Keeping Fit & Healthy

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I previously complained about the extra pounds I gained over summer. Well, I am pleased to announce I have dropped them all off! I and now back to my usual dress size (which is 8, 10 or 12 depending on where I shop) and it feels so good. The extra weight I gained made me feel like a log of wood. I found it harder to do many things. My clothes didn’t fit right, going up and down the stairs was harder, walking/jogging was harder, my thighs were knocking against themselves (I was reminded of my weight gain with every step I took), I had aches and pains everywhere and I just felt heavier. I didn’t go on a scale (never do) so I didn’t know for sure how much I gained but I noticed the extra pounds as soon as they came on and as soon as they came off.

Here is how I lost the extra pounds –

Long Walks/Jogging

Myself and the gym are not friends. I am never motivated to go plus having twin toddlers means it is almost impossible to do anything alone these days, even using the bathroom. So we take long walks and I try to go jogging in the evenings when I can. My daily steps target is 10,000. Most days I come close to hitting this target, and I have even smashed it many times now.




Being an Online Entrepreneur means I am usually working on my laptop every chance I get and that is far from active. So I make up for inactiveness by taking long walks and jogging. The adrenaline rush I get from jogging also helps my creative mind so it is a win-win for me.


YouTube Fitness Videos

I have mentioned my love for YouTube Fitness Videos before and I still have mad love them. There is a variety of fitness video to choose for and they are a fun way to work out from the comfort of your home. Your kids can even get involves if they are anything like mine. They copy everything I do. Plus they are free (except your Broadband charges) which is a great way to save some money. How many of you have gym memberships you don’t use? I know I had my gym membership for 2 years before cancelling and in that 2 years, I could count how many times I actually stepped into the gym to exercise. Don’t waste your money paying for a gym you don’t use.


Reduce Portions & Junk

Apart from not being active enough, I ate a little too much over summer. I blame my sudden urge for ice creams at 9pm on the unbearable warm weather but that is really not an excuse. Plus I am not even an ice cream girl, so not sure where the cravings came from. But reducing my portions, and cutting back on junk foods helped reduce my waistline.


I am convinced these actions helped me drop back to my usual size and I would recommend them to anyone struggling a sudden weight gain.

How do you keep fit? Please share your tips in the comment section below.


*This is a collaborative post.

WorkOut at Home

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To live a healthy lifestyle, you should not only have a healthy diet, you should also back it up with regular exercise. I have been working out every day, from the comfort of my home for awhile now and it has been brilliant so far. Although gyms are equipped with the state-of-the-art workout equipment, working out at home proves is a lot more convenient and cheaper, all I need to do is to go on YouTube and look up my favourite fitness channels; I am currently loving the Fitness Blender 37 minutes routine. Having my daughter in the background for moral support also helps. She joins me in my workout and actually encourages me to keep going when I am about to give up. Because I have just started the daily work-out routine, I find myself panting and struggling mid way, but when I hear ‘c’mon mummy’, and see her trying to get me up, it motivates me to finish off my routine!

As a busy mum, I find working out at home ideal for my lifestyle. I can work out in the mornings before the house wakes up, or in the evenings when the kids are in bed.  I can fit my workout sessions around my busy schedule without disturbing my regular routine.

I have been working-out from home for some days now, and these tips have helped me greatly:
1.    Have a specific time set aside to workout
If you care about your health and want to stay fit and in shape, then you need to exercise regularly. Treating exercise as a non-negotiable activity is like keeping an appointment with a client. You must not miss it. The best time to workout at home is in the morning as soon as you wake up as it helps you feel more energized and productive throughout the day. I try to work out everyday but if I can’t, I aim for at least 3 days a week, which is more ideal because your muscles will have more time to rest and heal.
2.    Have a purpose for exercising
To get fit you need to be committed to exercising regularly. Sometimes, (and I know it will happen) you’ll encounter days when you’ll feel like giving up. To keep you focused and motivated, have a purpose for working out. Do you want to have abs before the next summer? Do you want to be fit? Set it as a goal. Write your purpose out or pin it on your vision board so you remember why you need to work-out. Anytime you feel like giving up, go back to the vision board and keep going.
3.    Determine the type of exercises you’ll do
If you’re just starting off, following fitness videos can help you keep in shape. The trainer in fitness videos puts together a set of exercises that will help you tone, build muscle or burn fat in your body. Make sure you pick a video that will help meet your fitness goals. If losing weight is your goal then Popsugar’s 40-minute metabolism boosting workout is just for you. To sculpt you legs and body, BeFit’s legs and butt workout will do the trick. If you want to have washboard abs, then Blogilates’ 3-minute ab workout will be ideal. For those of you who are more into yoga’s meditative exercises, you can go for Tara Stiles’ Flexibility and Range of Motion video.


4.    Have your exercise items nearby
Having the items you use to workout, like your gym clothes – don’t forget your sport bra, thank me later, trainers and socks, water bottle, Fitbit, exercise or yoga mat and weights (if you’re going to use any), nearby sets your mind in the mood to start your fitness routine. They also act as reminders of your commitment to exercise. Keeping fit requires a lot of discipline so having your fitness gear on will help you remain focused and get you in the work-out mood.
5.    Get an exercise buddy
Exercising becomes easier when you know that you’re not doing it alone. Team up with a friend or family member who will keep you accountable. My daughter (lol) and my sister are my exercise buddies.

Your exercise buddy doesn’t have to come to your house to exercise with you. Sync your exercise routines then check on each other to share how far you’ve gone with your exercises.


Working out from home has changed my life. I feel better, I look better, and I don’t see myself ever going back to not working out regualrly ever again.

Do you work-out from home? How do you find it?

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