Family Day Out at Gulliver’s Theme Park Warrington

Some weeks ago, we spent a day at Gulliver’s Theme Park Warrington. We had a lovely day there. It was a lot of fun. The kiddies had so much fun with the many rides and lots of activities. It was a struggle getting the out of the theme park. The rides were so cool, and they could get on most of them which was great. I was quite impressed with the fact that they were happy to get on all the rides. This was not the case some months ago.


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We started the day with a train ride. The train conductor was such a pleasant man. He was happy to take everyone’s photograph, and I thought that was so sweet. He is a gem to Gulliver’s Theme Park and I hope the company knows it.


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The train ride was fun. The kiddies enjoyed looking around and I enjoyed taking photos. It was a 10 minutes ride and then we got to explore the rest of the theme park. We got on so many rides, I lost count at some point. There are so many rides in Gulliver’s Theme Park Warrington, as well as the Gulliver’s Theme Park in Milton Keynes. We have been to both, and they were both amazing. Definitely great theme parks for a day out with the family. If you can, it is best to dedicate 2 days to the theme park so you can get on the rides. There is no way of getting on all the rides in 1 day.


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5 Theme Park Essentials

Here are some theme park essentials that may come in handy for you and your family.


Change of clothes for the kids

We got so wet on one of the boat rides. I was happy to have spare clothes for the kids because we had to get them changed from top to bottom.



There are spots to buy food but it makes sense to have a few snacks in the bag for when the kids need them.


Go with a rain coat and wellies if weather allows it

That way you may avoid getting soaked on the boat rides.


Pack for socks

If your kids are anything like mine, then they would be interested in the soft play area, so make sure you have spare socks for them.


Go with a cross body bag and a bag pack for the kids

This way your hands are free and your items are safe.


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Overall, we had a lovely time. We didn’t have to deal with long queues except on one ride where we waited for over an hour to get on the ride. Others were pretty quick. The only issue we had was with the toilets. They were quite dirty when we went in. But apart from that, everything else was in top form. I can see us visiting Gulivers Theme Park again for sure.

We also visited the Splash Zone the following week and it was good fun too, although I wasn’t fond of the water slides at all. We had a good time there too minus the dirty toilets and changing rooms area.



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If you are in search of what to do with the kids in Cheshire, this theme park is a great option. You could also check out the Ice Cream Farm in Chester.

Have you visited Gulliver’s Theme Park Warrington or the theme park in Milton Keynes?What are your thoughts? Please sound off in the comments section below. Thanks for reading.



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The Kiddies go to the Ice Cream Farm Cheshire

We have heard a lot about the  Ice Cream Farm Cheshire for many years now. But we have never had the opportunity to visit the park for ourselves. Well the opportunity and we had the time to spend over 4 hours there. It was a lovely experience. The kiddies had a great time. It was a lovely day out for the whole family. It was so good that I am already planning our next trip!


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The school holidays are in full swing so the park is very busy as expected. But we didn’t have to queue up for too long for any of the rides or games. We got a yellow pass as soon as we got in. The pass allowed us get make use of the park at a discounted rate, which was great. The only issue I had with the yellow pass was that we couldn’t use it on many of the rides/games. We have to pay cash, which I found annoying. But asides that, I would recommend one of the passes if you plan to be at the park for hours.


Daisy’s Garden

Our first stop at the  Ice Cream Farm Cheshire was Daisy’s Garden. This is right in front of the entrance so it makes sense to start exploring from here. Plus it was free for the kids to play. They had a great time exploring the magical garden. There was a lot to climb, jump on and crawl into. It was so amazing.


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Fudge Farm

Once we were done with Daisy’s Garden, we went off to the Fudge Farm to catch the train. The train took us round the farm and the kids enjoyed spotting the farm animals. It was £1 per person to get on the train, and the passes couldn’t be used here. But it was worth the ride. The ride was about 10 minutes.


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Once we were done with exploring the Fudge Farm we went off to ride the race kids quad bikes at Silvercone. This was easily my favourite part of the park. I enjoyed riding the quad bikes with the kids. It felt like we were riding proper bikes on the road. It was so cool. The ride was about 5 minutes and it was £1 each. The passes can’t be use here as well.


Marshmallow Mould

The next stop was the Marshmallow Mould, which is pretty much like a trampoline in the shape of a mould. The kids loved bouncing on it. The yellow pass could be used here so that came in handy. The kids were bouncing on this for around 10 minutes. They were proper exhausted once their session here ended.


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Strawberry Falls

The Strawberry Falls adventure golf course was great fun. The kids enjoyed playing golf (or more like chasing the balls into the holes). The best part about the Strawberry Falls for me was the beauty. The giant strawberries and strawberry water foundation are just too beautiful. It is one of the most beautiful parts of the park. It was good fun and we got the chance to use the yellow pass, which was a great way to save.


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We spent quite a bit of time playing golf at the Strawberry Falls because there was a bit of queue. I guess all the other kids were loving the golf course a lot.


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Horse Riding

The next activity was  horse riding. They really enjoyed this one. I was a bit worried about this because it was their first time riding a horse, but they were fine. They loved every bit of the ride.


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We ended the day by exploring the Fun Factory Soft Play. The indoor adventure play barn was filled up with all sorts to keep the kiddies very busy. After an hour of soft play, we headed to the Ice Cream shop to get some award winning ice cream to take home. If you haven’t heard, Cheshire Ice Cream Farm has some of the best ice cream you would ever taste.

We had a lovely time at Ice Cream Farm Cheshire. And we are looking forward to visiting it again. It was s o much fun. The kiddies had an amazing time and so did we. I recommend it to anyone in search of what to do with the kids this summer or any other time  This is a gem right inside Cheshire, and it is worth checking out.


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Have you been to the Ice Cream Farm in Chester before? Please share your thoughts.

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