Charity of the Month – The Salvation Army

The charity of the month for October 2020 is The Salvation Army. I have heard a lot about this charity for many years now and I am glad to be in the position where I can spread the word about what the charity does. The Salvation Army is a worldwide evangelical Christian church and an international charitable organisation founded in 1865 in East London, England. Their mission is based on everyone experiencing life in all its fullness. The charity is based in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

The Salvation Army

We put our faith into action by offering practical help for people without discrimination, standing up for those who are vulnerable, fighting against injustice, and encouraging people to deepen their relationship with God. The services we offer are diverse and responsive to the realities of life in the communities we serve.

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Charity of the Month – The Salvation Army

There are over 700 Salvation Army churches and 1,000 full-time ministers all over the UK and ROI. They offer practical help to vulnerable people who need support and advice. One of the ways they support people is by helping find and stay in work. The Salvation Army’s Employment Plus service offers tailored support to help people become job-ready. Unemployment is on the rise in many parts of the country, so having a charity work on getting people employed is amazing.

Salvation Army helps the homeless in the communities by providing them with temporary accommodations, which is huge. Homelessness is a big issue in many parts of the UK. It breaks my heart every time I come across someone sleeping rough. It is great to see a charity making it their mission to break the cycle of homelessness.

You can find out more about The Salvation Army via this Youtube Video. To donate to the charity, click here.  To check out the charity for last month, click here.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week ahead!

Give to those who have nothing this Christmas with Solace Women’s Aid

This year has been an odd year for me. There has been a lot of ups and downs, but the downs have been a bit more than normal for some weird reason. I am glad the year is almost over. I am looking forward to the Christmas break and starting 2020 from a clean slate. It is so easy to get carried away this season with feeling Christmassy. There are presents to buy and wrap, decorations to put up and shopping to do, it can be too easy to stay focused on ourselves and what we need.


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Give to those who have nothing this Christmas

This year and going forward, I am doing it differently. I am giving the little I have to those who have nothing this Christmas. It is surprising to know how many people go without day after day in one of the richest countries in the world. Homelessness is rising day after day, women and children are fleeing their homes due to domestic violence. These people have nothing this Christmas. Imagine if we all gave the little we had to a charity of our choice. That would put smiles on so many faces.

Solace Womens Aid

The charity of my choice this Christmas is Solace Womens Aid (and this is not an ad). The charity focuses on supporting women and children fleeing domestic abuse in London. I have no ties with this charity. I just think they are doing a great job and I felt like supporting the team through a donation and a blog post. Domestic violence is a major issue for the most vulnerable in the society and it breaks my heart to hear about women and children being forced to leave their home and belongings to be away from male abuse. These women and children usually leave with little or nothing, to start all over again. The fear of the unknown means many women would rather stay in abusive environments than seek refuge elsewhere. Which is why charities like Solace Womens Aid is amazing and your donations can help them do more.


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Every month, I plan to donate to a new charity and share a blog post about the charity as well. I hope we all have an amazing time getting ready for the big day this month, and remember those who have nothing this season.

Thanks for reading and donating. Have a great week.

3 Ways to be Kind this Christmas

Christmas is in the air and we need to remember to be kind. It is a season of giving and receiving. And one of the things I want to ensure I give everyday going forward is Kindness. I want to go out of my way to be deliberately kind to strangers and people I may never see again. I think being kind is as good for the person on the receiving end, as it is for the person being kind. Kindness is very contagious and it has been proven to help lengthen life expectancy and a variety of mental health issues. A kind act a day can help keep the therapist away.

One thing you must remember is that you should be kind for the sake of it, and not to get something back in return. That defeats the whole objective.


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So how can you be kind this today. Here are 3 ways –


Be Supportive

I wrote a post about how to keep going without support and I was glad to see it touched so many people. Being supportive is a great way to show kindness. We all need a form of support system, so offering some kind of support to as many people as you can is always a good deed. Research has also showed that offering some kind of support to others can help reduce our worries.

So go out of your way to be support this Christmas season and after.


Complain Less

I try as much as possible to not complain. Sometimes it is impossible but I always remember so many millions of people have it a lot worse. That keeps me sane and humble. Complaining less is an act of kindness for me at least. It helps my state of my mind when I remain thankful and I am sure many feel the same way.

Excessive complaints are so negative and they spoil the mood for everyone involved. Touch a life today by complaining  less.


Give to Charity

There are so many charities to support, there should be no excuse with this act of kindness. I like to give back to as many charities as I can and this Christmas, I have a few in mind to reach out to. It feels great to support people in need. I get a bit of a high whenever I do.

You don’t have to spend money to support a charity. Sending pre-loved toys, shoes and clothing could put a smile on so many faces this Christmas.



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