How to Survive Soft Play with Kids

A few days ago, we took the Kiddies to a Soft Play Centre not to far away from where we stay in Cheshire to burn off some energy. They have been quite restless these last few days thanks to the summer holidays. So having an afternoon of play and fun was planned to let off some steam. It was good old fun. The kiddies had a great time as always. They love soft play so I knew this was a going to be a hit.

The only issue we had at the Soft Play Centre in Cheshire was how dead warm the centre was. Installing some aircon would be a great idea. It was boiling at a point and we found it pretty uncomfortable but the kids didn’t mind much. They were there for the fun. Do you kids like Soft Play Centres?


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To be honest, I am not a huge fan of Soft Play Centres. I find it hard to manoeuvre the tight spots and my kids always need me for one thing or the other. So I am not one of those mum that can have a cup of coffee in peace while the kids play. It is usually a lot fo work for me because I have to get involved in one way or the other, and there are usually a lot of kids. But thankfully, on this day, there were not many kids. I guess everyone was busy enjoying the sunshine outside except us. We couldn’t brave playing outdoors on that day. It was a lot hotter outside. How have you all been coping with the dead warm weather here in the UK?

Here are some tips you may need to survive your next soft play day out –


Pack the socks

Your kids need socks to play and so do you. You may need to get involved in a way so best to go prepared with a pair of socks in your bag for when it is needed.


Go after a meal

We like to go to the Soft Play Centre just after lunch and get back just before dinner. This way the kids are well fed and in the mood to play. Getting back just before dinner is also smart as the kids have usually worn themselves out and are ready for bed.



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Keep an eye out on the kids

Parents should watch their kids while they play. The signs and reminders are usually all over the wall for those parents that forget or get carried away but many parents do not keep an eye on their kids when they play. I find that they are usually carried away with the conversations they are having and expect their kids to come find them when they need them.


Teach the kids to play nice

I always remind my kids to be nice and kind to everyone they come across. It makes the world a better place and I think it is our responsibility as parents to teach our kids manners especially in public places like a Soft Play setting.



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We have survived the first week of the summer holidays and we are looking forward to the remaining 5 weeks. We have various days out and activities planned for the next couple of weeks. What plans do you have for the summer holidays?

46 responses

  1. I have not been to a Soft Play with my kids, but we are still dealing with crazy heat here in Texas! It has been over 100 F for weeks. Our summer activities have been playing in the backyard pool and playing inside when the temperature increases!
    Allie ~ LetsDoLattes

  2. Soft Play center play an important role in grooming students mentally and physically. Though time wasting for elders but do kids good.

  3. I love what you wrote about “I always remind my kids to be nice…it makes the world a better place.” I agree with that sentiment so much! Also, it looks like you had such fun at the Soft Play Center.

  4. This sounds like a great place to bring my young cousins- they have endless amounts of energy (I don’t know how they do it). Great tips also – thank you for sharing 🙂

  5. That’s awesome! Keep your kids occupied and busy so they will get rid of all these unending energy! Have fun for the next 5 weeks!

  6. Seems like alot of fun! I’m going to have to find one of these in my city to take my girls to. Thanks for sharing!

  7. We love going to places like this but there are very few options in Maine where we live. We have a really neat indoor bounce house playground that the kids love running wild in. They have fun and tucker themselves out and I burn eighty million calories bouncing with them—yes, adults are allowed to get in on the bouncing action too! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Pingback: 3 Types of parents you will meet at the soft play centre and playground - fashionandstylepolice fashionandstylepolice

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