very interested in some of the other features – ‘Make More Money From Your Crazy Ass Phone Obsession’, ‘The Beauty Power List’, and 558 Style Goals. They all sound like a good read. I can see myself grabbing a copy once the issue hits the newsstands on Thursday 8 September.

What do you think of this issue? Are you a fan of Jenna Coleman? Do you watch the Victoria TV series? Sound off in the comment section.

Thanks for reading xo


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