Are Celebrities Paid to Appear on Reality Shows

I’M A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here is currently on and I am loving it. I enjoy watching celebrities living the rough and crazy live in the jungle. It is good entertainment, and I am sure many of you enjoy seeing the cool celebs outside of their comfort zone. I know I enjoy seeing the celebrities in the jungle. Just like I enjoy seeing them being stuck in a house with other celebs in Celebrity Big Brother. Taking a break from work to watch the clips on TV adds a bit of fun to my life.




In the early days, I use to wonder if the celebrities ever got paid to drop everything in their “real life” to go on a reality show. The very busy celebs would likely lose some money while in the jungle, so it would make sense for them to get paid to appear on the show. The curious me did some digging around, and I came across an article – How Much Are The Celebs Paid? on Conversations About Her website, and that pretty much answered all my questions.

Celebrities are offered a huge amount (depending on how successful and popular they are) to appear on reality shows. The celebrity fees were uncovered thanks to Unreality TV and Cash Lady. Just take a look at the infographic below.




I am amazed at how high some of the figures are, just look at Spencer Matthews, famous for playing himself in the hit reality show – Made in Chelsea, being paid 300,000 to appear on I’M A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! However, there is a rumour that he walked out of the camp with nothing after his 3 day stint.

Apart from the crazy high fees, I am also amazed at how varied the fees are as well. Just look at Lewis Bloor, famous for playing himself on the ITV hit show – The Only Way is Essex, he was paid £50,000 to appear on Celebrity Big Brother according to this infographic, and then we have Stephen Bear (who I have never heard of), known for appearing on Ex on the Beach and Shipwrecked, being paid only £12,000. It just confirms the fact that reality show is all about popularity, almost like the blogging industry.

Avner Brodsky, co-founder of Cash Lady commented on these findings –

“It’s surprising to see the figures the networks spend bringing our favourite shows to air. It’s something that we, as consumers, don’t really think about when we plonk down on our sofa on an evening.”


I always knew that the celebrities would get paid crazy money to appear on reality shows. It is a business and they are a Brand at the end of the day. They won’t drop everything to appear on a reality show with the hope of winning the prize money. They would have to be compensated for their time. But I never guessed the fees would be this crazy and varied in some instances. I guess that explains the ‘bad blood’ between some of the contestants on the show some times.

What do you think of these fees? Are you as surprised as I am?


*This is a collaborative post.


Jenna Coleman Covers Glamour UK October 2016

Glamour_Oct_2016_Cover_revised colour version_Jenna

Source: David Bailey for Glamour Magazine


It is a new month and you know what that means for Fashion and Style Police. Well if you don’t know, it means I get to read and discuss new issues of some of my favourite UK magazines. Glamour Magazine is at the top of my list so I like to discuss her monthly issue cover first. The beautiful Jenna Coleman covers Glamour Magazine UK October 2016, and it looks good. It is a very different magazine cover compared to the recent Glamour covers, but it looks nice.

I must confess I have never heard of Jenna Coleman until this cover, so I went digging. She is a 30-year-old English actress, born in Blackpool, famous for her roles in Doctor Who, and the British soap – Emmerdale.

I use to watch Emmerdale back in the day, but I no longer watch it. I got bored but I don’t remember her character at all.

In this issue, Coleman talks about her career and her role-playing Queen Victoria in the ITV series – Victoria, saying:  “She’s this young, vibrant girl who’s full of exuberance and energy and doesn’t really hide it. I find her fascinating. You couldn’t tame her. She’s passionate and temperamental. She was a revelation to me.”

Jenna Coleman Image

Source: David Bailey for Glamour Magazine

I am yet to watch the Victoria ITV, so I know nothing of what she is on about. Maybe I will give it a watch when next I stumble on it.

Apart from Jenna Coleman’s interview with Glamour Magazine, I am also very interested in some of the other features – ‘Make More Money From Your Crazy Ass Phone Obsession’, ‘The Beauty Power List’, and 558 Style Goals. They all sound like a good read. I can see myself grabbing a copy once the issue hits the newsstands on Thursday 8 September.

What do you think of this issue? Are you a fan of Jenna Coleman? Do you watch the Victoria TV series? Sound off in the comment section.

Thanks for reading xo


Fashion Criminal – Leigh Francis aka Keith Lemon

So I am starting a new blog series titled Fashion Criminal. This weekly blog series will feature celebrities committing fashion crimes all over the web.

Leigh Francis, better known as Keith Lemon is our first fashion criminal on Fashion and Style Police.

The World Premiere of

Leigh Francis is an English entertainer, best known for creating Channel 4’s Bo Selecta and portraying Keith Lemon in several ITV shows here in the UK. Leigh Francis wears a lot of loud shirts and bright colours with statement suits. Although statement suits and loud shirts are trendy at the moment, wearing them all together is not.

The fashion rule is when you wear a loud piece, everything else has to be understated. Leigh Francis has broken this rule multiple times.



Leigh Francis’ image is out of style and it does not flatter his natural blonde colouring, and his body shape. He urgently needs my expert styling services, and is sentenced to a makeover session.  Leigh Francis can be funny and stylish at the same time by looking simple. Looking simple is about bridging the gap between distinction and discretion. Simple is strong and masculine. Simple means you are the one getting the attention, not the clothes. Simple is about understated clothes and accessories worn with confidence.

I will style our fashion criminal; Leigh Francis, with dark and neutral colours, but with a pop of colour to wake up his look depending on the occasion or TV show. I will aim to have him in mainly plain leather, cotton and wool fabrics. There can be patterns in his outfits; but they will be restrained, there will be colours; but they will be muted, they will be accessories; but they will be functional.

I believe Leigh Francis or Keith Lemon can pull this off effortlessly because he has the charisma to pull anything off. Do you agree? Sound off in the comment section. Thanks for reading.

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