Pregnancy Insomnia – How I dealt with it

I remember my pregnancy days sometimes and I smile. In the early days, I slept like a baby but my sleep was filled with all sorts of dreams. I had a different dream every night and there dreams were so vivid, I found them entertaining. I enjoyed my bedtime in the first trimester. Sleep and bedtime Fast forward to the second trimester, and sleep became a luxury. I could hardly sleep at night.

Napping during the day was fine on some days, but sleep won’t come at night. I would be wide awake unable to sleep from night to morning, and I would have to get up in the morning for work. It was horrible, I was so exhausted.


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What is Pregnancy Insomnia?

Pregnancy Insomnia is when you have difficulty sleeping when you are expecting. I never had issues with sleep until I became pregnant and once I delivered all I wanted to do was sleep, but my tiny newborns won’t let me. Insomnia took a toll on my physical and mental health, and left me drained. I didn’t struggle with any other pregnancy issues. I went the full term with the twins, and worked until I was about 37 weeks pregnant. My Job in Manchester had me commuting over 2 hours each way to get to work.


Causes of Pregnancy Insomnia

There are many causes of pregnancy insomnia. Here are a few common causes –

  • Heartburn
  • Discomfort
  • Frequent urinating
  • Vivid dreams
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Backpain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Leg Cramps
  • Hormones


I think my pregnancy insomnia was caused by hormones and heartburn. I had bad heartburn and morning sickness throughout my second and third trimester. Also, I also think my pregnancy hormones played a major role in my insomnia. I was pregnant for the first time, with 2 babies inside me. So I can imagine the shock my body was in.


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So how did I deal with my pregnancy insomnia?

How did I deal with my pregnancy insomnia? I didn’t. Throughout my second and especially my third trimester, I hardly got any sleep. It was the same every night. I would toss and turn until morning, and go into work feeling shattered. I could take any sleeping medication to help me sleep, so there was really nothing I could do. During the day, I did manage to nap at times, and those naps helped me stay sane. Having a bedtime routine also helped me relax and get into the mood.

I also remember saying comfortable in bed with a pregnancy pillow and as many pillows as I could lay my hands on. I had a pillow for my neck, head, back, legs, and waist. These pillows helped me stay comfy.


Difficulty sleeping while pregnant is a common thing. Many pregnant women experience some form of disruption in their sleep. Changes in my lifestyle/bedtime routine didn’t really help. It is worth speaking with your doctor if you have having sleep problems. Your doctor would be able to check your situation and advise accordingly.


Did you suffer from pregnancy insomnia? How did you deal with it?



Boosting Body Confidence After Pregnancy

Carrying a baby for 9 months is no joke. Our bodies literally expand to grow life and all that takes a toll on our fragile bodies and body confidence. Having said that, pregnancy is such an amazing experience. I remember how fascinating I found my body changes while pregnant with the twins. The books did not prepare me for how much my body changed.

It took me such a long time to get used to my new pregnant body. And it took me even longer to get on with my new body post pregnancy. The stretch marks, sagging bits, hyperpigmentation, you name it, I had to deal with after pregnancy and it did shake my body confidence. It took me sometime to embrace my new body and work on the parts that needed improvements.


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While working on my body, and soaking in all the knowledge I could find, I discovered ways to boast my body confidence after pregnancy. Here are some things that worked for me.


Get a great bra

Once you give birth, you should find the time in the midst of the chaos to get a great supporting bra. If you only have money for one thing for yourself after pregnancy, you should go for a bra. A good supportive comfy will give your breasts that carriage they would need after a pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Wearing a lovely dress with a terrible bra underneath would just ruin the look completely. Many women take their underwear for granted and instead splurge on pieces everyone can see. But what they don’t understand is that the underwear is the foundation of your entire outfit and it has to be right for you to slay the look.

There is something about wearing a good bra. A good comfy bra would lay the right foundation for your clothes, which would do a lot for your body confidence. If you are clueless when it comes to shopping for great bras, you can try using a comfortable bra like this 8-In-1 Evolution Bra. It is a very comfortable bra with an innovative design that supports without uncomfortable wires or padding.



Once you are able to, start having some form of exercise. It could taking gentle walks, jogging, swimming, going on the treadmill, or whatever you are comfortable with. The important thing is to ensure you are exercising. Regular exercises will help the post pregnancy body tone up, so those tangling bits would be back in shape in no time. And exercises would also help your mental health. So it is a win-win.


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Play dress up

I know how easy it is to live in the pjs once you give birth. It is so tempting. With little sleep and a demanding baby, it can be hard to even find the time to take a shower. But dressing up every now and again is needed to help you feel good and boost your body confidence. So ensuring you have a shower in the morning once you can and putting on some form of makeup would help.


Did you struggle with your body confidence after pregnancy?


*Collaborative post.





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